1989 — June 26-July 5, Tropical Storm Allison & remnants, esp., LA/MS/TX/NC/DE/NJ–20

— 20  Blanchard tally based on State and local breakouts below.

— 15  AP. “Tropical Storm Allison leaves trail of…damage.” Kokomo Tribune, IN. 7-5-1989, 6.

— 11  Case and Mayfield. “Annual Summaries. Atlantic Hurricane Season of 1989.” MWR, 1167.

–All were drownings (p. 1167).

— 11  Case. Preliminary Report. Tropical Storm Allison, 24 June – 1 July 1989. 8-16-1989, p. 4.

— 11  Wikipedia. “Tropical Storm Allison (1989). 4-21-2014 modification.


Delaware                    (3)

— 3  USGS. National Water Summary 1988-89 – Hydrologic Events and Floods… 1991, p. 45.[1]

— 1  New Castle County, Shellpot Creek. Drowning, adult; vehicle swept off bridge.[2]

— 1  New Castle County, White Clay Creek. Drowning while tubing.[3]

— 1  Drowning; child, 9 years-old, falls into culvert and swept away by flood waters.[4]


Louisiana                   (3)

— 3  Case. Preliminary Report. Tropical Storm Allison, 24 June – 1 July 1989. 8-16-1989, p. 4.


Mississippi                  (5)

— 5  Case. Preliminary Report. Tropical Storm Allison, 24 June – 1 July 1989. 8-16-1989, p. 4.

— 5  USGS. National Water Summary 1988-89 – Hydrologic Events and Floods… 1991, p. 45.


New Jersey                 (2)

— 2  East Brunswick, July 5. Drownings; two youths slipped into a flooded culvert.[5]


North Carolina          (2)

— 2  AP. “Tropical Storm Allison leaves trail of flood damage.” Kokomo Tribune. 7-5-1989, 6.[6]

— 1  Jackson County, Cashiers vicinity. Drowning in a rain-swollen river.[7]

— 1  Wilson’s Creek, Pisgah National Forest, western NC, July 4. Drowning, female.[8]


Texas                          (5)

— 6  Sandusky Register, OH. “Weather.” 6-29-1989, A6.

— 5  Blanchard tally based on cause of death breakouts below.

— 4  AP. “Storm’s death toll now 4, damage may hit $1 billion.” Kerrville Daily Times, TX, 2A.

— 4  USGS. National Water Summary 1988-89 – Hydrologic Events and Floods… 1991, p. 45.

–2  Drownings            –1  Auto accident       –1  Electrocution

— 3  Drownings. Case. Preliminary Report…Tropical Storm Allison…1989. 8-16-1989, p. 4.

–2  Beaumont, June 27. Raft capsizes; males, 15 and 16, pulled into a drainage pipe.[9]

–1  Harris County, Spring Creek, June 27. 18-year-old male swimmer.[10]

— 1  Jefferson County, Beaumont, June 26. Traffic accident; male, 46.[11]

— 0  Longshore. Encyclopedia of Hurricanes, Typhoons, and Cyclones (New Edition). 2008, 9.

— 0  NCDC. Storm Events Database. Search Results for All Counties in Texas. June 23-28, 1989


Causes of Death


Drownings                 (18)

–1  DE. New Castle County, Shellpot Creek. Drowning, adult; vehicle swept off bridge.

–1  DE. New Castle County, White Clay Creek. Drowning while tubing.

–1  DE. Drowning; child, 9 years-old, falls into culvert and swept away by flood waters.

–3  LA. Drownings.

–5  MS. Drownings.

–2  NJ. East Brunswick, July 5. Drownings; two youths slipped into a flooded culvert.

–1  NC. Jackson County, Cashiers vicinity. Drowning in a rain-swollen river.

–1  NC. Wilson’s Creek, Pisgah National Forest, western NC, July 4. Drowning, female.

–2  TX. Beaumont, June 27. Raft capsizes; males, 15 and 16, pulled into a drainage pipe.[12]

–1  TX. Harris County, Spring Creek, June 27. 18-year-old male, swimming.


Electrocution             (  1)

–1  TX.


Vehicular Accidents  (  1)

–1  TX. Jefferson County, Beaumont, June 26. Traffic accident; male, 46.




Associated Press, Houston. (Michael Graczyk). “Allison toll: Two dead, scores homeless, one miracle.” Kerrville Daily Times, TX. 6-28-1989, 2A. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=112380819&sterm=allison


Associated Press. “Storm damage stretches from Texas to N.C.” Hutchinson News, KS, 7-6-1989, p. 8. At: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=160482768&sterm=tropical


Associated Press, Houston. “Storm’s death toll now 4, damage may hit $1 billion.” Kerrville Daily Times, TX, 2A. At: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=112380830&sterm


Associated Press (Tom Buerkle). “Tropical Storm Allison leaves trail of flood damage.” Kokomo Tribune, IN. 7-5-1989, 6. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=113639364&sterm=tropical+storm+allison


Case, Bob and Max Mayfield (National Hurricane Center, NWS, NOAA, Miami, FL). “Annual Summaries. Atlantic Hurricane Season of 1989.” Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 118, May 1990, pp. 1165-1177. Accessed 6-12-2014 at: http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/hurdat/mwr_pdf/1989.pdf


Case, Robert A. Preliminary Report. Tropical Storm Allison, 24 June – 1 July 1989. 8-16-1989. Accessed 6-12-2014 at: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/archive/storm_wallets/atlantic/atl1989-prelim/allison/prelim01.gif

And: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/archive/storm_wallets/atlantic/atl1989-prelim/allison/prelim04.gif


Longshore, David.  Encyclopedia of Hurricanes, Typhoons, and Cyclones (New Edition). New York, NY:  Facts on File, 2008.


National Climatic Data Center, NOAA. Storm Events Database. “Search Results for All Counties in Texas. All Available Event Types…between 06-23/1989 and 06/28/1989 (6 days). Accessed 6-12-2014 at: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/stormevents/listevents.jsp?eventType=ALL&beginDate_mm=06&beginDate_dd=23&beginDate_yyyy=1989&endDate_mm=06&endDate_dd=28&endDate_yyyy=1989&county=ALL&hailfilter=0.00&tornfilter=0&windfilter=000&sort=DT&submitbutton=Search&statefips=48%2CTEXAS


Sandusky Register, OH. “Weather.” 6-29-1989, A6. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=229811608&sterm=tropical+storm+allison


United States Geological Survey (Richard W. Paulson, Edith B. Chase, Robert S. Roberts, David W. Moody, compilers). National Water Summary 1988-89 – Hydrologic Events and Floods and Droughts (USGS Water Supply Paper 2375). Denver, CO: USGS (GPO), 1991. Google digitized and accessed 6-12-2014 at: http://books.google.com/books?id=CFlz5TNtUpMC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false


Wikipedia. “Tropical Storm Allison (1989).” 4-21-2014 modification. Accessed 6-12-2014 at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tropical_Storm_Allison_%281989%29


Winchester Star, VA. “Storms” (from p. A1), 6-27-1989, p. A6. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=156578773&sterm=tropical+storm+allison





[1] USGS. National Water Summary 1988-89 – Hydrologic Events and Floods… 1991, p. 45. Due to July 5 rains.

[2] USGS. National Water Summary 1988-89 – Hydrologic Events and Floods… 1991, p. 45.

[3] USGS. National Water Summary 1988-89 – Hydrologic Events and Floods… 1991, p. 45.

[4] USGS. National Water Summary 1988-89 – Hydrologic Events and Floods… 1991, p. 45.

[5] USGS. National Water Summary 1988-89 – Hydrologic Events and Floods… 1991, p. 46.

[6] Just notes, after writing of presumable drowning death of woman on Wilson’s Creek, that there had been “a previous death Monday [July 3] in North Carolina.”

[7] USGS. National Water Summary 1988-89 – Hydrologic Events and Floods… 1991, p. 45.

[8] USGS. National Water Summary 1988-89…1991, p. 45. From the press: “One woman was washed away and presumed dead after Wilson’s Creek overflowed its banks in the Pisgah National Forest in western North Carolina. That raised the death toll since Allison sloshed ashore in Texas a week ago to 14…” (AP. “Tropical Storm Allison leaves trail of flood damage.” Kokomo Tribune, IN. 7-5-1989, 6.) Another account noted that she “was swept away in her tent Tuesday [July 4] and presumed dead after a creek overflowed its banks…Her husband was rescued from the tent as it was carried downstream.” Noted that the tent had been found downstream but not the woman. (AP. “Storm damage stretches from Texas to N.C.” Hutchinson News, KS, 7-6-1989, p. 8.)

[9] Reference is to Mark Shaw, 15 and James Dunbar, 16. (AP. “Allison toll: Two dead, scores homeless…” Kerrville Daily Times, TX. 6-28-1989, 2A.)

[10] Don Gilliam. (AP. “Allison toll: Two dead, scores homeless…” Kerrville Daily Times, TX. 6-28-1989, 2A.)

[11] AP. “Allison toll: Two dead, scores homeless…” Kerrville Daily Times, TX. 6-28-1989, 2A; Winchester Star, VA. “Storms” (from P. A1), 6-27-1989, p. A6.

[12] Reference is to Mark Shaw, 15 and James Dunbar, 16. (AP. “Allison toll: Two dead, scores homeless…” Kerrville Daily Times, TX. 6-28-1989, 2A.)