1975 — Exposure to excessive natural cold/hypothermia (ICD-8 E901); esp. NM/21 — 359

–359 CDC Wonder. (Average hypothermia death rate was 0.167 per 100,000 population. )

Death rate for hypothermia per 100,000 population.

Alabama 3 0.082 Ohio 10 0.093
Alaska 8 2.156 Oklahoma 4 0.144
Arizona 10 0.437 Oregon 3 0.129
Arkansas 2 0.093 Pennsylvania 18 0.151
California 6 0.028 South Carolina 8 0.276
Connecticut 1 0.032 South Dakota 7 1.027
Delaware 1 0.170 Tennessee 3 0.070
District of Columbia 1 0.141 Texas 6 0.048
Florida 2 0.023 Utah 4 0.323
Georgia 8 0.158 Vermont 1 0.209
Idaho 2 0.240 Virginia 20 0.396
Illinois 18 0.159 West Virginia 6 0.326
Indiana 5 0.167 Wisconsin 13 0.285
Iowa 8 0.278 Wyoming 2 0.525
Kansas 8 0.351
Kentucky 8 0.231
Louisiana 4 0.103
Maine 2 0.187
Maryland 3 0.072
Massachusetts 2 0.035
Michigan 11 0.121
Minnesota 20 0.510
Mississippi 7 0.292
Missouri 8 0.167
Montana 11 1.468
New Jersey 6 0.082
New Mexico 21 1.805 Highest loss of life of any State.
New York 8 0.044
North Carolina 14 0.253
North Dakota 17 2.660 Highest loss of life per 100,000 population of any State.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Compressed Mortality File 1968-1978. CDC WONDER Online Database, compiled from Compressed Mortality File CMF 1968-1988, Series 20, No. 2A, 2000. Accessed at http://wonder.cdc.gov/cmf-icd8.html on Oct 10, 2021 7:38:41 PM