1975 — April 29, Surtigas LP Gas Tank Truck crash/explosion/fire near Eagle Pass, TX–16

–19  National Fire Protection Association. The 1984 Fire Almanac. 1983, p. 140.[1]

–16  Cox, Mike. Texas Disasters: True Stories of Tragedy and Survival. 2006, p. 226.

–16  Khan & Abbasi. “Major Accidents in Process Industries…,” LPPI Journal, Vol. 12, 1999.

–16  NTSB. HAR. Surtigas, S.A., Tank-Semitrailer Overturn, Explosion, and Fire…, 1976.

–15  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. FARS 1975-2010 Fatality Analysis.


Narrative Information


National Transportation Safety Board: “At 4:20 p.m. on April 29, 1975, a Surtigas, S.A., tractor-tank-semitrailer, westbound on U.S. Route 277 near Eagle Pass, Texas, swerved to avoid an automobile ahead which was slowing for a turn. The tank-semitrailer separated from the tractor, struck a concrete headwall, and ruptured; vaporized LPG was released. The ensuing fire and explosion destroyed a building and 51 vehicles. The 51 persons who were in the area were burned and 16 persons, including the truck driver, were killed.

“The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of this accident was the evasive action taken by the truck driver to avoid a slowing vehicle in his path of travel. The cause of the fatalities and injuries to persons in the vicinity was the explosive force and fire, from which they had no time to escape. The rapid development of the explosive force and fire was caused by the gross rupture of the tank.




“As a result of its investigation of this accident, the National Transportation Safety Board made the following recommendations:


“To the Federal Highway Administration:


“Promulgate a regulation to require the criteria established in the Handbook of Highway Design for Operating Practices (E2 Culverts and Bridge Structures) be mandatory for all modified and new designs.


“Compile and evaluate accident data related to unprotected, raised concrete headwalls and sidewalls which, because of their location, are roadside fixed objects, to determine whether added emphasis for their modification or protection is warranted.”


“To the Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation:


“Conduct an engineering survey on U.S. Route 277 between the intersection with U.S. Route 57 and the city limits of Eagle Pass to determine if a prohibition of parking on the shoulder of this high-speed highway or a reduction in the speed limit, or both, would reduce the traffic conflicts in this area; then, take appropriate actions in accordance with the findings of the survey.”


“To the U.S. Department of Transportation:


“Initiate a research program to identify new approaches to reduce the injuries and damages caused by the dangerous behavior of pressurized, liquefied flammable gases released from breached tanks on bulk transport vehicles.”


“Establish a regulation to require the safety registration statements authorized by Section 106(b) of the Hazardous Materials Act of persons transportation bulk shipments of pressurized, liquefied petroleum gases in a form and quantity capable of causing widespread injury and property damage in transportation accidents”.”  (NTSB.  HAR. Surticas, 1976.)




Cox, Mike. Texas Disasters: True Stories of Tragedy and Survival. Guilford, CT: Globe Pequot Press, 2006.


Khan, Faisal I. and S.A. Abbasi. “Major Accidents in Process Industries and an Analysis of Causes and Consequences.” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Vol. 12, 1999, pp. 361-378. At:


National Fire Protection Association. The 1984 Fire Almanac. Quincy, MA: NFPA, 1983.


National Transportation Safety Board. Highway Accident Report. Surtigas, S.A., Tank-Semitrailer Overturn, Explosion, and Fire Near Eagle Pass, Texas, April 29, 1975 (NTSB HAR-76/04; NTIS PB-254034/AS). Washington, DC: NTSB, adopted May 5, 1976. Accessed at:  http://www.ntsb.gov/publictn/1976/HAR7604.htm


[1] We believe this to be inaccurate and rely on NTSB and other sources as to the number of fatalities.