1964 — Tuberculosis, US death rate 4.3; esp. DC/12.0, AZ/9.0, AL/7.4, WV/7.2, TN/7.0–8,303
–8,303 USPHS Vital Statistics of the US 1964: Vol. II – Mortality, Part A. 1966, p. I-32, 1-36.
U.S. Tuberculosis death rate per 100,000 people, 4.3. (Table 1-8, p. 1-7) Yellow highlight above avg.
Death Rate Death Rate
Alabama 252 7.4
Alaska 15 6.0 Ohio 391 3.9
Arizona 142 9.0 Oklahoma 134 5.4
Arkansas 138 7.1 Oregon 53 2.8
California 584 3.2 Pennsylvania 689 6.0
Colorado 69 3.5 Rhode Island 25 2.7
Connecticut 69 2.5 South Carolina 119 4.7
Delaware 31 6.3 South Dakota 23 3.2
District of Columbia 97 12.0 Tennessee 264 7.0
Florida 224 3.9 Texas 492 4.7
Georgia 119 2.8 Utah 16 1.6
Hawaii 29 4.1 Vermont 13 3.2
Idaho 11 1.6 Virginia 172 3.9
Illinois 463 4.4 Washington 69 2.3
Indiana 203 4.2 West Virginia 129 7.2
Iowa 47 1.7 Wisconsin 111 2.7
Kansas 41 1.8 Wyoming 4 1.2
Kentucky 208 6.6
Louisiana 209 6.0
Maine 25 2.5
Maryland 197 5.7
Massachusetts 190 3.6
Michigan 334 4.1
Minnesota 71 2.0
Mississippi 99 4.3
Missouri 208 4.7
Montana 28 4.0
Nebraska 27 1.8
Nevada 15 3.7
New Hampshire 13 2.0
New Jersey 305 4.6
New Mexico 68 6.7
New York 895 5.0
North Carolina 165 3.4
North Dakota 8 1.2
Public Health Service. Vital Statistics of the United States 1964, Volume II – Mortality, Part A. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1966. Accessed 7-26-2022 at: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsus/mort64_2a.pdf