1964 — May 23-24, power boat capsizes, Fontenelle Reservoir, Lincoln County, SW WY– 6

–6 Associated Press. “Bodies Found in Reservoir.” The Billings Gazette, MT. 6-27-1964, p. 7.
–6 AP. “Six Believed Drowned in Reservoir.” The Billings Gazette, MT. 5-25-1964, p. 10.

Narrative Information

May 25: “Fontenelle, Wyo. (AP) – A weekend boating excursion for two southwestern Wyoming families has ended in the apparent drowning of six persons. The bodies of two women and a man have been recovered from the Fontenelle Reservoir about 35 miles north of Kemmerer in southwestern Wyoming….The three bodies were recovered early Monday [May 25].

The six were identified as Edward (Bud) Curry, 26; his wife, Jodie, 21, their two children, Ricky, 2, and Lorie, 13 months; and Mrs. Curry’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Howerter, about 47. The Currys reside in La Barge and the Howerters in Rock Springs. Sheriff Earl Ellsworth said the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Curry and Mrs. Howerier have been recovered.

“Both Curry and Howerter were employes of Halliburton Co., an oil drilling firm.

“A search was initiated late Sunday night [May 24] when Bud Decker of La Barge reported finding Curry’s panel wagon partially submerged in the reservoir. Further investigation revealed that the Currys and Howerters had failed to return home Saturday night or Sunday.

“The six persons were last seen about 5:30 p.m. Saturday in Curry’s cabin cruiser on the reservoir. The boat has not been found. James McEwen, administrative officer for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation office at Fontenelle Dam, said it is assumed the boat was sunk. McEwen said high winds raked the area Saturday night and Sunday.

“The Fontenelle Reservoir is a newly created lake being backed up by Fontenelle Dam, key structure of the Seedskadee Reclamation Project in southwest Wyoming.” (Associated Press. “Six Believed Drowned in Reservoir.” The Billings Gazette, MT. 5-25-1964, p. 10.)

June 26: “Kemmerer (AP) – Bodies of two victims of Wyoming’s worst recorded boating accident were recovered from Fontenelle Reservoir Thursday. Sheriff Earl Ellsworth said the bodies of Glenn Howerier, 44, of Rock Springs, and his grandson, Ricky Curry, 3, of La Barge, were found lodged against the dam. Still missing is the body of 14-month old Laurie Curry, the little boy’s sister. Bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Curry and Mrs. Howerier were recovered May 25. The six persons were drowned May 23 or 24 when their power boat capsized on the reservoir. The Howeriers were parents of Mrs. Curry.” (Associated Press. “Bodies Found in Reservoir.” The Billings Gazette, MT. 6-27-1964, p. 7.)


Associated Press. “Bodies Found in Reservoir.” The Billings Gazette, MT. 6-27-1964, p. 7. Accessed 7-13-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/billings-gazette-jun-27-1964-p-17/

Associated Press. “Six Believed Drowned in Reservoir.” The Billings Gazette, MT. 5-25-1964, p. 10. Accessed 7-13-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/billings-gazette-may-25-1964-p-20/