1970 — Dec 30, Finley Coal Co. Nos. 15 & 16 Mine Explosion, Hyden, KY — 38

–38 AP. “38th Victim of Mine Explosion is Found.” Harlan Daily Enterprise, KY, 12-31-1970, 1.
–38 Mine Safety and Health Administration. Historical Data on Mine Disasters in the U. S.
–38 National Fire Protection Association. The 1984 Fire Almanac. NFPA, 1983, p. 139.
–38 NFPA. “The Multiple-Death Fires of 1970. Fire Journal, 65/3, May 1971, p. 11.

Narrative Information

NFPA: “The largest loss-of-life fire in the United States occurred on December 30, 1970, in Hyden, Kentucky, 2hen 38 miners died in a coal mine explosion. The cause of the explosion was undetermined, gut it was reported that the explosion was propagated by coal dust. The authorities were careful to say ‘propagate.’ Whether the original explosion involved coal dust or gas was not reported.”


Dec 31: “By Sy Ramsey, Associated Press Writer.
“Hyden, KY. (AP) – Rescue workers found two more bodies deep inside a mountain today, bringing to 38 the number killed in a searing blast at a mine cited earlier this year by federal inspectors for safety violations. A four-inch layer of snow hid some traces of the disaster at the Finley Coal Co. as the bodies were carried to the surface.

“H. N. Kirkpatrick, state commissioner of mines, announced the mine was being closed until Saturday morning when inspection teams will move into the operation.

“The only known survivor of the blast was hospitalized with minor injuries, incurred when he was blown back out of the tunnel.

“Charles Finley, co-owner of the mine, acknowledged there were ‘small violations’ charged by federal inspectors under the new Mine Safety Act but declined to elaborate. ‘I’d rather not answer too many of those questions,’ Finley told newsmen gathered at the headquarters for the rescue teams. Finley, sleepless after a night-long vigil, said there were about 100 miners employed on three shifts inside the nonunion plant. He said their pay averaged ‘better than $24 a day.’

“The original list provided by the company showed 39 men were working Wednesday afternoon when the blast occurred. But officials said one of the men apparently was not in the mine.

“Commissioner Kirkpatrick also said he believed all victims had been removed from the mine, five miles from Hyden.

“Everett Bartlett, supervisor of the Hazard district of the Kentucky Department of Mines and Minerals, attributed the disaster to one of two things; ‘Either they were shooting (dynamiting) the coal in there or it was a blown (electrical) cable.’

“In federal inspections earlier this year, the mine was cited for a variety of mine safety law violations, the Louisville Courier-Journal reported. The newspaper said records show that in June a federal inspector found an ‘imminent danger’ because of loose coal and coal dust accumulations and ordered mining stopped. It resumed operations three days later after deficiencies were corrected. More irregularities were found in October and on Nov. 23, according to the Courier-Journal. There was no indication that the earlier violations were related to Wednesday’s blast, the newspaper said.

“Clifford Finley, a relative of the mine owner, was in the mine shop about 50 feet from the main entrance when the explosion occurred. ‘It was a blowin’ noise, something like air coming out of a tire suddenly,’ he said. ‘I’ve been in the mines since 1949 and this never happened.’ Finley immediately ran to two mine openings to see whether the fans were still operating. ‘I knew they had to have ventilation if they were going to survive,’ he said. Both fans were working, but as it turned out the men in the mine apparently were beyond the need of an air supply. Finley, who went in with an early rescue party, said the victims he saw were badly burned and appeared to have died instantly….

“As word of the tragedy reached Hyden, the seat of the second poorest county in the nation, relatives began flocking to the site, about one mile up a dirt road….

“The coal digging operation consisted of two mines designated as No. 15 and No. 16. They were connected beneath the ground and a spokesman for the U.S. Bureau of Mines said both probably were involved in the blast….

“Rescuers initially probed about 1,900 feet into the mine but were driven off by deadly carbon monoxide gas. About 6 p.m., another rescue operation was started….

“Stanley Finley, a co-owner of the mine…said the men were three hours away from the 3 p.m. end of their work day when they were trapped. Finley said he could offer no explanation for the blast.

“The worst disaster in Kentucky coal mining history occurred on Aug. 4, 1917, when 62 were killed at the No. 7 mine of the Western Kentucky Coal Co. near Clay. The previous second high toll was on Christmas Day 1945, when 31 died at the Straight Creek mine in neighboring Bell County, 20 miles from Hyden.” (AP. “38th Victim of Mine Explosion is Found.” Harlan Daily Enterprise, KY, 12-31-1970, 1.)


Associated Press. “38th Victim of Mine Explosion is Found.” Harlan Daily Enterprise, KY, 12-31-1970, 1. Accessed 3-10-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/harlan-daily-enterprise-dec-31-1970-p-1/

Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA). Historical Data on Mine Disasters in the United States. Arlington, VA: MSHA, U.S. Department of Labor. Accessed 10-5-2008 at: http://www.msha.gov/MSHAINFO/FactSheets/MSHAFCT8.HTM

National Fire Protection Association. The 1984 Fire Almanac. Quincy, MA: NFPA, 1983.

National Fire Protection Association. “The Multiple-Death Fires of 1970. Fire Journal, Vol. 65, No. 3, May 1971, pp. 9-12.