1965 — Tuberculosis, US death rate 4.1; esp. DC/12.7, AL/7.5, AZ/7.5, NM/6.6, KY/6.4–7,934

–7,934 USPHS Vital Statistics of the US 1965: Vol. II – Mortality, Part A. 1968, p. I-32, 1-162

U.S. Tuberculosis death rate per 100,000 people, 4.1. (p. 1-36)
Death Rate Death Rate
Alabama 260 7.5
Alaska 12 4.7 Ohio 374 3.6
Arizona 121 7.5 Oklahoma 110 4.4
Arkansas 109 5.6 Oregon 39 2.1
California 596 3.2 Pennsylvania 628 5.5
Colorado 61 3.1 Rhode Island 30 3.4
Connecticut 84 3.0 South Carolina 101 4.0
Delaware 20 4.0 South Dakota 26 3.7
District of Columbia 102 12.7 Tennessee 248 6.4
Florida 216 3.7 Texas 436 4.1
Georgia 150 3.4 Utah 13 1.4
Hawaii 22 3.1 Vermont 21 5.3
Idaho 11 1.6 Virginia 155 3.5
Illinois 431 4.0 Washington 58 1.9
Indiana 195 4.0 West Virginia 89 4.9
Iowa 43 1.6 Wisconsin 114 2.8
Kansas 42 1.9 Wyoming 4 1.2
Kentucky 204 6.4
Louisiana 173 4.9
Maine 29 2.9
Maryland 201 5.7
Massachusetts 225 4.2
Michigan 293 3.6
Minnesota 68 1.9
Mississippi 76 3.3
Missouri 219 4.9
Montana 22 3.1
Nebraska 27 1.8
Nevada 17 3.9
New Hampshire 9 1.3
New Jersey 295 4.4
New Mexico 68 6.6
New York 916 5.1
North Carolina 160 3.3
North Dakota 11 1.7

Public Health Service. Vital Statistics of the United States 1965, Volume II – Mortality, Part A. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1967. Accessed 6-13-2022 at: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsus/mort65_2a.pdf