1979 — April 10, Tornadoes, Red River Valley OK/TX (especially Wichita Falls, TX) –56-57

–57  National Centers for Environmental Info. Storm Events Database, tornadoes, 04-10-1979.

–11  Wilbarger County, TX. 15:25   F4.

—  1  Wilbarger County, TX. 15:55   F2.

—  3  Comanche County, OK. 17:05   F3.

–42  Wichita County, TX.      17:55   F4.

–57  Grazulis. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991. 1993, pp. 1207-1209.

–56  Ludlum. The American Weather Book, 1982, 73.

–56  NWS WFO, Norman, OK. 30th Anniversary (1979-2009) The Red River Valley Tornado.

–56  NWS WFO, Norman, OK. The Red River Valley Tornadoes of April 10, 1979.


Oklahoma      (  3)

–3  Comanche County, 17:05 F3. Grazulis. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991. 1993, p. 1208.

–1  Man killed by collapsing garage wall.

–1  Young girl car passenger when car blown off road.

–1  Elderly female, when home destroyed.

–3  Lawton [Comanche County]. Ludlum. The American Weather Book, 1982, pp. 71 & 73.

–3  Comanche Co., 17:05 F3. National Centers for Environmental Info. Storm Events Database,


Texas              (53-54)

–53-54  Blanchard range. Appears to be 54, but the NWS WFO Norman OK notes 54.

—     54  Grazulis. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991. 1993, pp. 1207-1209.

—     54  Nat. Centers for Environmental Info. Storm Events Database, tornadoes, 04-10-1979.

—     53  NWS WFO, Norman OK. The Red River Valley Tornadoes of April 10, 1979.

Breakout by locality:

–12  Wilbarger County. National Centers for Environmental Info. Storm Events Database.

–11  15:25 F4.

—  1  15:55 F2.

–11  Wilbarger County. National Climatic Center. Storm Data, 21/4, Apr 1979, p. 16.

—  1  Lockett area. Mrs. Cecilia Neason, when her car was thrown 200 yards off Hwy 70.

–>3  Vernon, southern (Gordon and Atlanta Streets).

—  7  Vernon, east. Cars and trucks swept off Highway 287.

–11  Vernon, Wilbarger County. Ludlum. The American Weather Book, 1982, 73.

–11       “                NWS WFO Norman, OK. “Violent Tornadoes (F4/F5) in OK (1950-2008).”

–42  Wichita Falls, Wichita County. Grazulis. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991. 1993, 1209

–42          “              Ludlum. The American Weather Book, 1982, 73.

–42  Wichita Falls. National Climatic Center. Storm Data, 21/4, Apr 1979, p. 16.

–42          “    County. 17:55. National Centers for Environmental Info. Storm Events Database.

–42          “              NWS NFO Norman, OK. “Violent Tornadoes (F4/F5) in OK (1950-2008).”


Narrative Information


NWS WFO Norman OK: “To the people of the Red River Valley in Texas and Oklahoma, nothing about the weather appeared unusual during the early hours of April 10, 1979: it was business as usual. But before the day’s end, three very large, devastating tornadoes swept across the area leaving scores dead and hundreds injured. Most of the deaths were in Wichita Falls and Vernon, Texas, and Lawton, Oklahoma….


“At Vernon, reports of earlier damage to the southwest of the city had alerted spotters and city officials. For example, the police chief called the city manager out of a meeting with county commissioners. The police chief and county sheriff conferred and dispatched patrol cars to the southwest edge of town to watch for the approaching storm. Sirens blew as the tornado bore down on Vernon. In slightly more than 10 minutes, the tornado passed across the southern tip of the city leaving 11 dead, more than 60 injured, and several hundred homes destroyed or damaged. The police chief and sheriff later said the approaching storm did not look like a normal twister, but appeared as a thick, dark mass of clouds low to the ground and difficult to see because of the heavy rain, hail, and low cloud base.


“The thunderstorm system that produced the Vernon tornado crossed the Red River and left a 50-mile-long skipping track of tornado damage through Oklahoma. Just after 5:00 p.m., another tornado spawned by the same thunderstorm system crashed into Lawton, Oklahoma. Lawton had been alerted by Tornado Watch #67 and had received a tornado warning issued by WSFO Oklahoma City. Lawton was as ready as a community could be for the tornado. Using spotter and radar reports, Lawton officials sounded the siren system to warn the people of the approaching storm. As a result of the early warning, the casualty list of 3 dead and 109 injured was relatively small despite the destruction of several hundred homes and businesses.


“About the time the Vernon tornado was moving across the Red River into Oklahoma, 20 miles to the south another funnel cloud was dropping out of the thunderstorm clouds approaching Harrold, Texas. This thunderstorm spawned a tornado with a continuous ground track of almost 60 miles. Fortunately, its long path on the ground was mostly over open farmland so that it caused relatively few casualties and small total property damage. However, several small communities, among them Harrold, Texas and Grandfield, Oklahoma, were hit by the storm.


“When the giant tornado struck Wichita Falls just before 6:00 p.m., most people were not surprised. Severe weather warnings had been in effect for Wichita County and Wichita Falls for almost an hour. The warnings were being broadcast repeatedly by two local TV stations and three local radio stations which were receiving continuously updated information over the emergency hotline connecting them with the Wichita Falls WSO. The siren system for the city was sounded three times, the last around 5:50 p.m., just as the storm spotters reported the tornado approaching Memorial Stadium in the southwestern suburbs of Wichita Falls. The giant tornado was a massive black column extending from the low striated base of the inky clouds to the ground. Huge pieces of debris thrown high in the air were clearly visible from miles away as the storm cut a swath of destruction through the city. Eyewitnesses described details of the storm differently, but they were unanimous on one point — it was an awesome, terrifying experience beyond anything they had encountered before.


“Despite excellent warning lead-time and multiple soundings of the sirens, some people of Wichita Falls either did not hear the warnings or failed to take prescribed lifesaving actions. More than 40 died, and about 1,700 were injured. As the storm bore down, those who sought the safest refuge in their immediate surroundings generally fared well. Those who were caught in automobiles and trucks made up a high percentage of the fatalities. People from the shopping center took shelter in refrigerator vaults, in restrooms, and under closets. Several got extra protection by covering themselves with mattresses and pillows. They survived!


“The three main storms in the Red River Valley outbreak were giant tornadoes. Each lasted for an hour or more and left a continuous track of ground damage 35 miles or longer. In addition, the damage paths of all three were wider than normal. This was especially true of the Wichita Falls tornado, whose more than 1-mile-wide path of damage is one of the biggest on record. T. T. Fujita, noted tornado researcher from the University of Chicago, said, ‘The damage path was one of the widest I have ever seen, and its intensity was almost equal to that of the giant storm that leveled Xenia, Ohio, in the 1974 tornado outbreak.” (NWS WFO Norman, OK.  30th Anniversary (1979-2009) The Red River Valley Tornado.)


“When the day had ended, the tornadoes had left in their wake a tragically high toll — 56 dead and 1916 injured. According to the American National Red Cross, 7,759 families suffered losses in the storms…Losses eligible for Federal disaster relief totaled $63 million, but Federal disaster assistance did not cover additional millions in damages.”


NWS WFO Norman OK: “This violent tornado formed 2 miles north of Thalia in Foard County. The tornado touched down 1.5 miles southeast of the first tornado, which was still on the ground at 3:20 pm. The tornadoes traveled as a pair for 5 miles, with the second tornado continuing into Wilbarger County at about the time the first tornado ended near the Pease River.


“The Wilbarger County tornado moved along and just north of Highway 70 in the Lockett area, causing heavy farm and home damage. The tornado became a killer as it crossed Highway 70 about 1 mile north of Lockett. Mrs. Cecilia Neason of Thalia died when her car was thrown about 200 yards off of the road into a pasture. Automobiles were also to play a major role in many of the tornado deaths later in the afternoon.


“After striking the Lockett area, the tornado continued its northeastward movement toward Vernon. Photographs from Vernon show that the approaching tornado was very wide, appearing as a giant, boiling cloud on the ground. Tornado spotters had difficulty identifying the storm at first because of its massive size. However, tornado sirens were blown several minutes prior to the storm, an action that alerted many residents to the approaching danger. Fortunately the tornado just missed the business district, but dealt a crippling blow to southern and eastern Vernon after entering the town at about 3:45 pm.


“In southern Vernon, a multi-block residential area was destroyed, with some of the worst damage on Gordon and Atlanta Streets. At least three people were killed in their homes within this area. The tornado then moved into east Vernon where the Sands Motel, Canton cafe, a truck stop, Merchants Motor Freight, and Cardinal Equipment Building Company were all demolished. The Wilbarger Exhibit Building and the Texas Highway Department Warehouse were also destroyed.


“Seven people were killed when the tornado swept a number of cars and trucks off Highway 287. The cars were nothing more than compacted masses of twisted metal after being blown off the road. After killing 10 people in Vernon and 1 in Lockett, the tornado crossed the Pease River killing a number of cows on the north bank.


“After striking Vernon, Texas, the tornado moved northeast and crossed the Red River to the southwest of Davidson, Oklahoma and several miles west of the confluence point of the Pease and Red Rivers at 3:45 pm. The tornado moved east-northeast of Davidson and dissipated around 4:00 pm. At least 3 homes were destroyed with 5 more sustaining major damage. Many cattle were killed or injured. One man was injured when his car was thrown into a ditch. The tornado was on the ground in Oklahoma for a distance of 8 miles.


“In its wake, the tornado left $27,000,000 in damage, with other damage coming from large hail and strong straight-line winds in the Vernon area. The tornado was on the ground for 26 miles in Texas and 11 miles in Oklahoma, with its parent thunderstorm producing three additional tornadoes in Oklahoma.” (NWS NFO Norman, OK. “Violent Tornadoes (F4/F5) in Oklahoma (1950-2008).”)


Grazulis: “TX-OK APR 10, 1979 1520 11k 67inj 800y 39m F4.

FOARD/WILBARGER,TX/TILLMAN,OK — This tornado moved parallel to and just north of US-70 to the Lockett area. As it crossed that highway, it struck and threw a car 200 yards off the roadway, killing a woman. After striking the Lockett area, it continued NE towards Vernon, where it missed the business district but hit the south side of Vernon, killing three people. As the funnel moved into the east part of Vernon, it destroyed a motel, cafe, truck stop and several other businesses. It swept a number of cars off US- 287, killing seven people. The cars were nothing more than compacted masses of twisted metal afterwards. It left property damage in Texas estimated at $27,000,000. Crossing the Red River SW of Davidson, the funnel moved ENE of Davidson before dissipating. Three homes were destroyed and five others were damaged in Oklahoma.


“TX-OK APR 10, 1979 1750 42k 1740inj 1300y 47m F4.  ARCHER/WICHITA/ CLAY,TX/ JEFFERSON,OK–… This tornado began about 3m ENE of Holliday, and would become one of the most destructive tornadoes in history. Prior to hitting Wichita Falls, the tornado unroofed homes and destroyed oil storage tanks and six steel transmission towers. As the funnel entered Wichita Falls, it first struck Memorial Stadium, then McNeil Junior High School, damaging them severely. It continued into the Western Hills neighborhood, where it destroyed several apartment complexes and caused the first death. Increasing in size, the massive funnel devastated an entire housing development and schools, including the Ben Milam Elementary School. The storm then destroyed several businesses, and struck a restaurant on Kemp Boulevard, where it killed three people. It crossed a few open fields, then moved into the Colonial Park area. It destroyed several more apartment complexes and caused widespread home destruction The tornado next swept through the Southmoor area, where it destroyed more homes and a shopping center. After crossing US-281, the tornado struck the Sun Valley neighborhood and destroyed more homes, apartments and businesses on the south side of US-287. A large number of cars were smashed and some people were killed along that highway. Industrial buildings were destroyed just south of Hwy-79. The tornado was up to 1.5 miles wide as it passed through eight miles of residential area in Wichita Falls. Forty-two people died outright by the storm, and three others died of heart attacks. At least 25 of the deaths were auto related, 16 of which were people who had entered their cars trying to evade the tornado. At least 30 of the 59 serious injuries were in cars. About 3,095 homes were destroyed, and about 20,000 people were left homeless. As the tornado crossed the Red River into Oklahoma, it veered to the NNE and damaged or destroyed about 20 homes in the Noble Wray Road area. A new brick home was leveled there, and several trailer homes were destroyed. The tornado dissipated NNE of Waurika. $400,000,000….”  (Grazulis 1993, p. 1208-1209.)


NWS WFO Norman OK: Wichita Falls, Texas, Tornado:


“The tornado began of the southwest flank of its supercell thunderstorm about 3 miles east-northeast of Holliday. Witnesses say the several distinct, small vortices were visible during the formative stage of the tornado as it moved along the Fort Worth and Denver railroad into Wichita County. Two oil storage tanks were blown away and several homes were unroofed near Farm Road 2650 as the tornado approached Wichita Falls. Six cross-country steel transmission towers were destroyed just east of Farm Road 2650.


“About the time the tornado entered town, it changed appearance, becoming one large black cloud of condensation and debris. The tornado was about a half-mile wide when it struck Memorial Stadium, snapping light standards and causing heavy damage to the field house. McNeil Junior High school was next in the path of the tornado and the school was severely damaged. The western portion of the school building was crushed by the intense winds.


“The tornado then moved east-northeast into the Western hills neighborhood, south of Southwest Parkway. Several apartment complexes and many homes were destroyed, with several of the first deaths occurring in this area. The tornado expanded in size as it crossed Southwest parkway, throwing automobiles about and leveling a number of businesses, including a bank and a fire station.


“The twister was almost a mile wide when it entered the Faith Village neighborhood on the north side of the east-west oriented Southwest Parkway. Most of the homes in Faith Village were demolished. Ben Milam Elementary School was heavily damaged, as the cafeteria-auditorium was completely destroyed and exterior class rooms were pummeled by flying debris. The inner hallways would have been the only relatively safe shelter in the building.


“Surprisingly, very few fatalities occurred in Faith Village. Most people heeded the warnings and took shelter inside interior, small rooms in their homes. Most of the destroyed homes had some of these interior walls still standing after the tornado.


“After moving out of Faith Village, the tornado flattened several businesses, including a restaurant, on Kemp Boulevard. Three people were killed in the restaurant. A number of people were also killed or injured in the parking lot of Sikes Center Mall, also on Kemp Boulevard. Some of these people attempted to run to their cars from the mall.


“Inside the mall, portions of the JC Penney store collapsed while other stores sustained light to moderate damage. No one was killed and only several major injuries occurred among the approximately one thousand shoppers who were in the mall. The mall was on the north side of the tornado path and appeared to escape the most violent winds. Near the center of the tornado and about a half mile south of the mall, a church was demolished with one person killed inside the building.


“The tornado then crossed a short span of open fields before moving into the Colonial Park area. More widespread home destruction occurred in Colonial Park and several more apartment complexes were demolished. The heaviest damage in the apartments occurred in the second story of two-story buildings.


“The tornado then swept through the Southmoor area, destroying homes and a shopping center. After crossing Highway 281, the twister then struck the Sun Valley neighborhood and destroyed additional homes, apartments, and businesses on the south side of Highway 287. A large number of cars were smashed and some people were killed along Highway 287. Some of these people had stopped their cars under an overpass on the highway, seeking shelter from the storm.


“The tornado leveled a mobile home park on the north side of Highway 287, but residents had evacuated that area and no fatalities occurred in the park. The tornado then destroyed several industrial plants before moving into Clay County just south of Highway 79.


“The tornado was 1.5 miles wide as it passed through 8 miles of residential area in Wichita Falls. The intense damage averaged between one quarter and one half of a mile in width.


“Forty-two people were killed outright by the storm and 3 others died as a result of heart attacks. Further statistics reveal that 25 of the deaths were auto-related. Sixteen of these 25 were people who entered their cars trying to evade the tornado. Eleven of the 16 people left homes that were not even damaged. Eight persons were killed outside, 4 were killed in homes or apartments, and 4 others died in public buildings. Seventeen hundred injuries were reported in Wichita Falls.


“Total damage in Wichita Falls was estimated at $400,000,000 (in 1979 dollars). Three thousand and ninety-five homes were destroyed and 600 were damaged. One thousand and sixty-two apartment units and condominiums were demolished and 130 damaged. In addition, 93 mobile homes were devastated. It is estimated that 5,000 families, consisting of almost 20,000 people, were left homeless in Wichita Falls.


“The most damaging single tornado in history (as of 1979) continued into Clay County, resulting in no deaths, but 40 additional injuries. About $15,000,000 of damage occurred as the tornado destroyed homes immediately south of Highway 79, from Wichita Falls into the Dean and Petrolia areas.


“The tornado exited Texas about 4 miles east of Byers, and crossed the Red River into Oklahoma at 6:30 pm. Over 200 trees on both sides of the river were uprooted. After crossing the river, the tornado made a gradual turn to the east-northeast and passed just to the southwest of Waurika. It then dissipated to the north-northeast of Waurika at 7:00 pm.


“Heavy rain and large hail up to 3 inches in diameter were reported with the storm. The path of the tornado in Oklahoma covered 11 miles. The hardest hit area in Oklahoma was to the southwest of Waurika along Noble Wray Road. Civil Defense officials reported that approximately 20 homes were destroyed or damaged in that area. A new brick home was completely demolished. A pickup truck was lifted off the ground and smashed into a nearby car. Several mobile homes were destroyed. One frame was twisted badly and carried one quarter of a mile to the southwest of its original location.


“The path length of the tornado was 36 miles in Texas, and 11 miles in Oklahoma. Minor wind damage and hail to 2 inches in diameter occurred north of the tornado track in Wichita Falls, in conjunction with the supercell thunderstorm. Also, tornado survivors said that some golf ball size hail fell prior to and immediately after the tornado.


“There is no doubt that hundreds of lives were saved by the news media and siren warnings. Amateur radio storm spotters turned in the first report of the storm, which allowed 5 to 10 minutes of valuable warning time. This followed an earlier warning at 5:08 pm, due to the Rocky Point tornado. Undoubtedly, this earlier warning and the afternoon Vernon tornado had primed the Wichita Falls populace to the threat of additional tornado activity.”  (NWS NFO Norman, OK. “Violent Tornadoes (F4/F5) in OK (1950-2008).”)




Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes 1680-1991: A Chronology and Analysis of Events. St. Johnsbury, VE: Environmental Films, 1993.


Ludlum, David M. The American Weather Book. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1982.


National Climatic Center. Storm Data, Vol. 21, No. 4, April 1979. Asheville, NC: NCDC, NOAA, 22 pages. Accessed 7-23-2017 at: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/orders/IPS/IPS-1BE5B209-36E6-422F-AC67-F329C407360F.pdf


National Centers for Environmental Information, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Oklahoma. Tornado. Comanche County, 4-10-1979, 17:05 F3. Accessed 7-23-2017 at: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/stormevents/eventdetails.jsp?id=10096002


National Centers for Environmental Information, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Texas. Tornado. Wilbarger County, 4-10-1979, 15:25, F4. Accessed 7-23-2017 at: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/stormevents/eventdetails.jsp?id=10130762


National Centers for Environmental Information, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Texas. Tornado. Wilbarger County, 4-10-1979, 15:555, F2. Accessed 7-23-2017 at: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/stormevents/eventdetails.jsp?id=10130763


National Centers for Environmental Information, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Tornadoes, 4-10-1979. Accessed 7-23-2017 at: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/stormevents/listevents.jsp?eventType=%28C%29+Tornado&beginDate_mm=04&beginDate_dd=10&beginDate_yyyy=1979&endDate_mm=04&endDate_dd=10&endDate_yyyy=1979&hailfilter=0.00&tornfilter=0&windfilter=000&sort=DT&submitbutton=Search&statefips=-999%2CALL


National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office, Norman, OK.  30th Anniversary (1979-2009) The Red River Valley Tornado Outbreak of April 10, 1979. May 7, 1979. Accessed at:  http://www.srh.noaa.gov/oun/wxevents/19790410/


National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office, Norman OK. The Red River Valley Tornadoes of April 10, 1979. Accessed 7-23-2017 at: https://www.weather.gov/oun/events-19790410-disaster


National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office, Norman, OK. “Violent Tornadoes (F4/F5) in Oklahoma (1950-2008).” 2-11-2009. At: http://www.srh.noaa.gov/oun/tornadodata/ok/violent.php