1976 — Influenza, ICD-8 codes 470-474 (Influenza), death rate 3.6 per 100K, esp. NE/12.9-7,877

–7,877 CDC Wonder. Compressed Mortality File 1968-1978. ICD-8 codes 470-474 influenza.

Alabama 86 2.30 (Yellow highlight denotes above avg. death rate.)
Alaska 6 1.52
Arizona 57 2.43
Arkansas 66 3.04
California 544 2.48
Colorado 209 7.93
Connecticut 173 5.61 (There were but 5 influenza deaths in 1977.)
Delaware 4 0.68
District of Columbia 10 1.43
Florida 157 1.81
Georgia 106 2.07
Hawaii 22 2.43
Idaho 99 11.53
Illinois 135 1.19
Indiana 132 2.46
Iowa 255 8.78
Kansas 198 8.60
Kentucky 88 2.49
Louisiana 134 3.39
Maine 80 7.34
Maryland 77 1.85
Massachusetts 314 5.47 Oklahoma 108 3.82
Michigan 295 3.24 Oregon 219 9.23
Minnesota 303 7.66 Pennsylvania 279 2.35
Mississippi 118 4.85 Rhode Island 35 3.69
Missouri 151 3.13 South Carolina 57 1.94
Montana 94 12.38 South Dakota 72 10.47
Nebraska (highest death rate) 200 12.91 Tennessee 159 3.67
Nevada 22 3.40 Texas 539 4.17
New Hampshire 49 5.79 Utah 52 4.07
New Jersey 116 1.58 Vermont 40 8.25
New Mexico 93 7.77 Virginia 131 2.55
New York (most deaths) 560 3.12 Washington 365 9.88
North Carolina 123 2.20 West Virginia 50 2.66
North Dakota 75 11.61 Wisconsin 249 5.43
Ohio 339 3.15 Wyoming 32 8.08

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Compressed Mortality File 1968-1978. CDC WONDER Online Database, compiled from Compressed Mortality File CMF 1968-1988, Series 20, No. 2A, 2000. Accessed at http://wonder.cdc.gov/cmf-icd8.html on Oct 11, 2021 5:30:10 PM