1962 — Tuberculosis, US death rate 5.1 per 100K; esp. DC/11.9, KY/9.8, AZ/9.7, AR/9.7 –9,508

–9,508 USPHS Vital Statistics of the US 1962: Vol. II – Mortality, Part A. 1965, p. 1-18.

U.S. Tuberculosis death rate per 100K people, 5.1. (Table 1-13, p. 1-22) Yellow highlight above avg.
Death Rate Death Rate
Alabama 281 8.4
Alaska 19 7.7 Ohio 409 4.1
Arizona 146 9.7 Oklahoma 153 6.3
Arkansas 177 9.7 Oregon 44 2.4
California 646 3.8 Pennsylvania 784 6.9
Colorado 70 3.7 Rhode Island 30 3.5
Connecticut 103 4.0 South Carolina 113 3.6
Delaware 23 4.9 South Dakota 21 2.9
District of Columbia 93 11.9 Tennessee 305 8.4
Florida 224 4.1 Texas 506 5.0
Georgia 178 4.3 Utah 16 1.7
Hawaii 23 3.3 Vermont 22 5.6
Idaho 13 1.9 Virginia 197 4.7
Illinois 535 5.3 Washington 67 2.9
Indiana 229 4.9 West Virginia 145 8.2
Iowa 62 2.2 Wisconsin 103 2.5
Kansas 53 2.4 Wyoming 4 1.1
Kentucky 302 9.8
Louisiana 243 7.3
Maine 43 4.3
Maryland 232 7.3
Massachusetts 263 5.1
Michigan 334 4.2
Minnesota 99 2.6
Mississippi 125 5.6
Missouri 272 6.3
Montana 32 4.5
Nebraska 26 1.8
Nevada 20 6.0
New Hampshire 17 2.7
New Jersey 347 5.6
New Mexico 70 6.9
New York 1,094 6.3
North Carolina 173 3.7
North Dakota 10 1.6

Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Vital Statistics of The United States 1962, Volume II – Mortality, Part A. Washington, DC: U.S. GPO, 1964. Accessed 10-4-2022 at: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsus/VSUS_1962_2A.pdf