1959 — March 16, Fire (cigarette), residence (father and five children), Superior, WI      —       6

–6  Bugbee. “Fire Protection Developments in 1959.” NFPA Quarterly, 53/3, Jan 1960, p. 178.

–6  NFPA. “Large Loss of Life Fires of 1959,” NFPA Quarterly, July 1960, p. 16.

–6  Stevens Point Daily Journal, WI. “Fire…Superior Kills Father, Five Children.” 3-16-1959, 1


Narrative Information


NFPA:  “Dwelling of John O. Anderson; Superior, Wisc., March 16, 12:37 A.M.

“6 Killed: 1 Adult, 5 Children


“A father, who had been drinking, fell asleep in an overstuffed chair in his living room. The cigarette he was smoking fell into the chair. The chair smoldered for some time and then ignited. Flames spread to a nearby sofa. The smoke and fire gases spread up the open stairway of this 2-story wooden dwelling and gathered on the second floor asphyxiating his five sleeping children (aged 7, 6, 4, 3, and 2). The father (35) was burned to death in the living room chair.


“It may have been over an hour before the fire was noticed by a neighbor who called for help. Fire fighters removed the burning chair and sofa, opened and smashed out windows in a vain attempt to rescue the children alive. The mother, who had been out, re­turned home while the house was being boarded up. She collapsed and was taken to the hospital for treatment of shock.”

(NFPA. “Large Loss of Life Fires of 1959,” NFPA Quarterly, July 1960, p. 16.)




March 16: “Superior (AP) – A father and his five small children died early today when a fire burned out the interior of their duplex home. John Anderson, 34, died of burns.  The children, who apparently suffocated in dense smoke, were Margie 7, Rita 6, Charles 4, John Jr., 3 and Dorothy 2.  The wife and mother, Mrs. Elaine Anderson, 32, was visiting with friends when the fire broke out. She was taken to St. Mary’s Hospital suffering from shock.


“Steve Plasch. 27, a neighbor, told fire department authorities he saw the flames at about 1 a.m. and turned in the alarm. Plasch said he tried to enter the burning building by kicking in the back door but he was driven back by the flames and smoke.  Firemen found Anderson kneeling at a chair in the downstairs living room. The children were found in an upstairs bedroom, four in one bed and one huddled on the floor against the wall. The cause of the fire was not known…”  (Stevens Point Daily Journal, WI. “Fire at Superior Kills Father, Five Children.” 3-16-1959, 1.)




Bugbee Percy (NFPA General Manager). “Fire Protection Developments in 1959.” Quarterly of the National Fire Protection Association, Vol. 53, No. 3, January 1960, pp. 177-178.


National Fire Protection Association.  “Large Loss of Life Fires of 1959.” Quarterly of the National Fire Protection Association, Vol. 53, July 1960, pp. 7-38.


Stevens Point Daily Journal, WI. “Fire at Superior Kills Father, Five Children.” 3-16-1959, p. 1. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=57530&sterm