1958 — Jan 16, Gas Explosion, Merchants Ice and Cold Storage Co., Richmond, VA — 7

— 7 Pacific Stars and Stripes. “At Least 7 Die in Pennsylvania Ice Plant Blast.” 1-18-1958, 1
— 7 Progress-Index, Petersburg, VA. “Sixth Body Taken From…Blasted Building.” 1-19-1958.

Narrative Information

Jan 17, AP: “Richmond, Va., Jan 17 (UP) — A massive gas explosion that rocked downtown Richmond yesterday tore apart a cold storage firm near the city’s’ principal business section. Five hours later, gas-masked rescuers dug out the body of the first of eight persons believed buried in the rubble. Firemen said it appeared only one person in the three-story brick building escaped death in the blast that ripped off three outer walls of the Merchants Ice and Cold Storage Co. on 6th St, near the riverfront.” (Associated Press. “8 of 9 Feared Dead in Blast.” The Daily Oklahoman, Oklahoma City. 1-17-1958, p. 21.)

Jan 18, Pacific Stars and Stripes: “Richmond, Pa. [VA] (AP) – Salvage crews Friday uncovered five bodies in the tons of rubble left by a mighty blast which ripped open a cold storage building Thursday. Seven, possibly eight, were killed in the explosion of the Merchants Ice and Cold Storage Co. At least two others are known to be buried in the brick and metal debris. Nine persons were believed at first to have been in the building whose walls were torn off by the mysterious blast which sent a tremor through the city’s nearby business district. One man survived the explosion and was critically injured.” (Pacific Stars and Stripes, Tokyo. “At Least 7 Die in Pennsylvania [Virginia] Ice Plant Blast.” 1-18-1958, p. 1.)

Jan 18, AP: “Richmond, Jan. 18 (AP) – Another body was found today in the debris of a refrigeration building torn apart by a huge explosion Thursday. There were seven known victims of the blast. Six bodies have been recovered.

“Found today in an elevator shaft in the portion of the Merchants Ice and Cold Storage Co. building shattered by the mysterious explosion was the body of Franklin Jackson, 29…an employe of the storage firm. Still buried in the rubble was the body of Charles William Gray, 52, a company foreman. The search for him continued amid ammonia fumes that still lingered over the site.” (Progress-Index, Petersburg, VA. “Sixth Body Taken From Ruins of Blasted Building.” 1-19-1958, 1.”)


Associated Press. “8 of 9 Feared Dead in Blast.” The Daily Oklahoman, Oklahoma City. 1-17-1958, p. 21. Accessed 1-29-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/oklahoma-city-daily-oklahoman-jan-17-1958-p-21/

Pacific Stars and Stripes, Tokyo, Japan. “At Least 7 Die in Pennsylvania Ice Plant Blast.” 1-18-1958, 1. At: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=133167978

Progress-Index, Petersburg, VA. “Sixth Body Taken From Ruins of Blasted Building.” 1-19-1958, 1. At: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=96404704