1969 — Influenza, ICD-8 codes 470-474/death rate 2.96 per 100K, esp. KS/6.6, SC/6.4, MT/5.8–5,971

–5,971 CDC Wonder. Compressed Mortality File 1968-1978. ICD-8 codes 470-474 influenza.

Alabama 126 3.68 (Yellow highlight denotes above avg. death rate.)
Alaska 12 4.05
Arizona 44 2.57
Arkansas 101 5.32
California (highest State loss) 593 3.00 New Mexico 24 2.50
Colorado 76 3.52 New York 267 1.47
Connecticut 73 2.42 North Carolina (2nd high life loss) 278 5.53
Delaware 4 0.74 North Dakota 26 4.24
District of Columbia 7 0.92 Ohio 332 3.13
Florida 176 2.67 Oklahoma 75 2.96
Georgia 239 5.28 Oregon 112 5.44
Hawaii 8 1.05 Pennsylvania 236 2.01
Idaho 31 4.43 Rhode Island 7 0.74
Illinois 201 1.82 South Carolina (2nd highest rate) 164 6.42
Indiana 171 3.31 South Dakota 21 3.16
Iowa 152 5.41 Tennessee 186 4.79
Kansas (highest death rate) 148 6.57 Texas 268 2.42
Kentucky 102 3.21 Utah 22 2.12
Louisiana 87 2.41 Vermont 13 2.96
Maine (2nd high death rate) 56 5.70 Virginia 115 2.50
Maryland 40 1.03 Washington 196 5.77
Massachusetts 108 1.91 West Virginia 99 5.72
Michigan 206 2.33 Wisconsin 105 2.39
Minnesota 149 3.94 Wyoming 16 4.87
Mississippi 83 3.78
Missouri 216 4.64 US population 203,603,794
Montana (3rd highest rate) 40 5.83
Nebraska 70 4.74
Nevada 5 1.06
New Hampshire 24 3.32
New Jersey 61 0.86

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Compressed Mortality File 1968-1978. CDC WONDER Online Database. 1969 Influenza. Accessed 3-31-2022 at: http://wonder.cdc.gov/cmf-icd8.html