1957 — Nov 7, Tornado Outbreak, LA (8-9), MS (2), TX (3) –13-14

–14 AP. “Tri-state Tornado Toll Climbs to 14.” The Monroe News-Star, LA. 11-8-1957, p.1-2.*
–9 LA: –4 Alexandria. Mrs. Sam Giacinto ~65; Dolores Harrison, 2; unidentified man & infant.
–1 Alexandria. Possible reference to man who abandoned car and did not return.
–2 Carenco. Mr. and Mrs. Ovey Melancon, 56 and 52.
–2 Higginbotham, near Crowley; Homer Richard, 54, and Lucius Courville, 88.
–3 TX: –2 Groves. Clay Zeringue, 82, and R. R. Smith, 70.
–1 Orange. Mrs. Annebell Peck, 40.
–2 MS, Greenwood: Mr. and Mrs. John W. Parker thrown from their home.
–14 NCEI/NOAA. Storm Events Database. “Search Results for all U.S.…Tornado, 11/07/1957.
–3 Rapides Parish LA 21:00, F3 tornado
–2 Jefferson County TX 21:15, F3 tornado
–2 Holmes County MS 23:00, F3 tornado
–1 Orange County TX 23:27, F4 tornado
–2 Lafayette Parish LA 23:30, F1 tornado
–2 Acadia Parish LA 23:30, F3 tornado
–2 St. Landry Parish LA 23:35, F3 tornado
–13 Blanchard tally of identified fatalities (listed below).
–13 UP. “Smashing Tornadoes Kill 13 Persons.” Ruston Daily Leader, LA. 11-8-1957, p. 1.
–3 LA, Alexandria
–1 LA, Boyce
–2 LA, Carenco
–2 LA Higgenbotham
–2 MS, Cruger
–2 TX, Groves
–1 TX, Orange
–13 UP. “Identify Known Dead in Storms. Monroe Morning World, LA, 11-9-1957, p. 1.
–3 Alexandria, LA: Mrs. Sam Giacinto; Delores Harrison, 2: Silton Dorsay.
–1 Boyce, LA: Pearl Rideau, 52.
–2 Carencro, LA: Mr. and Mrs. Ovey Melancon.
–2 Higginbotham, LA: Lucious Courville, 88, and Homer Richard.
–2 Cruger, MS: Mr. and Mrs. John Walter Parker.
–2 Groves, TX: Clay Zeringue, 82, and R. T. Smith.
–1 Orange, TX: Mrs. Annabelle Peck, 40.
–13 UP. “Tornado Death Toll May Exceed 13.” Del Rio News-Herald, TX. 11-10-1957, p. 1.
–12 AP. “Alexandria Hit Hard As Storms Kill 12 Persons.” Monroe Morning World, LA. 11-9-1957, 1.
–3 LA, Alexandria: Mrs. Sam Giacinto, ~65; Dolores Harrison, 2; Pearl Rideau of nearby Boyce
–4 LA, elsewhere
–2 Carencro: Mr. and Mrs. Ovey Melancoln, 56 and 52.
–2 Higginbotham: Homer Richard, 54 and Lucius Courville, 88.
–2 MS
–3 TX: –2 Groves: Clay Zeringue, 82, and R. T. Smith, 70.
–1 Orange: Mrs. Annebell Peck, 40.
–12 Grazulis. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991. 1993, pp. 508, 1011.
LA (7) –2 LA, Alexandria, near Pineville; 20:55 F3
–1 LA, Boyce. Woman killed at home; 20:25 F3
–2 LA, Branch area; home blown apart 21:30 F3
–2 LA, Sunset area, adjoining tenant homes 21:30
TX (3) –2 TX, Groves area; men 21:29 F3
–1 TX, Orange; woman killed 23:27 F4
MS (2) –2 MS, Cruger area; couple killed at home 21:45 F3

*Blanchard note on AP article: Notes there were 14 deaths, but identifies 13.

Named Fatalities Summary

1. Courville, Lucius, 88 Higginbotham LA
2. Dorsey, Silton Alexandria LA
3. Giacinto, Mrs. Sam, ~65 Alexandria LA
4. Harrison, Dolores, 2 Alexandria LA
5. Melancon, Mr. Ovey, 56 Carenco LA
6. Melancon, Mrs. Ovey, 52 Carenco LA
7. Parker, Mr. John W. Greenwood MS
8. Parker, Mrs. John W. Greenwood MS
9. Peck, Mrs. Annebell, 40 Orange TX
10. Richard, Homer, 54 Higginbotham LA
11. Rideau, Pearl, 52 Boyce LA
12. Smith, R. T., 70 Groves TX
13. Zeringue, Clay, 82 Groves TX

Narrative Information

Grazulis: “LA NOV 7, 1957 2055 3k 35inj 60y 13m F3. RAPIDES — Moved SE from Boyce, passing across the northern part of Alexandria to near Pineville. One survey reported 98 homes destroyed and 137 damaged at Alexandria, with two deaths and 28 injuries. One woman was killed in a home at Boyce, when she was hurled into a neighbor’s home. $500,000….

“TX NOV 7, 1957 2129 2k 53inj 150y 3m F3. JEFFERSON — There was $2,300,000 damage at Groves, as 160 homes and businesses were destroyed. A few small homes were leveled. About 1000 other buildings were damaged in a 35-block area, as the funnel moved ENE across the west side of Groves. Two men, both elderly, were killed in the destruction of separate small homes. Eleven injuries were called serious.

“LA NOV 7, 1957 2130 4k 12inj 200y 15m F3. ACADIA/St. Landry — Moved NE from 5m SE of Branch to near Sunset. Two people were killed near the start of the path when their home was blown apart and they were thrown 150 yards. Near the parish line, two people died in adjoining tenant homes. A total of 25 homes and 60 farm buildings were damaged or destroyed.

“MS NOV 7, 1957 2145 2k l inj 300y 20m F3. HOLMES/LEFLORE/CARROL… Twenty-three buildings were destroyed, and a car was carried and rolled for a quarter mile. A couple was killed in the destruction of a tenant home near Cruger.

“TX NOV 7, 1957 2327 1k 50inj 200y 6m F4. ORANGE — Damage totaled $1,500,000 as 180 homes were destroyed at Orange. One woman was killed. This was the
fourth significant tornado in this corner of the state this evening, and it appears to also have been the most intense. About 115 of the destroyed homes were in the Riverside Housing Project. Nine ships and three barges were torn from their moorings. Another 250 homes were damaged….” (Grazulis. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991. 1993, p. 1011.)


Nov 8, AP: “Alexandria. La. (AP) – Late fall tornadoes, slashing suddenly out of the rain and thunder, killed at least 14 persons in Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas last night and this morning.

“More than 100 persons were injured. Nine died in Louisiana, three in Texas and two in Mississippi. A baby tornado struck the Selma, Ala., area but no one was reported injured there.

“A 10-block residential section of Alexandria, victim of a tornado for only six seconds, recorded the most extensive Louisiana damage. Almost every building in the area was damaged, many demolished. The sudden tornado hit Alexandria about 10:30 p.m. just three blocks from Bolton High School, where a civic opera group was presenting Puccini’s ‘Madame Butterfly.’ The lights went out and the performance was halted. There was o panic in the auditorium….

“The dead in Alexandria included, Mrs. Sam Giacinto, about 65, a two-year-old…girl, Dolores Harrison; and two unidentified…a man and an infant….

“At Carenco, La., a tornado killed Mr. and Mrs. Ovey Melancon. He was 56, she was 52. There were no details about the deaths.

“A tornado hit a cotton gin in Higginbothan, Ls., near Crowley, killing Homer Richard, 54, and Lucius Courvill, 88. Twelve persons were injured in the Crowley area.

“In Texas, two homes fell apart, crushing to death Clay Zeringue, 82, and R. T. Smith, 70, both of Groves. A two-story frame dwelling collapsed at Orange, killing Mrs. Annebell Peck, 40-year-old expectant mother….

“George Gary, civil defense director for Jefferson County, Tex., estimated damage to Groves at five million dollars. The area struck was 30 blocks long and two blocks wide. Gary estimated 160 homes were destroyed or damaged heavily.

“In Mississippi, a twister ripped through Greenwood. Rescuers found the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Parker clasped together. They had been thrown from their home. It appeared Parker was trying to shield his wife when the tornado hit the area….” (Associated Press. “Tri-state Tornado Toll Climbs to 14.” The Monroe News-Star, LA. 11-8-1957, p. 1.)

Nov 8, UP: “Tornadoes smashed through at least 13 towns and cities in Louisiana, Texas and Mississippi last night – and the latest county by United Press shows 13 persons have been killed. More than 160 persons were injured. Hundreds of homes were damaged and destroyed. Damages is estimated in the millions of dollars. Here are the worst-hit towns, and the casualty toll in these towns:

“Alexandria, La. – Three killed, at least 30 persons injured. Seven or eight homes destroyed and other buildings damaged.

“Groves, Texas – Two persons killed, more than 100 injured. Fifty homes demolished and many others damaged.

“Orange, Texas – One person killed and more than 100 homes smashed or damaged.

“Carenco, La. – Two persons killed and at least 13 others rushed to hospitals in Lafayette, the nearest city.

“Boyce, La. – One person killed, 13 injured.

“Higgenbotham, La. – Two persons killed. No count of injured available at this time.

“Torras, La. – Four persons injured.

“Cruger, Miss. – Farm couple killed. Their bodies were found today outside their home….” (United Press. “Smashing Tornadoes Kill 13 Persons.” Ruston Daily Leader, LA. 11-8-1957, p.1.)

Nov 8, AP: “Alexandria, La., Nov 8 (AP) – Tornadoes lashed out at four Southern states last night and today, leaving 12 dead, more than a hundred injured, hundreds homeless….

“Alexandria, a city of 40,000 in central Louisiana, absorbed most of the fury. Three died in that area. Louisiana recorded four others deaths, Texas had three and Mississippi two.


Associated Press. “Alexandria Hit Hard As Storms Kill 12 Persons.” Monroe Morning World, LA. 11-9-1957, 1. Accessed 2-25-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/monroe-morning-world-nov-09-1957-p-2/

Associated Press. “Tri-state Tornado Toll Climbs to 14.” The Monroe News-Star, LA. 11-8-1957, p. 1-2. Accessed 2-25-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/monroe-news-star-nov-08-1957-p-2/

Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991: A Chronology and Analysis of Events. St. Johnsbury, VE: Environmental Films, 1993, 1,326 pages.

National Centers for Environmental Information, NOAA. Storm Events Database. “Search Results for all U.S. States and Areas…Tornado…11/07/1957. Accessed 2-25-2023 at: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/stormevents/listevents.jsp?eventType=%28C%29+Tornado&beginDate_mm=11&beginDate_dd=07&beginDate_yyyy=1957&endDate_mm=11&endDate_dd=07&endDate_yyyy=1957&hailfilter=0.00&tornfilter=0&windfilter=000&sort=DT&submitbutton=Search&statefips=-999%2CALL

United Press. “Identify Known Dead in Storms. Monroe Morning World, LA, 11-9-1957, p. 1. Accessed 2-25-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/monroe-morning-world-nov-09-1957-p-2/

United Press. “Smashing Tornadoes Kill 13 Persons.” Ruston Daily Leader, LA. 11-8-1957, p. 1. Accessed 2-25-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/ruston-daily-leader-nov-08-1957-p-1/

United Press. “Tornado Death Toll May Exceed 13.” Del Rio News-Herald, TX. 11-10-1957, p. 1. Accessed 2-25-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/del-rio-news-herald-nov-10-1957-p-1/