1957 — July 23, USN P-2 Neptune stalled/crashed off Barbers Point Naval Air Sta., HI–all 10

–10 Aviation Safety Network. Database. 23July1957 USN Lockheed P2V-5 Neptune…HI.
–10 Oakland Tribune, CA. “Hawaii Bomber Explodes, 10 Die.” 7-24-1957, p. 11, col. 1.
–10 Schmitt, Robert C. Catastrophic Mortality in Hawaii. 2-2-2009, p. 77.

Narrative Information

Aviation Safety Network:
“Date: Tuesday 23 July 1957
“Type: Lockheed P2V-5 Neptune
“Operator: United States Navy
“Registration: 128418
“MSN: 426-5246
“Crew: Fatalities: 10 / Occupants: 10
“Passengers: Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 0
“Total: Fatalities: 10 / Occupants: 10
“Location: 1.8 km (1.1 mls) off Barbers Point NAS, HI…
“Phase: Approach (APR)
“Nature: Military
“Departure Airport: Barbers Point NAS, HI…
“Destination Airport: Barbers Point NAS, HI…
“Narrative: The Lockheed P2V Neptune stalled and crashed into the water after
returning from a four hour flight.
“Classification: Loss of control

(Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation. Database. 23 July1 957 US Navy Lockheed P2V-5 Neptune, Loss of Control Airport Approach Crash, Barbers Point NAS, HI.)

Schmitt: “July 23, 1957: A Navy Lockheed P2V-5F Neptune patrol plane crashed off Barbers Point, killing all ten aboard.” (Schmitt, Robert C. Catastrophic Mortality in Hawaii. 2-2-2009, p. 77.)

July 24, Associated Press: “Honolulu, July 24 – (AP) – A Neptune patrol bomber, third to crash since last Friday, exploded and fell into the Pacific yesterday killing all 10 Navy men aboard. Divers recovered four bodies.

“The twin-engine P2V was the same type bomber as the one found earlier yesterday in rugged northern Italy mountains. The Navy said the plane which vanished Friday [July 19] had 11 aboard…Another Neptune crashed during the Italy search with 10 aboard. Only one survived.

“The Hawaii plane, from Patrol Squadron 28, had been on a four-hour flight in the area. It blew up near shore. The wreckage dropped into water 20 feet deep, 300 yards off Barbers Point Naval Air Station….A Neptune from the same squadron ditched May 9 some 170 miles southwest of Honolulu. A submarine picked up the 10-man crew.

“The Neptune crash was one of three air incidents occurring in Hawaii yesterday. A huge four-engine C124 made an emergency landing at Hilo airport after jettisoning its cargo over the Pacific. The plane developed propeller trouble about 220 miles out on a flight from Honolulu to California.

“1st Lt William F. Franklin, 26, of Amarillo, Tex., parachuted into the sea when the engine of his jet fighter exploded. ‘It’s just like in the training book — only better,’ the Marine pilot said after he was picked up.” (Oakland Tribune, CA. “Hawaii Bomber Explodes, 10 Die.” 7-24-1957, p. 11, col. 1.)

Aviation Safety Network, Flight Safety Foundation. Database. 23 July1 957 US Navy Lockheed P2V-5 Neptune, Loss of Control Airport Approach Crash, Barbers Point NAS, HI. Accessed 2-26-2023 at: https://aviation-safety.net/database/record.php?id=19570723-0

Oakland Tribune, CA. “Hawaii Bomber Explodes, 10 Die.” 7-24-1957, p. 11. Accessed 10-10-2012 at: http://newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=47636978

Schmitt, Robert C. Catastrophic Mortality in Hawaii. 2-2-2009, 86 pages. Accessed 9-20-2012 at: Catastrophic Mortality in Hawaii – eVols – University of Hawaii. Accessed at: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CB4QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu%2Fbitstream%2Fhandle%2F10524%2F150%2FJL03074.pdf%3Fsequence%3D2&ei=UPSvVK2bLoO4yQTO74L4DA&usg=AFQjCNHER9A57xAr6d0m9mJcnsc4F2Z8Gg&bvm=bv.83339334,d.aWw