1955 – Influenza, esp. OH/187 AL/183 GA/181 TX/169 PA/154 TN/136 MS/106 NC/104–2,755

–2,755 USPHS Vital Statistics of the US 1955: Vol. II – Mortality Statistics, p. 382.

Highlighting in yellow denotes the top ten loss of live states.

–183 Alabama 2nd highest loss — 12 Montana
— ? Alaska — 24 Nebraska
— 15 Arizona — 1 Nevada
— 59 Arkansas — 4 New Hampshire
— 54 California — 28 New Jersey
— 15 Colorado — 14 New Mexico
— 7 Connecticut — 92 New York
— 4 Delaware –104 North Carolina 8th highest loss of life.
— 3 District of Columbia — 2 North Dakota
— 87 Florida –187 Ohio Highest loss of life.
–181 Georgia 3rd highest loss — 61 Oklahoma
— ? Hawaii — 12 Oregon
— 11 Idaho –154 Pennsylvania 5th highest loss of life.
— 64 Illinois — 5 Rhode Island
— 91 Indiana 9th highest loss/tied — 81 South Carolina
— 47 Iowa — 6 South Dakota
— 58 Kansas –136 Tennessee 6th highest loss of life.
— 87 Kentucky –169 Texas 4th highest loss of life.
— 80 Louisiana — 7 Utah
— 23 Maine — 8 Vermont
— 18 Maryland — 80 Virginia
— 28 Massachusetts — 41 Washington
— 59 Michigan — 69 West Virginia
— 24 Minnesota — 36 Wisconsin
–106 Mississippi 7th highest loss — 74 Wyoming
— 91 Missouri 9th highest loss


United States Public Health Service, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Vital Statistics of the United States 1955, Volume II, Mortality Data. Washington, GPO, 1957. Accessed 4-23-2023 at: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsus/VSUS_1955_2.pdf