1971 — Influenza, ICD-8 codes 470-474/death rate 0.73 per 100K, esp. ME/2.9, NE/1.9, WA/1.9 –1,504

–1,504 CDC Wonder. Compressed Mortality File 1968-1978. ICD-8 codes 470-474 influenza.

Alabama 10 0.29 (Yellow highlight denotes above avg. death rate.)
Alaska 3 0.95
Arizona 9 0.47
Arkansas 8 0.41
California (most deaths) 201 0.99 New Mexico 6 0.57
Colorado 19 0.82 New York 56 0.31
Connecticut 46 1.50 North Carolina 25 0.48
Delaware 1 0.18 North Dakota 10 1.60
District of Columbia 1 0.13 Ohio 88 0.82
Florida 37 0.52 Oklahoma 12 0.46
Georgia 32 0.68 Oregon 20 0.93
Hawaii 5 0.62 Pennsylvania 64 0.54
Idaho 6 0.79 Rhode Island 6 0.62
Illinois 51 0.45 South Carolina 18 0.67
Indiana 51 0.97 South Dakota 7 1.04
Iowa 35 1.23 Tennessee 28 0.70
Kansas 37 1.65 Texas 57 0.49
Kentucky 26 0.79 Utah 19 1.72
Louisiana 13 0.35 Vermont 4 0.88
Maine 29 2.85 Virginia 30 0.63
Maryland 8 0.20 Washington 66 1.91
Massachusetts 52 0.91 West Virginia 16 0.90
Michigan 74 0.82 Wisconsin 44 0.99
Minnesota 49 1.27 Wyoming 5 1.47
Mississippi 6 0.26
Missouri 29 0.61 US population 206,937,749
Montana 11 1.55
Nebraska 29 1.93
Nevada 6 1.15
New Hampshire 9 1.18
New Jersey 25 0.34

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Compressed Mortality File 1968-1978. CDC WONDER Online Database. 1971 Influenza. Accessed 3-8-2022 at: http://wonder.cdc.gov/cmf-icd8.html