1972 — June 3, Brunswick ME-based US Navy P-3 Orion plane crash into mt., Morocco–14

— 14 Baugher. US Navy…Marine Corps BuNos Third Series (150139 to 156169). 10-29-2011.
— 14 Clovis News-Journal, NM. “Navy Plane Crash Kills 14.” 6-5-1972, p. 3.
— 14 Daily Kennebec Journal, ME. “Gibraltar air crash victims are announced.” 6-6-1972, p. 3.
— 14 New York Times. “14 on Navy Plane Killed in Morocco.” 6-4-1972, p. 5.
— 14 Roberts, M. D. Dictionary of American Naval Aviation Squadrons, Volume 2. 2000, 249.
— 14 VPNavy.org. U.S. Navy Patrol Squadrons. “VP-44 Mishap…1970’s…03 JUN 72 P3.”

Narrative Information

Baugher: “Lockheed P-3A-60-LO Orion….152182 (c/n 185-5152, VP-44) crashed into mountain in Morocco Jun 3, 1972. 14 killed.” (Baugher. US Navy…Marine Corps BuNos Third Series (150139 to 156169). 10-29-2011.)

Roberts: “18 Apr–Jun 1972: VP-44 [Patrol Squadron 44] conducted a split deployment to NAS Bermuda and NAF Lajes, Azores, relieving VP-45. Additional detachments were temporarily based as needed at Soudha Bay, Crete, for work with the fleet in the Mediterranean Sea. On 3 June, aircraft BuNo 152182 from the Rota Detachment crashed into the mountainous terrain near Jesbel Musa, Morocco. All 14 crewmen were killed. No cause for the crash could be determined.” (Roberts. Dictionary of American Naval Aviation Squadrons, Vol. 2. 2000, 249.)

VPNavy.org: “….The squadron has been on deployment at NS Rota, Spain, for about two months….The plane was one of nine attached to VP-44. About 250 men from the Brunswick-based squadron are at NS Rota, Spain conducting submarine searching activities in the Mediterranean area…. NS Rota, Spain, where the squadron is on a five-month deployment, is one of the largest facilities in the Mediterranean equipped for antisubmarine warfare activities….VP-44…[had] been stationed at BNAS since 1970 when the squadron was relocated from the Patuxent River Naval Air Station in Maryland.” (VPNavy.org. U.S. Navy Patrol Squadrons. “VP-44 Mishap…1970’s…03 JUN 72 P3.”)

Newspapers Chronological:

June 3: “Naples, Italy, June 3 (UPI)–A United States Navy plane crashed in northern Morocco today, killing all 14 men aboard, a Navy spokesman at Sixth Fleet Headquarters in Naples said.
The four-engine P-3 Orion submarine patrol craft crashed into the side of a 2,700-foot mountain about an hour after taking off from the Rota Navy Base in southern Spain, the spokesman said.
A Navy helicopter with medical personnel flew from Rota to the crash scene and its crewmen radioed that there were no survivors. The spokesman said that the plane belonged to Squadron VP-44 and was on a routine patrol. He said the aircraft was stationed at Rota from its home base in Brunswick, Me.” (New York Times. “14 on Navy Plane Killed in Morocco.” 6-4-1972.)

June 5: “Naples, Italy (UPI)….First reports of the crash came from Spanish fishermen who saw the plane crash and explode in a ball of flame. Responding to these reports the British frigate HMS Zulu sent a helicopter to the scene and informed Rota that at least five bodies were sighted among the wreckage….The cause of the crash was not known, but a board of investigation will be appointed.” (Clovis News-Journal, NM. “Navy Plane Crash Kills 14.” 6-5-1972, p. 3.)

June 6: “Brunswick (AP) – The Brunswick Naval Air Station Monday reported the names of twelve victims of an air crash on the Moroccan side of the Straits of Gibraltar. The twelve served with Patrol Squadron VP-44 stationed at the Brunswick base. They were on a routine patrol in an Orion antisubmarine patrol plane when the crash occurred Saturday. The two other victims of the accident were stationed at a Navy air station in Rota, Spain. Listed as dead are: [List of 12]…” (Daily Kennebec Journal, ME. “Gibraltar air crash victims…” 6-6-1972, 3.)


Baugher, Joseph F. US Navy and US Marine Corps BuNos Third Series (150139 to 156169). Oct 29, 2011 revision. Accessed at: http://www.joebaugher.com/navy_serials/thirdseries19.html

Clovis News-Journal, NM. “Navy Plane Crash Kills 14.” 6-5-1972, p. 3. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=120810039

Daily Kennebec Journal, ME. “Gibraltar air crash victims are announced.” 6-6-1972, p. 3. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com

New York Times. “14 on Navy Plane Killed in Morocco.” 6-4-1972, p. 5. Accessed at: http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=FB0712F83A5910738DDDAD0894DE405B828BF1D3&scp=1&sq=14%20on%20Navy%20Plane%20Killed%20in%20Morocco&st=cse

Roberts, Michael D. Dictionary of American Naval Aviation Squadrons, Volume 2. The History of VP, VPB, VP(HL) and VP(AM) Squadrons. Washington, DC: Naval Historical Center, Department of the Navy, 2000. Accessed at: http://www.history.navy.mil/avh-vol2/Prelim.pdf

VPNavy.org. U.S. Navy Patrol Squadrons. “VP-44 Mishap…1970’s…03 JUN 72 P3… Morocco.” Accessed at: http://www.vpnavy.org/vp44_mishap.html