1975 — July 3, pick-up truck-camper/2 hits car/8 head on, Rt. 98, Navajo Reservation, N AZ-10

–10 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. FARS 1975-2010 Fatality Analysis
–10 Yuma Daily Sun, AZ. “Crash Kills 10 on Reservation.” 7-4-1975, p. 1.
— 7 Danville Register, VA. “Seven Persons Are Killed in Collision.” 7-4-1975, p. 2.

Narrative Information

July 4, Associated Press: “Page, Ariz. (AP) – Seven persons were killed Thursday in a head-on collision between a pickup truck-camper and a car in an isolated area of the Navajo Reservation, authorities said.

“Witnesses said the truck landed atop the car and the camper was thrown from the rest of the wreckage. The accident occurred on State Route 98 about 60 miles south of the Utah border.

One person taken to a hospital in the reservation community of Tuba City, about 55 miles west of the crash site, underwent surgery.

“Bob Red, a trading post operator, said the car and truck collided on a wide, straight highway. ‘There’s been a lot of traffic on this highway today. It’s Social Security check day and a lot of traffic goes through here on the way to Page,’ Red said.” (Danville Register, VA. “Seven Persons Are Killed in Collision.” 7-4-1975, p. 2.)

July 4, Associated Press: “Page, Ariz. (AP) – Ten persons, all Indians, died when their pickup truck and sedan slammed headon in an isolated area of the Navajo Reservation in northern Arizona, authorities said.

“The crash occurred Thursday afternoon on State Route 98 about 50 miles southeast of here. The curs looked like they ‘melted together,’ said Dr. Scott Hobson, of the nearby Kayenta Public Health Service Clinic. Hobson was one of two physicians called to the scene. Witnesses said following the impact the truck landed atop the car and the camper it was carrying was thrown from the rest of the wreckage. ‘They just hit and both of them kind of accordioned on the front,’ said Hobson. ‘The tails of each vehicle were just kind of up in the air.’

“Department of Public Safety Patrolman Andy Chanoki of Page, one of the first to arrive on the scene, said ‘there were people all over the road.’ All but one person were thrown from the vehicles. The victims included seven adults and three children.

“Investigators said eight persons were in the sedan….Officers said the other two victims were in the pickup truck….

“The accident occurred, officers said, when Begishe’s pickup truck crossed the center line and struck the other vehicle headon. Chanoki said the car was westbound toward Page and the truck was eastbound. He said both vehicles were traveling an estimated 70 miles an hour when the crash occurred.

“Bob Red, operator of the Kaibita Trading Post 17 miles west of the crash, reported the accident to Navajo police after a tourist rushed in and told him of the accident. ‘He was excited and said to call for help.’ Red said. ‘He said at least two ambulances, would be needed. Then he turned around and left.’ The accident occurred on a new stretch of highway on high desert plateau land.” (Yuma Daily Sun, AZ. “Crash Kills 10 on Reservation.” 7-4-1975, p. 1.)


Danville Register, VA. “Seven Persons Are Killed in Collision,” 7-4-1975, p. 2. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=95476311

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Partial Data Dump of Crashes Involving 10 or More Fatalities, by Year, Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) 1975-2009 Final and 2010 ARF. Washington, DC: NHTSA, pdf file provided to Wayne Blanchard, 1-26-2012.

Yuma Daily Sun, AZ. “Crash Kills 10 on Reservation.” 7-4-1975, p. 1. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=50521134