1985 — Aug 1, Supercell Thunderstorm and Flash Flooding, Cheyenne, WY — 12

–12 AP. “Five Hurricanes, Mudslides, Floods…” Cumberland Sunday Times, MD. 12-29-85, A8

–12  USGS. Summary of Significant Floods in the US, PR, and the VI, 1970-1989.  9-17-2008.

–12  Wyoming Tribune Eagle, Cheyenne. “The day a storm stunned Cheyenne.” 8-1-2010.


Narrative Information


USGS: “Cheyenne, Wyoming, had its worst flood in more than 120 years on August 1. During the afternoon, a moderate thunderstorm developed southeast of Cheyenne, but the storm increased in intensity as it moved into the city during the early evening. Torrential rain, golf-ball-sized hail, and 70-mi/hr winds were produced by the storm. Seven inches of rain fell in less than 24 hours (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1985). The discharge for Dry Creek in Cheyenne greatly exceeded the estimated 100-year recurrence interval. The flood caused 12 deaths and $61.1 million in damages (Paulson and others, 1991). The city was declared a Federal disaster area.”  (USGS. Summary of Significant Floods in the US, PR, and the VI, 1970-1989.  17 Sep 2008.)




AP: “A flash flood struck Cheyenne, Wyo., killing a dozen people and causing $28 million in damage.” (AP. “Five Hurricanes, Mudslides, Floods Stagger the Country.” Cumberland Sunday Times, MD. 12-29-1985, A8.)


Wyoming Tribune Eagle/Rogstad: “…It was Aug. 1, 1985, and Nordberg was watching weather history being made in Cheyenne. That night would forever go down as The Flood of ’85. In all, 12 people died; 70 were hurt. A super-cell thunderstorm parked over the Capital City, towering higher than any peak of the Rocky Mountains, and over three hours, from 6-9 p.m., dumped as much as 7 inches of rain on Cheyenne. Large hailstones stripped leaves off the trees. As the rain kept falling, the leaves, hail and debris clogged the overwhelmed drainage systems. Dry Creek swelled to the size of a river….” (Wyoming Tribune Eagle, Cheyenne (Jodi Rogstad). “The day a storm stunned Cheyenne.” 8-1-2010.)




Associated Press. “Five Hurricanes, Mudslides, Floods Stagger the Country.” Cumberland Sunday Times, MD. 12-29-1985, A8. Accessed 6-26-2014 at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=183783010&sterm


United States Geological Survey. Summary of Significant Floods in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, 1970 Through 1989 (Water-Supply Paper 2502). USGS Kansas Water Science Center, Sep 17, 2008. At: http://ks.water.usgs.gov/pubs/reports/wsp.2502.contents.html#HDR1


Wyoming Tribune Eagle, Cheyenne (Jodi Rogstad). “The day a storm stunned Cheyenne.” 8-1-2010. Accessed 6-28-2014 at: http://www.wyomingnews.com/articles/2010/08/01/news/01top_08-01-10.txt#.U68n-LEgfuk