1970 — Apr 21, Japanese fishing boat Nitto Maru No 67 capsized/sank ~20M off Unimak Isl., AK-17

–17 AK Bur. Ocean Energy Mgmt., Reg., Enforce. Alaska’s Worst All Time Shipping Losses.
–17 Alaskashipwreck.com. Alaska Shipwrecks. “Alaska Shipwrecks 1951-1975.”
–17 Alaskashipwreck.com. Alaska Shipwrecks. “Alaska Shipwrecks A–Z.” (N).

Narrative Information

Alaska Bureau of Ocean Energy Management: “Apr 21, 1970…Japanese fishing vessel…Nitto Maru No. 67…Capsized…20 mi off Unimak Island …17 lost (all hands).”

Alaskashipwreck.com: “1970…Nitto Maru No 67…SC…[south-central area]…96 Ton Japanese FV [fishing vessel]…17 [lives lost.” (Alaska Shipwrecks. “Alaska Shipwrecks 1951-1975.”)

Alaskashipwreck.com: “Nitto Maru No 67 (1970). The 96 ton Japanese fishing vessel Nitto Maru No 67 capsized and sank April 21, 1970 approximately 20 miles off of Unimak Island. All 17 crewmembers were lost.

“Mapping and Location: South Central Alaska 54 45 N 165 W Chart 16011.

“Comment: Some news reports have this vessel sinking off of the Kamchatka Peninsula. WG [Capt. Warren Good].

“Sources: 1. The Oregonian (April 22, 1970) “Fishing craft crew missing” Pg 1, 2. BOEM Alaska Shipwreck List (2011).” (Alaska Shipwrecks. “Alaska Shipwrecks A–Z.” (P).


Apr 21: “Sapporo, Japan (AP) – A 96-ton Japanese fishing boat sank 20 miles off Alaska’s Unimak Island today and all 17 crewmen are missing, the Maritime Safety Agency said. The No. 67 Nitto-Maru was found capsized about 2:50 a.m. by another fishing boat and sank about an hour late, the agency reported. Japanese ships which came to the rescue found only buoys and empty life rafts, but the search is continuing.” (Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, AK. “Fishing boat sinks.” 4-21-1970, p. 1, col. 1.)


Alaska Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement. Alaska’s Worst All Time Shipping Losses. Accessed 11-29-2021 at: https://www.boem.gov/about-boem/alaskas-worst-all-time-shipping-losses

Alaskashipwreck.com. Alaska Shipwrecks. “Alaska Shipwrecks 1951-1975.” Accessed 11-29-2021 at: https://alaskashipwreck.com/alaska-shipwrecks-1729-2012/alaska-shipwrecks-1951-1970/

Alaskashipwreck.com. Alaska Shipwrecks. “Alaska Shipwrecks A–Z.” (P). Accessed 11-29-2021 at: https://alaskashipwreck.com/shipwrecks-a-z/alaska-shipwrecks-n/

Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, AK. “Fishing boat sinks.” 4-21-1970, p. 1, col. 1. Accessed 11-29-2021 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/fairbanks-daily-news-miner-apr-21-1970-p-1/