1975 — Jan 10, Tornado outbreak (8 tornadoes), LA (1 death), MS (9 deaths), AL (1) — 11

–11 Grazulis. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991. 1993, p. 1,976.
–11 Ludlum. The American Weather Book. 1982, p. 106.

Narrative Information

Grazulis: “LA JAN 10, 1975 0735 lk 8inj 35y l4m Fl. ACADIA–Skipped E from Mermentau Cove to Crowley. A trailer was demolished near the touchdown point. One occupant was killed and three were seriously injured. In Crowley, seven homes and six trailers were damaged, and five people were hurt.

“MS JAN 10, 1975 0814 9k 210inj 200y 47m F4. PIKE /LINCOLN /LAWRENCE/ SIMPSON–Moved NE from 7m SW of McComb, at the dam at Percy Quin Lake. The tornado destroyed a marina and seven buildings, and downed at least 10,000 trees. Continuing into McComb and Summit, it did extensive damage to 38 blocks in McComb. Eighty- eight homes were destroyed, as were 30 businesses. Eighty apartment units were destroyed, and three people were killed in them. Thirty businesses were badly damaged, as were two schools and two National Guard armories. About 200 cars were destroyed or heavily damaged. Thirty-six homes were destroyed outside McComb. When the tornado struck the McComb school, the 325 students had taken shelter; only five were injured. Leaving Pike County and entering SE Lincoln County, the tornado destroyed seven homes, five trailer homes, five cars, 19 barns and 17 other farm buildings. One death occurred in a frame house, and four people were killed in trailers. The tornado then continued NE, passing out of the county near Hwy-84, and lifting south of Oma, near Hwy-27. It touched down again just west of Pinola, in Simpson County, near the Strong River bridge on Hwy-28. There was some damage in the Bush community. In the Camper community, an anchored trailer home was ripped apart, scattered across the road, and twisted around a utility pole….

“AL JAN 10, 1975 1614 lk 38inj 150y 20m F3. ST.CLAIR–Moved NE from Pell City to beyond Ragland. Pell City losses totaled $5,000,000 as 49 homes were destroyed and 259 were damaged. Fifteen trailers were destroyed and 27 businesses were damaged or destroyed. At Ragland, losses totaled $2,000,000, as five homes were destroyed, and 48 were damaged. One person was killed in a service station.” (Grazulis 1993, p. 1,976.)


Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991: A Chronology and Analysis of Events. St. Johnsbury, VE: Environmental Films, 1993, 1,326 pages.

Ludlum, David M. The American Weather Book. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1982.