1980 — June 5, Central Texas Charter Tour Bus goes off Highway 7, near Jasper, AR– 20

–22  Epic Disasters. The Worst Bus Disasters in the United States. (Not used in our tally.)

–20  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.  FARS 1975-2010 Fatality Analysis.

–20  NTSB. HAR. Central Texas Bus Lines…State Route 7, Near Jasper, AR, June 5, 1980.

­­­­­­­–20  UPI. “20 elderly Texans die in Arkansas bus crash.” The News, Port Arthur, TX, 6-5-1980.




“On June 51, 1980, about 12:47 a.m., a northbound Central Texas Bus Lines, Inc. charter bus occupied by the driver and 32 passengers accelerated out of control while descending a long, curved, steep grade on State Route 7 about 1 mile South of Jasper, Arkansas. The bus failed to negotiate a left curve, and ran off the right pavement edge into a drainage channel. The bus continued for 280 feet, impacted a berm at a concrete covert, was redirected across the highways and vaulted down a steep embankment. Twenty bus occupants, including the driver, were killed and 13 passengers were injured.


“The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of this accident was a combination of circumstances which resulted in the driver’s inability to control the bus as it descended a steep, winding grade. These circumstances included driver fatigue, reduced fuel flow from a nonstandard fuel pump which adversely affected the bus-driver’s ability to downshift, and the improperly maintained airbrake system. Contributing to the accident was the management decision which permitted dispatching of a driver with inadequate time to complete the trip within permissible hours and the carrier’s inadequate preventive maintenance program for this bus.




“During its investigation of this accident, the National Transportation Safety Board recommended, on July 28, 1980, that the State of Arkansas:


“Install signing on State Route 7 that requires northbound trucks, buses, and cars with trailers to pull off and check their brakes at the brake check area south of Jasper. (Class I, Urgent Action) (H-80-45)


“Install a sign(s) in the brake check area to inform the drivers of these vehicles of the roadway alignment ahead. The sign(s) should include percentage of grades, length of grades, horizontal curvature, maximum safe speeds, and other pertinent information which will aid motorists to safely negotiate the roadway ahead. (Class I, Urgent Action) (H-80-46)


“On September 2, 1980, the State of Arkansas informed the Safety Board that these recommendations had been complied with on August 27, 1980… Because of the amount of information to be listed on the sign suggested by recommendation H-80-46, the State chose the message “Highway 7 Very Crooked and Steep Next 2 Miles” in lieu of listing specific grades and curvature. Also, all signs on this section of Highway 7 have been replaced and the escape ramp has been opened.


“As a result of its complete investigation, the National Transportation Safety Board made the following additional recommendations:


-to the State of Arkansas:


“Correct the drainage channel hazard at the accident site and, whenever feasible, take action to ensure that all highway drainage channels conform to the recommendations of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. (Class II, Priority Action)(H-81-10)


–to the Federal Highway Administration:


Develop national standards for the signing of brake check areas. (Class II, Priority Action) (H-81-11)


“Conduct research to develop guidelines for the location and illumination of brake check areas. (Class II, Priority Action) (H-81-12)


-to the Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety:


“Maintain strict surveillance of the Central Texas Bus Lines, Inc., operations and maintenance procedures to ensure that all facility survey deficiencies are corrected. (Class I, Urgent Action) (H-81-13)


“Issue an ON GUARD Bulletin, with emphasis on distribution to charter bus companies, outlining the particulars of this accident relating to drivers’ hours of service and other safety-related matters, and recommending that charter bus contracts include a statement that all tours will be restricted on a daily basis to the mileage that can be safely traveled at legal speeds and within the authorized 10-hour driving time. (Class I, Urgent Action) (H-81-14)


“Give appropriate consideration to the identification of violations and enforcement of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations pertaining to Hours of Service of Drivers, Maintenance of Vehicles, and other carrier safety matters in developing the annual BMCS Work Schedule. (Class II, Priority Action) (H-81-15)


-to the National Tour Brokers Association:


“Inform member tour brokers of the particulars of this accident and encourage them in their contract negotiations with passenger carriers who have Interstate Commerce Commission operating authority to emphasize the importance of the carrier’s compliance with all safety regulations. (Class II, Priority Action) (H-81-16).”  (NTSB. HAR. Central Texas Bus Lines…State Route 7, Near Jasper, AR, June 5, 1980.)


Epic Disasters: A tour bus rolls off a highway and kills 22 and injures 24.




June 5: “Jasper, Ark. (UPI) — A bus loaded with elderly people on a scenic tour went out of control on a curving mountain highway today, slid down an embankment and crashed, killing at least 20 people and injuring 13. One other persons was missing, state police said. The driver and several passengers were thrown from the bus, a witness said, and parts of the bus were scattered along the two-lane highway and down the 50-foot bluff….


“The group had left Dallas Wednesday and was going to Branson, Mo., on a tour of the Ozarks…Because of fuel intake problems, the group was trying to get to Harrison to spend the night, authorities said.


“The bus was about one mile south of Jasper on Arkansas 7, a scenic route through some of Arkansas’ most rugged and remote wilderness, when the driver lost control…


“Thirty-four people were believed to be on the bus, chartered from Central Texas Bus Linfes of Waco, Texas…. ‘Most of the victims are women,’ said W. K. Breazeale, funeral director at Holt Memorial Chapel where the bodies were taken….


“Ambulance volunteer…said the accident occurred on a section of the highway that has been under construction to create a truck runaway ramp — an attempt to halt the numerous truck accidents on the same downgrade. A highway official said the bus had passed through the construction when the accident occurred.” (United Press International. “20 elderly Texans die in Arkansas bus crash.” The News, Port Arthur, TX, 6-5-1980, p. 1.)




Epic Disasters. The Worst Bus Disasters In The United States. Accessed on 1-4-2009 at:  http://www.epicdisasters.com/index.php/site/comments/the_worst_bus_disasters_in_the_united_states/


National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Partial Data Dump of Crashes Involving 10 or More Fatalities, by Year, Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) 1975-2009 Final and 2010 ARF. Washington, DC: NHTSA, pdf file provided to Wayne Blanchard, 1-26-2012.


National Transportation Safety Board. Highway Accident Report. Central Texas Bus Lines Inc., Charter Bus, State Route 7, Near Jasper, Arkansas, June 5, 1980 (NTSB HAR-81/01; NTIS PB81-178410). Washington, DC: NTSB, adopted January 21, 1981, 43 pages. Accessed 6-24-2017 at: https://www.ntsb.gov/investigations/AccidentReports/Reports/HAR8101.pdf


United Press International. “20 elderly Texans die in Arkansas bus crash.” The News, Port Arthur, TX, 6-5-1980, p. 1. Accessed 6-24-2017 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/port-arthur-news-jun-05-1980-p-1/?tag