1972 — Feb 1, Gas Explosion (lightning?), Tanker SS V.A. Fogg, off Galveston TX — 39

—  39  NFPA. “Multiple-Death Fires, 1972,” Fire Journal, Vol. 67, No. 3, May 1973, p. 103.

—  39  USCG. SS V. A. FOGG; Sinking in…Gulf of Mexico…1 Feb 1972 with Loss of Life. 1974.


Narrative Information


NFPA: “The largest loss of life in a transportation fire oc­curred when lightning ignited the tank ship V. A. Fogg off Galveston, Texas, on February 1. Apparently some of the ship’s tanks contained an explosive mixture of air and petroleum vapors. The lightning sparked a ma­jor explosion, which ripped and bent steel decking. All 39 of the crew were killed.” (NFPA. “Multiple-Death Fires, 1972,” Fire Journal, Vol. 67, No. 3, May 1973, p. 103.)


USCG: “At 1240 on February 1, 1972, the tankship V.A. FOGG departed Freeport, Texas, en route to the Gulf of Mexico to clean cargo tanks that carried benzene residue. The vessel was due to arrive in Galveston, Texas, at 0200 on February 2. At approximately 1545, February 1, the V.A. FOGG suffered multiple explosions and sank. All 39 persons aboard died as a result of this casualty….


“The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of the initial and subsequent explosions was the ignition of benzene vapors which were present both within the open cargo tanks on the main deck of the tankship. The investigative record in this case does not contain sufficient information to determine the ignition source of the initial explosion. The probable source of ignition of the subsequent explosions was the heat produced from the preceding explosions.”  (USCG.  SS V. A. FOGG; Sinking in the Gulf of Mexico…, 1974.)




National Fire Protection Association. “Multiple-Death Fires, 1972,” Fire Journal, Vol. 67, No. 3, May 1973, p. 103.


United States Coast Guard, Marine Board of Investigation.  Marine Casualty Report SS V.A. Fogg; Sinking in the Gulf of Mexico on 1 February 1972 with Loss of Life (Report No. USCG/NTSB – Mar-74-8). Washington DC: Commandant, USCG, September 13, 1974, 105 pages. Accessed at:  http://www.uscg.mil/hq/cg5/docs/boards/vafog.pdf