1968 — Tuberculosis, US death rate 3.15 per 100K, esp. DC/10.9, AZ/6.2 AL/6.1 WV/5.8–6,292

–6,292 CDC Wonder. Compressed Mortality File, 1968-1978. ICD-8 codes 010-019.

Alabama (3rd high rate) 206 6.08 (Yellow highlighting denotes above average death rate. )
Alaska 10 3.47
Arizona (2nd high rate) 102 6.24
Arkansas 96 5.14
California 409 2.09
Colorado 42 2.00
Connecticut 44 1.47
Delaware 19 3.60
District of Columbia 84 10.87 (Higher death rate than any state in the U.S.)
Florida 204 3.21
Georgia 110 2.47
Hawaii 21 2.80
Idaho 11 1.61
Illinois 378 3.43
Indiana 144 2.80
Iowa 49 1.75
Kansas 35 1.55
Kentucky 150 4.79
Louisiana 141 3.94 North Dakota 10 1.64
Maine 21 2.17 Ohio 266 2.51
Maryland 175 4.60 Oklahoma 74 2.96
Massachusetts 184 3.26 Oregon 27 1.34
Michigan 273 3.10 Pennsylvania 500 4.26
Minnesota 44 1.17 Rhode Island 23 2.46
Mississippi 89 4.11 South Carolina 96 3.83
Missouri 143 3.09 South Dakota 10 1.51
Montana 17 2.51 Tennessee 180 4.70
Nebraska 16 1.09 Texas 319 2.94
Nevada 8 1.77 Utah 8 0.79
New Hampshire 7 0.99 Vermont 13 3.00
New Jersey 243 3.45 Virginia 166 3.66
New Mexico 32 3.27 Washington 58 1.71
New York 718 3.96 (most US state life loss) West Virginia (4th rate)100 5.82
North Carolina 144 2.91 Wisconsin 70 1.60
Wyoming 3 0.92
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Compressed Mortality File 1968-1978. CDC WONDER Online Database. Search for ICD-8 codes 010-019 (Tuberculosis), 1968. Accessed at http://wonder.cdc.gov