1959 – March 4-6, Snowstorms, esp. upper Midwest, esp. IA/19, IN/10-13, WI/11 –53-56

–53-56 Blanchard tally from State breakouts below.
— 3 Illinois
–10->13 Indiana
— 19 Iowa
— 3 Michigan
— 1 Minnesota
— 1 Nebraska
— 2 New York
— 1 Oklahoma
— 2 Pennsylvania
— 11 Wisconsin
–46 Blanchard tally from: Weather Bureau. Storm Data, V. 1, No. 3, March 1959, pp. 15-17, 21.
–>13 Indiana
— 19 Iowa
— 1 Michigan
— 1 Minnesota
— 1 Nebraska
— 2 New York
— 1 Oklahoma
— 2 Pennsylvania
— 6 Wisconsin
–33 AP. “Wild Snowstorm Whips Through Northeast.” Atlantic News-Telegraph, IA. 3-7-1959, 1.
–10 Indiana
–12 Iowa
— 2 Michigan
— 2 New York
— 1 Pennsylvania
— 6 Wisconsin
–31 UPI. “Wisconsin Digs Out of Snow Too.” The Mt. Pleasant News, IA. 3-7-1959, p. 1.

Illinois ( 3)
–3 Galesburg Register-Mail, IL. “Highway Death Toll Climbs to 3 Today.” 3-7-1959, p. 2.
–2 Northern. UPI. “Wisconsin Digs Out of Snow Too.” Mt. Pleasant News, IA. 3-7-1959, p. 1.
–1 Canton, 6th. Cars collide; “drivers were blinded by driving snow.” Matthew Starcevich, 6.
–2 Mercer Co. “…car skidded out of control on a ‘snow-packed blacktop into a bridge abutment.”

Indiana (10->13)
–10->13 March 6, northern IN. Weather Bureau. Storm Data, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1959, p. 15.
— 10 AP. “Wild Snowstorm Whips Through Northeast.” Atlantic News-Telegraph, IA. 3-7-1959, 1.
— 1 Bass Lake. Tring to fasten truck tarpaulin loosed by the wind; crushed by 2nd truck.
— 2 Fort Wayne. Car spun into truck on “snow-swept US 30.” Melvin Fulk, 47, wife Esther, 46.
— 2 Hanna, US 30. Car skids out of control, hits truck; Dr. Peter Kaufman, 39, wife, Joyce, 32.
— 5 Huntington area west, US 24. Car skids on “slush-covered” road into another auto.

Iowa ( 19)
–19 AP. “Death Toll in Iowa is Nineteen.” The Telegraph-Herald, IA. 3-8-1959, p. 1.
–19 March 4-6. Heavy snow. Weather Bureau. Storm Data, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1959, p. 15.
–15 AP. “Iowa counts 15 dead in wake of big snow.” Daily Gate City, Keokuk, IA. 3-7-1959, 1.
–14 Blanchard tally from locality and cause of death breakouts below.
–12 AP. “Wild Snowstorm Whips Through Northeast.” Atlantic News-Telegraph, IA. 3-7-1959, 1.
–11 UPI. “Wisconsin Digs Out of Snow Too.” The Mt. Pleasant News, IA. 3-7-1959, p. 1.
Breakout of Iowa winter weather related fatalities by locality where noted:
–1 Cedar Rapids. Heart attack after shoveling snow; Adam Pollack, 67.
–1 Cedar Rapids. Heart attack while shoveling snow; William Robertson, 41.
–1 Clinton area. Car skids off highway near Clinton; Danny Lee Kraft, 16.
–1 Des Moines. Heart attack. W. J. Scales, 63, of Chariton.
–1 Des Moines. Fell under city sand truck; Gerald Smith, 21.
–1 Des Moines. Car skids headon into path of truck; William K. Vroom, 76.
–1 Des Moines. Heart attack crossing snow-covered bridge; Elbert Zanti, 64.
–1 Grundy Center. Heart attack shoveling snow; John Willard, 86.
–1 Lomax area, hwy. 96. Car and semi collide head-on during snowstorm; Mrs. Alton Scott, 41.
–1 Nashua area, Highway 218. Car skids into another car; Reginia Davis of LeGrand.
–1 Nashua. Heart attack shoveling snow; Henry Bucheister, 74.
–2 Waukee area. Exposure; Car stalls in snow; George Cotton, ~30, and daughter Carolyn, 3.
–1 West Davenport, Hwy. 218. Heart attack driving car in snowstorm; Charles G. Ryan, 63.

Michigan ( 3)
–3 Blanchard total based on locality breakouts below.
–2 AP. “Wild Snowstorm Whips Through Northeast.” Atlantic News-Telegraph, IA. 3-7-1959, p1.
–1 March 5-6. Blizzard. Weather Bureau. Storm Data, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1959, p. 16.
–1 Suttons Bay area. Exposure; ice-fisherman after becoming lost in the blizzard.
–2 Menominee Co., Upper Peninsula. CO poisoning/exposure; bodies found in snow stalled car.

Minnesota ( 1)
–1 March 5-6. Heavy snow. Weather Bureau. Storm Data, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1959, p. 16.

Nebraska ( 1)
–1 March 4-5. Blizzard preceded by wet snow. Storm Data, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1959, p. 17.

New York ( 2)
–6 AP. “March Storm Leaves Midwest in Deep Snow.” Terre Haute Tribune, IN. 3-7-1959, p. 2.
–2 AP. “Wild Snowstorm Whips Through Northeast.” Atlantic News-Telegraph, IA. 3-7-1959, p1.
–2 March 6-7. Gale winds, driving snow. Weather Bureau. Storm Data, 1/3, March 1959, p. 17.

Oklahoma ( 1)
–1 March 6. Wind, snow. Weather Bureau. Storm Data, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1959, p. 18.
–1 Enid. Heart attack shoveling snow.

Pennsylvania ( 2)
–2 March 6. Snow and Ice. Weather Bureau. Storm Data, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1959, p. 19.
–2 Auto accidents on slippery roads.
–1 UPI. “Wisconsin Digs Out of Snow Too.” The Mt. Pleasant News, IA. 3-7-1959, p. 1.

Wisconsin (11)
–11 UPI. “Wisconsin Digs Out of Snow Too.” The Mt. Pleasant News, IA. 3-7-1959, p. 1.
–11 Blanchard tally from locality and cause of death breakouts below.
— 9 Wisconsin State Journal, Madison. “Worst Snow Storm in 36 Years Ends.” 3-7-1959, p. 1.
— 7 AP. “Seven Known Dead in Storm.” Oshkosh Daily Northwestern, WI. 3-7-1959, p. 1.
— 6 AP. “Wild Snowstorm Whips Through Northeast.” Atlantic News-Telegraph, IA. 3-7-1959, 1.
— 6 March 5-6, snowstorm, wind. Weather Bureau. Storm Data, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1959, p.20.
Breakout of snowstorm and high wind related fatalities by locality where noted.
–1 Bagley. Heart attack pushing car in the snow; Arthur J. Eisenegger, 69.
–1 Darlington. Heart attack shoveling snow; Frank Rogers, 64.
–1 Denmark. Heart attack freeing his car from snowbank; Herman Schroeder.
–1 Eau Claire, March 6. Truck skids on slick road, hits Miss Otha Johannis, 47, awaiting ride.
–1 Kiel, Route 2. Heart attack attempting to free car in driveway; Rocque Swallow, 53.
–1 Platteville. Heart attack/overexertion related to snow removal; George Dorn, 80.
–3 Shelby/La Crosse. Snow prevented firemen to get to fire. Mother, two small sons died.
–1 Sheboygan, March 6. Heart attack while shoveling snow at home; Steve Sabatich, 70.
–1 Shiocton, 3M no./Hwy 76. Heart attack; car skids into snowbank; tried to free; Henry F. Knapp, 72.

Narrative Information


March 5, AP: “A major winter storm pounded the nation’s midlands today with snow, cold and strong winds. The snow storm, moving rapidly after lashing wide areas in Colorado and Wyoming, showed no letup as it spread east and southward. The snow belt stretched from northwest Kansas through eastern South Dakota, across Iowa and extreme northern Missouri and headed into northern sections of Illinois and Indiana. Heaviest falls from 6 to 8 inches, were from eastern Nebraska through northwest Iowa. Winds of 20 to 30 m.p.h. blew the fresh snow into huge drifts in many areas. South of the snow belt, rain and some hail pelted wide areas through southeast Kansas, most of Missouri into eastern Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. Violent storms were indicated in some southern sections and damaging winds hit the Dallas-Fort Worth area.” (AP. “Snow belt stretches across big part of nation’s midlands.” Daily Gate City, Keokuk, IA, 3-5-1959, p.1.)


Weather Bureau Storm Data on Illinois: “Extreme northwest…4-5 [March]…Heavy snow
“Snow during the night and early morning was heavy northwest of a line extending approximately from Rockford to Moline. Snow was heaviest in northwest with 17 inches at Galena. Strong winds.” (Weather Bureau. Storm Data, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1959, p. 21.)


Weather Bureau Storm Data on Indiana: “North…6 [March]…Snow, ice.
“Slippery roads caused numerous auto accidents. Several inches of snow drifted and filled roads in northwest. At least 13 persons died in highway accidents most of which were partially caused by weather.” (Weather Bureau. Storm Data, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1959, p. 15.)


Weather Bureau Storm Data on Iowa: “Entire State…4-6 [March…19 [killed]…Heavy snow.
“While general over State, the heaviest falls 12 to 20 inches occurred in a band 100 miles wide from Wayne and Appanoose north and northeastward. All traffic halted in heavy snow area. Many motorists stranded. In Des Moines 20,000 automobiles were abandoned by their owners. High winds piled the snow in drifts 6 to 10 feet, and in some places in northeast Iowa, 15 to 20 feet.” (Weather Bureau. Storm Data, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1959, p. 15.)


Weather Bureau Storm Data on Michigan: “Upper Michigan and northern Lower Michigan…5-6 [March]…all day…1 [killed…Blizzard

“Heavy snow, ranging in depth from 10 to 20 inches fell accompanied by strong northerly winds of 40 to 50 mph. Schools closed, several buildings collapsed from the weight of the snow. 34 automobiles and 7 trucks stalled overnight near Marquette. One death occurred near Suttons Bay when an ice fisherman died from overexposure – apparently lost in blizzard.” (Weather Bureau. Storm Data, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1959, p. 16.)


Weather Bureau Storm Data on Minnesota: “Freeborn, Mower, Fillmore, Winona and Wabasha Counties…5-6 [March]…1 [killed]…Heavy snow.

“Heavy snow, varying in depths from 5 to 20 inches, accompanied by 40 mph winds blocked roads in southeast. Many communities and schools closed, motorists stranded and traffic in general badly disrupted. Only casualty reported was a ‘snow shoveling’ death. Small foreign car and operator picked up by wind near Minneapolis and blown against tree.” (Storm Data, 1/3, Mar 1959, p. 16.)


Weather Bureau Storm Data on Nebraska: “Eastern third of State…4-5…Late A.m. 5th to noon 5th…0 [killed]…Blizzard preceded by wet snow.

“Many roads blocked. Considerable damage to power and telephone poles and wires, mostly in southeast. 1 killed and 8 injured in traffic accidents during storm.” (Storm Data, 1/3, March 1959, p. 17.)
New York

Weather Bureau Storm Data on New York: “Statewide…6-7 [March]…2 [killed]…Gale winds – severe frontal passage – heavy rains changing to driving snow

“Severe frontal passage across the State accompanied by heavy rains changing to driving snow in upstate areas, gale to hurricane force winds; gale winds persisting on the 7th. Winds and property damage particularly severe in the Beacon area and other section of southeastern New York. Widespread property damage due to winds.” (Weather Bureau. Storm Data, 1/3, Mar 1959, p.17.)


Weather Bureau Storm Data on Oklahoma: “Most of State…6 [Mar]…1 [killed]…Wind, snow

“Strong winds of up to 50 miles per hour and heavy snow of up to 7 inches over northwest and north-central sections caused near blizzard conditions. Man died of a heart attack shoveling snow in Enid. A bus slipped into a ditch and overturned near Edmond. 15 passengers received minor injuries. Snow piled into drifts 4 to 8 feet deep and most roads were closed. A great number of motorists were stranded and many accidents resulted. Turkey growers in Major County lost 5500 birds. A house trailer was blown over on the Roosevelt bridge west of Durant, estimated damage $4000. Widespread general light damage occurred over the State. There was considerable blowing dust over western and southwestern sections.” (Storm Data, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1959, p. 18.)


Weather Bureau Storm Data on Pennsylvania: “Western Counties…6 [March]…Night…2 [killed]…Snow and Ice

“Slippery roads responsible for numerous auto accidents which accounted for all deaths, injuries and property damage.” (Weather Bureau. Storm Data, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1959, p. 19.)


Weather Bureau Storm Data on Wisconsin: “S & E ¾ of State…5-6 [March]…6 [killed]… Snowstorm with high winds and scattered thunderstorms.

“Heaviest snowfalls in the area bounded by Grant, Trempealeau, Sheboygan, Marathon, and Langlade Counties. At La Crosse 16 inches snow in 24 hours – a record. Snow depths more than 30 inches in central Wisconsin.” (Weather Bureau. Storm Data, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1959, p. 20.)


Appleton Post-Crescent, WI. “10 Inches Snow Hit Fox Cities. Storm Paralyzes Most of State.” 3-6-1959, p. 1. Accessed 12-18-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/appleton-post-crescent-mar-06-1959-p-1/

Associated Press. “Death Toll in Iowa is Nineteen.” The Telegraph-Herald, IA. 3-8-1959, p. 1. Accessed 12-18-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/dubuque-telegraph-herald-mar-08-1959-p-1/

Associated Press. “Father, child 3 perish as car stalls in snow.” Daily Gate City, Keokuk, IA. 3-6-1959, p. 1. Accessed 12-17-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/keokuk-daily-gate-city-mar-06-1959-p-1/

Associated Press. “Iowa counts 15 dead in wake of big snow.” Daily Gate City, Keokuk, IA. 3-7-1959, 1. Accessed 12-18-2022: https://newspaperarchive.com/keokuk-daily-gate-city-mar-07-1959-p-2/

Associated Press. “March Storm Leaves Midwest in Deep Snow.” Terre Haute Tribune, IN. 3-7-1959, p. 2. Accessed 12-18-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/terre-haute-tribune-mar-07-1959-p-2/

Associated Press. “Seven Known Dead in Storm.” Oshkosh Daily Northwestern, WI. 3-7-1959, p. 1. Accessed 12-18-2022: https://newspaperarchive.com/oshkosh-daily-northwestern-mar-07-1959-p-1/

Associated Press. “Snow belt stretches across big part of nation’s midlands.” The Daily Gate City, Keokuk, IA, 3-5-1959, p. 1. Accessed 12-17-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/keokuk-daily-gate-city-mar-05-1959-p-1/

Associated Press. “Snowstorm claims lives of 10 Iowans.” Daily Gate City, Keokuk, IA. 3-6-1959, p. 1. Accessed 12-17-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/keokuk-daily-gate-city-mar-06-1959-p-1/

Associated Press. “Wild Snowstorm Whips Through Northeast.” Atlantic News-Telegraph, IA. 3-7-1959, 1. Accessed 12-18-2022: https://newspaperarchive.com/atlantic-news-telegraph-mar-07-1959-p-1/

Burlington Hawk-Eye Gazette, IA. “Injuries Fatal to Woman.” 3-8-1959, p. 3. Accessed 12-18-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/burlington-hawk-eye-gazette-mar-08-1959-p-5/

Cedar Rapids Gazette, IA. “C.R. Fighting 10-Inch Snow. One Death Attributed to Storm.” 3-5-1959, p. 1. Accessed 12-17-2022: https://newspaperarchive.com/cedar-rapids-gazette-mar-05-1959-p-2/

Eau Claire Leader, WI. “City Woman Killed When Hit by Truck.” 3-7-1959, p. 3. Accessed 12-18-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/eau-claire-leader-mar-07-1959-p-3/

Galesburg Register-Mail, IL. “Highway Death Toll Climbs to 3 Today.” 3-7-1959, p. 2. Accessed 12-18-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/galesburg-register-mail-mar-07-1959-p-2/

Monroe Evening Times, WI. “Snow in State Fatal to Three.” 3-6-1959, p. 1. Accessed 12-18-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/monroe-evening-times-mar-06-1959-p-1/

Sheboygan Press. “Obituaries. Steve Sabatich.” 3-7-1959, p. 6. Accessed 12-18-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/sheboygan-press-mar-07-1959-p-6/

Telegraph-Herald, Dubuque, IA. “Dubuque Deaths.” 3-8-1959, p. 23. Accessed 12-18-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/dubuque-telegraph-herald-mar-08-1959-p-23/

Telegraph-Herald, Dubuque, IA. “Obituaries.” 3-8-1959, p. 23. Accessed 12-18-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/dubuque-telegraph-herald-mar-08-1959-p-23/

Times Herald, Carroll, IA. “Storm – (Continued from p. 1).” 3-5-1959, p. 10. Accessed 12-17-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/carroll-daily-times-herald-mar-05-1959-p-10/

United Press International. “The Michigan Week in Review.” Daily Tribune, South Haven, MI. 3-7-2022, p. 3. Accessed 12-18-2022: https://newspaperarchive.com/south-haven-daily-tribune-mar-07-1959-p-3/

United Press International. “Thirteen Killed In State Traffic.” Anderson Daily Bulletin, IN. 3-7-1959, p.1. Accessed 12-18-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/anderson-herald-bulletin-mar-07-1959-p-2/

UPI (United Press International). “Wisconsin Digs Out of Snow Too.” The Mt. Pleasant News, IA. 3-7-1959, p. 1. Accessed 12-17-2022: https://newspaperarchive.com/mount-pleasant-news-mar-07-1959-p-1/

Weather Bureau. Storm Data, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1959. Accessed 12-17-2022 at: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/orders/IPS/IPS-56F5CBC0-7755-46F3-B0AE-DF4B8C3363EB.pdf

Wisconsin State Journal, Madison. “Worst Snow Storm in 36 Years Ends.” 3-7-1959, p. 1. Accessed 12-18-2022: https://newspaperarchive.com/madison-wisconsin-state-journal-mar-07-1959-p-1/