1958 — Oct 27, Pocahontas Fuel Co. Mine 34 Methane Gas Explosion, Bishop, WV — 22

–22 Bureau of Mines. Historical Summary of Coal Mine Explosions in the [US], 1959-81. 264.
–22 US Mine Rescue Association. Mine Disasters in the [US]. “Pocahontas Fuel Company…”*
–22 WV Office of Miners’ Health Safety and Training. WV Mine Disasters 1884 to Present

*Blanchard note on United States Mine Rescue Association. From the full citation in Sources one can see that the location is listed as in Bishop, Wise County, Virginia. Other sources note Bishop, WV. The explanation, we speculate, has to do with the fact that the town of Bishop is within both Virginia (Wise Co. and West Virginia (McDowell Co.).

Narrative Information

Bureau of Mines: “October 27; Bishop (No. 34) Mine, McDowell County, W. Va.; 22 killed. (From Bureau of Mines report, by W. R. Park, E.M. Lewis, G. Noe, and E. Menta).

“Shots fired at the face of No. 6 place, 2 left off Pine Ridge left section, blasted through to No. 5 place (No. 3 Drainway entry) and ignited an explosive mixture of methane and air about 8:28 a.m., resulting in the death of 22 men. None of the other 185 men in the mine at the time of the explosion was injured. However, 37 men in the inby [in the direction of the working face] Pine Ridge left and Pine Ridge main sections observed forces, dust, and fumes from the explosion enter their working areas. These men erected barricades and remained behind the barricades until rescued. The men in the Pine Ridge main section were removed from behind the barricade about 9:35 a.m. and the men in the Pine Ridge left section were removed from behind the barricade at 10:15 a.m. on the day of the explosion.

“The disaster resulted from the ignition of a large quantity of methane that was liberated during blasting operations in No. 5 working place (No. 3 Drainway entry). The ignition occurred when one or more shots from the face of No. 6 entry of 2 left entries blasted through into NO. 3 Drainway entry, where the face had been blasted shortly before. The victims of the explosion, all found within 875 feet of the faces of 2 left section, were burned severely.

“Coal dust in the areas inby the mine-car loading point entered into the explosion and aided in its propagation.

“The 2 left off Pine Ridge left section (explosion area) consisted of a set of 6 entries turned off Pine Ridge left entries and driven a distance of about 2,900 feet. Until shortly before the disaster, the 6 entries were ventilated with intake air coursed through the Nos. 3, 4, and 5 (center) entries, split right and left near the faces, and returned through Nos. 1, 2, and 6 entries. During a Federal ventilation survey of the mine in September 1958, 49,000 c.f.m. of intake air was coursed through the 3 center entries; 28,000 and 21,000 c.f.m. of air was measured in the immediate returns, Nos. 1 and 6 entries, respectively. However, after the ventilation survey was completed, a new set of entries (Drainway entries) was turned right off 2 left entries, and the 2 left entries and the Drainway entries were developed simultaneously with one set of face equipment and one loading ramp. The turning and driving of the Drainway entries with thee 2 left entries required ventilation changes in the immediate face regions. Previous to turning the Drainway entries, 3 entries left and 3 entries right of 2 left were ventilated with separate splits of air; whereas, on the day of the explosion, the left split of air ventilated 5 entry faces, and the right split of air was coursed past 4 additional entry faces. Providing adequate face ventilation for the additional entries necessitated the use of additional check curtains and line brattice, which in turn increase the hazards of air leakage and ventilation interruptions.

“The diluting and quenching effect of the rock dust applied was the principal factor in preventing further spread of this explosion. Other factors that helped limit the explosion were the cooling effect of the extensive rib, roof, and floor surfaces of the numerous entries in the path of the explosion and ample open areas for expansion of forces.” (Bureau of Mines (H. B. Humphrey). Historical Summary of Coal Mine Explosions in the United States, Volume 1, Coal Mines, 1810-1958 (Bureau of Mines Bulletin 586). Washington DC: US GPO, 1960, pp. 272 and 275.)

West Virginia Office of Miners’ Health Safety & Training (Table):
“Oct. 27, 1958…Pocahontas Fuel Co…No. 35…Bishop…Gas Explosion…22.”


Bureau of Mines (H. B. Humphrey). Historical Summary of Coal Mine Explosions in the United States, Volume 1, Coal Mines, 1810-1958 (Bureau of Mines Bulletin 586). Washington DC: United States Government Printing Office, 1960. Accessed 1-29-2023 at: https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc12740/

United States Mine Rescue Association. Mine Disasters in the United States. “Pocahontas Fuel Company Bishop No. 34 Mine Explosion. Bishop, Wise County, Virginia, October 27, 1958, No. Killed – 22.” Accessed 1-29-2023 at: https://usminedisasters.miningquiz.com/saxsewell/bishop.htm

West Virginia Office of Miners’ Health Safety and Training. WV Mine Disasters 1884 to Present. MHS&T, October 9, 2008 update. At: http://www.wvminesafety.org/disaster.htm
Accessed 1-29-2023 at: https://minesafety.wv.gov/historical-statistical-data/wv-mine-disasters-1884-to-present/