1962 — Sep 4, Ashland Oil Co. plane loses right wing/crashes near Lake Milton, OH — 13

–13 Aviation Safety Network. Ashland Oil and Refining Company Lodestar, 4Sep1962.
–13 CAB. AAR. Ashland Oil Company, Lockheed Lodestar…Lake Milton, Ohio, Sep 4, 1962.

Narrative Information

Civil Aeronautics Board: “On September 4, 1962, at 2100 e.d.t., a Lockheed Lodestar, N 1000F, owned and operated by the Ashland Oil Company, Ashland, Kentucky, lost its right wing in flight, crashed and burned in a field near Lake Milton, Ohio, seven-tenths of a mile south of Ohio State Highway Route 18.

“The pilot and copilot of the aircraft and 11 passengers perished. The aircraft was destroyed by fire after impact.

“At approximately 1822 e.d.t., …the pilot… called Buffalo Flight Service Station and filed a flight plan in accordance with Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) from Buffalo to Ashland, Kentucky. The proposed route of flight was from Buffalo via airways to York, Ohio, then direct to Ashland

“The flight operated routinely to the vicinity of Youngstown, Ohio. It reported over Youngstown at 2051 at 8,000 feet….When the aircraft failed to report over Briggs, numerous attempts were made to establish communications with negative results.

“N 1000F had crashed and burned at 2100. The time of the accident was established by an electrical power interruption which was caused by the aircrafts flying debris….Impact damage and the fire that followed resulted in almost complete disintegration of the aircraft. Fragments were found as far as 300 feet from the crater with a concentration of pieces to the southwest….

“The Board determines that the probable cause of this accident was a malfunction of the electric elevator trim tab unit which resulted in aircraft uncontrollability and subsequent structural failure of the wing.” (CAB. AAR. Ashland Oil Company…Lake Milton, Ohio, Sep 4, 1962.)


Aviation Safety Network. Ashland Oil and Refining Company Lodestar, 4 Sep 1962. Accessed 9-30-2022 at: https://aviation-safety.net/database/record.php?id=19620904-0

Civil Aeronautics Board. Aircraft Accident Report. Ashland Oil Company, Lockheed Lodestar, N 1000F, Lake Milton, Ohio, September 4, 1962. Washington, DC: CAB, June 7, 1963, 10 pp. At: http://dotlibrary1.specialcollection.net/scripts/ws.dll?file&fn=8&name=*P%3A%5CDOT%5Cairplane%20accidents%5Cwebsearch%5C090462.pdf