1960 — Apr 18, USAF C124 cargo plane takeoff crash, Stephenville, Harmon AB Newfoundland–9

–9 AP. “Air Force Holds Inquiry into Plane Crash.” Atlantic News-Telegraph, IA. 4-19-1960, 1.
–9 Baugher. 1952 USAF Serial Numbers. 10-29-2011 rev.

Narrative Information

Baugher: “Douglas C-124C Globemaster II….1062 (c/n 43971) crashed Apr 18, 1960 at Stephenville, Harmon AB, Newfoundland, Canada. Failed to climb after takeoff and collided with a 450-foot hill. All 9 aboard killed.”


April 19, AP: “Stephensville, Nfld (AP) – U.S. Air Force officials today prepared an inquiry into the cause of the crash of a cargo plane minutes after it took off from nearby Harmon Field. All nine crewmen aboard were killed.

“The C124 was en route to Mildenhall, England from Dover, Del. Air Force Base with a cargo that included mail and medical supplies.

“Visibility was limited when the aircraft took off from Harmon Field Monday [18th]. The plane dropped out of sight on radar screens at Harmon and helicopters were sent out to search.

“Dover Air Force Base officials identified the dead crewmen as: [We break paragraph into lines.]

Lt. Donald P. Sheehan, 26, plane commander, Lansdowne, PA;
Lt. Robert E. Little, 23, co-pilot, Monroe, La.;
Capt. Gerald E. Avery, 41, second pilot, Dover, Del, and Modesto, Calif.;
Lt. Leon E. Pedersen, 26, navigator, McIntosh, Fla.
Lt. Harold G. Harrison, 31, navigator, McCloud, Okla.;
M Sgt Ben A. Sharpe, 35, engineer, Burlington, NC.;
T Sgt. Clark N. Orndorff, 34, engineer, Littletown, Pa.;
M Sgt. Edward T. Retus, 38, engineer, Bentleyville, Pa., and
A2C Wallace M. Williams, 22, loadmaster, Louisville, Ky.”


Associated Press. “Air Force Holds Inquiry into Plane Crash.” Atlantic News-Telegraph, IA. 4-19-1960, p. 1. Accessed 11-18-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/atlantic-news-telegraph-apr-18-1960-p-9/

Baugher, Joseph F. 1952 USAF Serial Numbers. Oct 29, 2011 revision. Accessed 1-7-2012 at: http://www.joebaugher.com/usaf_serials/1952.html