1975 – Exposure to excessive natural heat (ICD-8 code E900), esp. NY/27, MA/24, CA/21-190

–190 CDC WONDER. (Average hypothermia death rate was 0.088 per 100,000 population. )

Alabama 2 0.054
Arizona 7 0.306
Arkansas 2 0.093
California 21 0.097
Connecticut 5 0.162
Delaware 1 0.170
Florida 5 0.059
Georgia 3 0.059
Illinois 4 0.035
Indiana 2 0.037
Iowa 2 0.069
Kansas 2 0.088
Louisiana 2 0.051
Maine 2 0.187
Maryland 3 0.072
Massachusetts 24 0.417
Michigan 6 0.066
Minnesota 12 0.306
Mississippi 3 0.125
Missouri 6 0.125
Montana 1 0.133
New Jersey 8 0.109
New York 27 0.150
North Carolina 3 0.054
North Dakota 1 0.156
Ohio 1 0.009
Oklahoma 4 0.144
Oregon 2 0.086
Pennsylvania 9 0.076
Rhode Island 3 0.318
Tennessee 4 0.094
Texas 10 0.080
Virginia 2 0.040
Washington 1 0.028


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Compressed Mortality File 1968-1978. CDC WONDER Online Database, compiled from Compressed Mortality File CMF 1968-1988, Series 20, No. 2A, 2000. Accessed 12-14-2021 at: https://wonder.cdc.gov/mortSQL.html