1971 – Excessive natural cold; ICD-8 code E901; esp. NM/21, IL/20, NC/19, MN/18 -361

–361 CDC Wonder. ICD-8 code E901, excessive cold, 1971.)

Alabama 7
Alaska 7 (At 2.21 deaths per 100,000, AK was US state high; US average 0.17.)
Arizona 11
Arkansas 2 Rhode Island 1
California 15 South Carolina 10
Colorado 3 South Dakota 7
Connecticut 2 Tennessee 10
Delaware 1 Texas 10
District of Columbia 1 Utah 2
Georgia 7 Vermont 1
Idaho 5 Virginia 18
Illinois (2nd US high) 20 Washington 2
Indiana 5 West Virginia 10
Iowa 4 Wisconsin 17
Kansas 5 Wyoming 1
Kentucky 5
Louisiana 1
Maine 3
Maryland 4
Massachusetts 15
Michigan 11
Minnesota 18
Mississippi 3
Missouri 8
Montana 4
Nebraska 6
Nevada 2
New Jersey 2
New Mexico 21 (US high)
New York 17
North Carolina 19
North Dakota 10
Ohio 12
Oklahoma 4
Oregon 4
Pennsylvania 10

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Compressed Mortality File 1968-1978. CDC WONDER Online Database. Accessed 3-9-2022 at http://wonder.cdc.gov