1954 — Nov 7, Faulty Gas Water Heater CO Fumes kill family and guests, NYC — 10

— 10 Daily News-Record, Harrisonburg, VA. “Ten Killed by Faulty Heater.” 11-8-1954, p. 1.
— 10 Dunkirk Evening Observer, NY. “Defective Water Heater Killer of 10.” 11-8-1954, p. 1.

Narrative Information

Nov 7: “New York, Nov. 7 (AP) – Ten persons — a family of eight and another couple gathered to celebrate the christening of the youngest baby — were killed in their sleep early today by fumes from a faulty gas water heater. The tiniest victim, a 4-months-old girl, was dressed in the pink baptismal dress that was to have been used in the church ceremony this morning.

“Shocked city officials began an immediate investigation. They said the water heater was faulty, the gas pressure was too high, and the appliance had been misused to heat the apartment. Although two windows were partly open In the three-room tenement flat, one official said enough carbon monoxide had been formed to “kill off an entire squadron of men in half an hour.”

“The victims were Edubirges and Victoria Gonzales, in their late 20’s, and their six children, ranging from 4 months to 10 years in age. Their guests were Domingo Matos, 31, and his wife, Armentina, 27. The Matos’ three young children were orphaned by the tragedy. Their parents had left them with relatives when they went to spend their last night with the Gonzales family.”
(Daily News-Record, Harrisonburg, VA. “Ten Killed by Faulty Heater.” 11-8-1954, p. 1.)

Nov 8: “New York (UP) – Health Department officials today blamed a defective water heater for the deaths of 10 persons, including six children. Jerome Trichter, assistant health commissioner, said the second-hand water heater in the three room apartment where the victims died Sunday [Nov 7] had generated enough poisonous fumes “to kill a squadron of men in half an hour.” Trichter said the possibility of “negligence” would be referred to the district attorney’s, office.

“The victims of the tragedy in the tenement-flat near times square were discovered by a neighbor
early Sunday when a thin coil of smoke was noticed escaping from beneath the door. The water heater was burning at full force, a mop was burning and the family of eight persons and two overnight guests were found dead in their beds, victims of carbon monoxide poisoning.

“The dead were identified as Etuberges Gonzales, 33, his wife Victoria, 29, their six children aged 4 months to 10 years, and Dominquez Motos, 31, and his wife Armetta, 27.” (Dunkirk Evening Observer, NY. “Defective Water Heater Killer of 10.” 11-8-1954, p. 1.)


Daily News-Record, Harrisonburg, VA. “Ten Killed by Faulty Heater.” 11-8-1954, p. 1. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=147528359&sterm=wv

Dunkirk Evening Observer, NY. “Defective Water Heater Killer of 10.” 11-8-1954, p. 1. At: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=130400605&sterm=water+heater