1992 — April 29-May 4, Riots following Rodney King Verdict, Los Angeles, CA –53-54

–54 – 63  LA Times. “Los Angeles riots: Remember the 63 people who died.” 4-26-2012.[1]

—       60  Cole, Michael D. The L.A. Riots: Rage in the City of Angels. 1999, p. 39.

–54->60  Los Angeles Times staff. “Deaths during the L.A. riots.” LA Times, 4-25-2012.[2]

—       58  Drabek, Thomas E. The Human Side of Disaster. CRC Press, 2010, p. 35.

—       58  NYT. “After the Riots; Of 58 Riot Deaths, 50…ruled homicides.” 5-17-1992.[3]

—       55  History.com. “General Interest. Apr 29, 1992. Riots erupt in Los Angeles.”

—       54  Los Angeles Times. “Charting the Hours of Chaos,” April 29, 2002.

—  53-54  Blanchard estimated range.[4]

—       53  Crogan, Jim.  “The L.A. 53.”  LA Weekly, 5-2-2002.[5]

—       53  So. CA Public Radio 89.3 KPCC.  “19th Anniversary of the L.A. Riots.” 4-28-2011.

—     >50  CNN. “Los Angeles Riots Fast Facts.” 4-8-2016.


Breakout of Fatalities by Date:

—  7  April 29. LA Times. “Los Angeles riots: Remember the 63 people who died.” 4-26-2012.

–28  April 30. LA Times. “Los Angeles riots: Remember the 63 people who died.” 4-26-2012.

–12  May 1. LA Times. “Los Angeles riots: Remember the 63 people who died.” 4-26-2012.

—  5  May 2. LA Times. “Los Angeles riots: Remember the 63 people who died.” 4-26-2012.

—  1  May 4. LA Times. “Los Angeles riots: Remember the 63 people who died.” 4-26-2012.

53  Total. “…all were attributed to the unrest following the King verdict.”         “


Breakout of Fatalities by Race:

–27  Black.  LA Times. “Los Angeles riots: Remember the 63 people who died.” 4-26-2012.

–17  Non-black Hispanic.      “

–11  White.                            “

—  2  Asian                              “

—  1  Undetermined (so badly burned in arson fire that race nor age (15-89) not determined.

58  Total


Breakout of Fatalities by Gender:

–51  Males.    LA Times. “Los Angeles riots: Remember the 63 people who died.” 4-26-2012.

—  7  Females.             “


Breakout of Fatalities by Race and Cause of Death (Oliver table, using Crogan data):


Race    Shot by police Shot by Store  Shot by            Shot         Arson Sticks &       Car-            Total

or National        Owners            “other”          not wit-               boards;        related;

Guard                                  Witnessed       nessed                  stabbed;     hit &

strangled    run

Black               6                      1                     7              3                 1          0             7            25

Latino             5                      2                      3              1                  1          3             1            16

White              0                      0                      5              0                  1          2             0              8

Asian               0                      0                      1              1                  0          0             0              2

Algerian          0                      1                      0              0                  0          0             0              1

Indian or

Middle East    0                      0                      0              0                  1          0             0              1

Total             11                      4                     16             5                  4          5             8            53


Narrative Information


Crogan: “Gunfire killed 35, including eight people shot by law enforcement and two by National Guardsmen. Six died in arson fires. Attackers used sticks or boards to kill two others. Stabbings killed two. Six died in car accidents; two in hit-and-runs. One was strangled.


“The violence crossed racial and ethnic lines. The dead included 25 AfricanAmericans, 16 Latinos, eight whites, two Asians, one Algerian, and one Indian or Middle Easterner. Men outnumbered women, 48 to 5.


“One of the more troubling statistics: 22 of the cases remain open, unsolved homicides.”


“Investigative reporter Jim Crogan, using coroner’s reports, police records and interviews, compiled…snapshots of the final moments of the lives of L.A.’s 53.”[6] (Crogan, Jim. “The L.A. 53.”2002.)


Los Angeles Times, April 29, 2002: “The acquittals of four LAPD officers in the Rodney G. King beating case 10 years ago today left the city stunned. Crowds gathered angrily on street corners across the city, while thousands more turned to their televisions to watch events unfold. The flash point was a single gritty intersection in South-Central Los Angeles, but it was a scene eerily repeated in many parts of Los Angeles in the hours that followed.

“Here is a chronology of events between the verdicts and the end of curfew five days later.


Wednesday, April 29, 1992
3:15 p.m.: Three LAPD officers are acquitted and one is partially acquitted in the

videotaped beating of motorist Rodney G. King, setting off a powerful

chain reaction.
3:30 to 3:45 p.m.: The crowd outside the Simi Valley courthouse in Ventura

County swells to more than 300, most of them protesting the verdicts.
3:30 to 5 p.m.: Community activists and leaders meet to urge calm.
5 to 6 p.m.: More than two dozen officers confront a growing crowd near

Florence and Normandie avenues in South-Central Los Angeles.

Outnumbered, police back off and do not return. The crowd vents its anger

on passing motorists.
About 6:30 p.m.: Several hundred demonstrators gather outside Parker Center, the

police headquarters, in downtown Los Angeles.

About 6:45 p.m.: In one of the most startling images of the riots, truck driver

Reginald O. Denny is pulled from his cab and severely beaten. Four

people, some of whom saw the beating on TV, come to his aid.
6 to 7 p.m.: Police begin arriving at a command post at a bus depot at 54th Street

and Arlington Avenue.
6 to 8 p.m.: More than 2,000 gather for a peaceful rally at the First African

Methodist Episcopal Church.

6 to 8 p.m.: Looting and rioting begin in earnest. One of the first targets: Tom’s

Liquor and Deli at Florence and Normandie. Demonstrators begin torching

buildings in South-Central Los Angeles. The first fire call is received

about 7:45 p.m.
7 to 8 p.m.: Police commanders order all officers to report for duty.
7 to 9 p.m.: Rioting erupts in Inglewood, prompting officials to declare a state of

7:30 to 8 p.m.: Los Angeles Unified School District announces plans to close

schools in the affected areas.
8:45 p.m.: Mayor Tom Bradley calls a local state of emergency. Moments later,

Gov. Pete Wilson, at Bradley’s request, orders the National Guard to

activate 2,000 reserve soldiers.
About 9 p.m.: Bus service is shut down in portions of South-Central Los Angeles

at the request of the LAPD. The restrictions eventually affect 27 bus lines

throughout the area.
About 9 p.m.: The demonstration outside Parker Center turns violent as the crowd

throws rocks, smashes windows and torches a kiosk. Other demonstrators

vandalize several downtown buildings and snarl traffic on the Hollywood

Freeway (101).
9:05 p.m.: The California Highway Patrol closes exit ramps from the Harbor

Freeway (110) from the Santa Monica Freeway (10) junction to Century

Boulevard to keep unsuspecting motorists from wandering into the path of

violence. Eventually the closure is moved south, stretching from Martin

Luther King Boulevard to Imperial Highway.
9:05 p.m.: The Federal Aviation Administration shifts the landing pattern of

jetliners approaching LAX for safety reasons, after the LAPD notifies the

FAA that a police helicopter was fired upon.
About 9:15 p.m.: About 200 to 300 demonstrators gather at HansenDam

Recreation Center in Lake View Terrace march to the nearby LAPD

Foothill Division headquarters.
10:30 p.m.: Bradley issues a taped message to the citizens of Los Angeles calling

for peace. The message is broadcast later.

THE TOLL  (From 3 p.m. Wednesday through midnight)
Deaths: At least eight
Injuries: Nearly two dozen people are admitted to the emergency room at

Martin Luther King Jr./Drew Medical Center.

Thursday, April 30, 1992
Midnight: Gov. Wilson holds a news conference announcing a state of emergency

and plans to dispatch the National Guard and the California Highway Patrol. Just after midnight, three people are killed when their car, being chased by Beverly Hills police, hits a fire hydrant and overturns.

12:15 a.m.: Bradley signs an order enacting a curfew in the area most affected by

the unrest.
Midnight to 3 a.m.: Three new fires per minute are reported, overwhelming the

Los Angeles Fire Department.
About 8 a.m.: Nearly 2,000 National Guard troops are in place at area armories.

They spend hours taking refresher courses and waiting for equipment,

ammunition and deployment orders from local law enforcement officials.
9:30 a.m.: Bradley, flanked by Fire Chief Donald Manning and Police Chief

Daryl F. Gates, holds a news conference on the violence rocking the city.
10:15 a.m.: Bradley expands the curfew to cover more of the area scarred by

12-2:30 p.m.: The National Guard is officially deployed. By late afternoon,

hundreds of troops take up positions in hot spots around the city.
1-6 p.m.: Smoke along Washington Boulevard becomes so thick that it impairs

visibility of Blue Line train operators. Passengers are taken off the train

and shuttled by bus from the 7th and Figueroa station to the station at

Washington and Long Beach Avenue.
3:30 p.m.: U.S. Atty. Gen. William P. Barr announces that the Justice Department

will resume its investigation into possible civil rights violations in the

King beating.
5:10 p.m.: Wilson holds a news conference, carried live statewide, urging an end

to violence and promising enough law enforcement to bring the trouble

under control.
About 6:30 p.m.: Long Beach declares a state of emergency and imposes a 7 p.m.-

6 a.m. curfew. But the move is not enough to protect a Department of

Motor Vehicles office that is burned to the ground. Curfews are imposed

in Carson, Culver City, Hawthorne, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Park,

Inglewood, Pomona, San Fernando, Torrance and West Hollywood. A  countywide curfew is imposed from the Long Beach Freeway (710) in

the east, the Santa Ana (5) and Santa Monica (10) freeways in the north,

the San Diego Freeway (405) in the west and Lomita Boulevard in the

About 10 p.m.: Wilson takes a helicopter tour around the perimeter of the

troubled area.
Just before midnight: Bradley and Wilson announce they have requested more

National Guard troops to bring the Los Angeles County total to 6,000.

They also ask the U.S. military to be placed “on alert.”
Throughout the day: Thousands loot retail outlets in South-Central Los Angeles,

Koreatown, Hollywood, Mid-Wilshire, Watts and Westwood as well as

Beverly Hills, Compton, Culver City, Hawthorne, Long Beach, Norwalk

and Pomona. Long lines form at supermarkets and gas stations throughout

the city as residents, fearing shortages, stock up. Government offices,

courthouses, libraries, shopping malls and many businesses are shut down

for the day. Cal State Los Angeles, Dominguez Hills…Northridge cancel

classes. Final exams…postponed at USC. The Los AngelesUnified

School District expands its school closure to include every school and

child-care center in the district. Mail service is suspended to 14 ZIP Codes

in the hardest-hit areas. Professional sports teams cancel games, including

the NBA playoff game between the Clippers and the Utah Jazz, and the

match-up between the Dodgers and the Philadelphia Phillies. A power

outage leaves thousands of Angelenos in the dark.
THE TOLL  (From 3 p.m. Wednesday through 11 p.m. Thursday)
Deaths: At least 25; Injuries: 572; Fires: 1,000; Arrests: 720
Estimated damages: $200 million to $250 million

Friday, May 1, 1992

1:15 to 5:30 a.m.: Gov. Wilson and Mayor Bradley talk with President George

H.W. Bush and other officials in Washington about deployment of

federal troops.

7:15 a.m.: Officials announce that 3,000 to 4,000 federal troops and 1,000

riot-trained federal law officers will be sent to Los Angeles.

About 7:30 a.m.: Three LAPD officers are fired on by a sniper but are not

seriously hurt.

Before 8 a.m.: Hundreds begin crowding South-Central Los Angeles post offices

to get mail not delivered to their homes due to the crisis.
9:30 a.m.: Bradley announces that the dusk-to-dawn curfew will be expanded

citywide. The directive also prohibits the sale of ammunition and the sale

of gasoline except for automobiles.
11:45 a.m.: During a news conference with Patricia Sakai, administrator of the

Small Business Administration, Bradley announces that Wilson will seek

an official federal disaster declaration from Bush.
About 1 p.m.: More than 1,000 Korean Americans and others gather at a peace

rally at Western Avenue and Wilshire Boulevard.
About 2 p.m.: Pomona declares a state of emergency and imposes a dusk-to-dawn

About 2:30 p.m.: Officials in Washington and Los Angeles announce that a

federal grand jury has been convened and indicate that the Justice

Department is likely to seek criminal indictments of the four officers

involved in the King beating.
About 2:45 p.m.: Rodney G. King, the man whose videotaped beating created a

national furor over police brutality, breaks his long silence to speak out

about the violence inflicted in his name. In a brief emotional statement he

asks: “People … can we get along?”
3-5 p.m.: About 4,000 federal troops, Marines and soldiers begin arriving at

Marine Corps Air Stations in Tustin and El Toro.
By 6 p.m.: Most of the 6,000 National Guard troops sent to [LA] are deployed.
6 p.m.: Bush, speaking from the Oval Office, addresses the nation on the violence

in Los Angeles and elsewhere. He announces that he will place 6,000

National Guard members under federal control.
7 p.m.-midnight: The curfew begins to take a heavy toll on area merchants, with

some reporting $40,000 to $50,000 in losses per day.
Throughout the day:
Cleanup efforts begin along heavily hit Vermont Avenue and other areas, including the Mid-City, Mid-Wilshire and Hollywood sections.

In addition to Los Angeles, schools are closed in Beverly Hills, Compton, Inglewood, Long Beach, Lynwood, Paramount and Torrance.
Colleges and universities remain closed.
Many airlines cancel flights into LAX…many travelers opt…to use airports in outlying cities.
Up to 25,000 residents still are without electricity.
THE TOLL (From 3 p.m. Wednesday through 11 p.m. Friday)
Deaths: At least 40; Injuries: 1,419 (159 critical); Arrests: 4,393; Fires: 4,536
Estimated damages: $500 million to $550 million. About 3,100 businesses are affected by rioting or looting.

Saturday, May 2, 1992
8 a.m.: The first of 6,000 alleged looters and arsonists are scheduled to begin

appearing in court, but due to the volume of cases, arraignments don’t

begin until midafternoon.
10 a.m.: Long Beach City Council meets in emergency session to report on

violence there. The tally: one death, 334 injuries and nearly 300

businesses destroyed by fire.
11 a.m.: An estimated 30,000 people march for racial healing and in support of

beleaguered merchants in Koreatown.
11:30 a.m.: Bradley announces that the citywide curfew will be in effect

4 p.m.: The first Marine Corps units arrive in Compton.
5:15 p.m.: Bradley names former Olympics organizer Peter V. Ueberroth to serve

as the unpaid “czar” for the Rebuild L.A. effort. At the same news

conference, Gov. Wilson announces that President Bush has declared Los

Angeles a disaster area.
6:40 p.m.: Bradley signs an executive order prohibiting landlords from imposing

late fees on renters unable to withdraw money from damaged banks.
Throughout the day: Legions of volunteers armed with grit, gumption and

cleaning supplies hit the streets. The effort attracts residents from all races

and all segments of the county. Citizens also pitch in to help direct traffic,

hand out food and shuttle residents without bus service.
Authorities report no new major fires and few major riot-related criminal

incidents for the first time since the violence erupted Wednesday.
County officials close an eight-mile stretch of beach in Venice and Playa

del Rey.
More than 3,500 National Guard troops are on the streets, with another 1,000 in staging areas. Army and Marine forces remain largely in staging areas.
THE TOLL (From 3 p.m. Wednesday through 11 p.m. Saturday)
Deaths: At least 45; Injuries: 2,116 (211 critical); Arrests: 7,495; Fires: 5,534
Estimated damages: $550 million
With the official tally of 45 deaths, Los Angeles becomes the site of the most deadly U.S. riot in contemporary history.

Sunday, May 3, 1992
6 a.m.: RTD resumes some service into South-Central [LA] during the day.
About 10:30 a.m.: The Rev. Jesse Jackson meets with leaders in Koreatown to

urge an end to animosity between African American and Korean American communities.

10:45 a.m.: L.A. County Sheriff Sherman Block calls for federal prosecution of

those who targeted Korean American merchants and beat a white truck

driver during the unrest.
11:30 a.m.: Bradley announces that he is lifting the dusk-to-dawn curfew on

Monday. He says he expects inquiries into LAPD and National Guard

delays in responding to the crisis….
4 p.m.: The number of inmates at the County Jail tops a record 25,000.
7:50 p.m.: National Guard members shoot a motorist they say was trying to run

them down. The man, a Latino, dies at 10:05 p.m. It is the first use of

deadly force by the Guard since troops’ arrival Thursday.
During the day:
Delivering homilies at churches throughout the area, including South-

Central, Cardinal Roger M. Mahony urges looters to return stolen

Ueberroth and Wilson take separate tours of riot-damaged sections of Los Angles County.
Police acting on tips recover truckloads of looted merchandise.
Federal authorities announce that the FBI and U.S. attorney general’s office will investigate the torching of Korean-owned businesses and the attack on Denny, the truck driver.
The South Korean Foreign Ministry announces that its government will send a delegation to Los Angeles to seek reparation for Korean American merchants who suffered damage during the unrest.
Federal, state and local emergency officials announce that one-stop disaster-assistance centers will open by week’s end.
Many school districts, including Los Angeles, Inglewood and Beverly Hills, announce that classes will resume Monday.
Normal class schedules also are announced for USC and University of California campuses.
Democratic presidential hopeful Bill Clinton arrives in Los Angeles to meet with community leaders and to inspect the hard-hit areas.
Authorities reveal that most of the 1,200 backup federal law enforcement officers will leave Monday.
Nearly 8,500 members of the Marines, Army and National Guard are posted throughout the county.
THE TOLL (From 3 p.m. Wednesday through 11 p.m. Sunday)
Deaths: At least 51; Injuries: 2,328 (228 critical); Arrests: 10,164; Fires:

Estimated damages: $717 million (excluding Long Beach)
Physicians for Reginald O. Denny, the truck driver beaten as an angry crowd and stunned TV viewers watched, announce that the 36-year-old man is making a “remarkable recovery.”

Monday, May 4, 1992
6 a.m.: The dusk-to-dawn curfew, imposed at the height of the rioting, ends. RTD

resumes its full normal schedule citywide.
6:30 a.m.: Normal arrivals departures resume at LAX.
7-10 a.m.: Los Angeles returns to work, school and the malls.
7-9 a.m.: Thousands queue up at state employment offices. Economists estimate

that 20,000 to 40,000 people were put out of work when their places of business were looted or burned.

8 a.m.: White House officials announce that the federal government will make

available $600 million–half in SBA loans and half in cash grants–to help

repair damage. The Bush administration also sends a team of officials to

the city to assess needs.
11:15 a.m.: State Sen. Art Torres (D-Los Angeles) proposes a 1/4-cent sales tax

boost to fund rebuilding and to generate funds for earthquake relief.
4:30 p.m.: Gov. Wilson meets privately with 16 California corporate executives,

including representatives of four major financial institutions and three

large supermarket chains.
During the day: Bill Clinton and Republican presidential candidate Patrick

Buchanan tour Koreatown.
Korean American business community leaders map a strategy for helping

members recover.
Several financial institutions…announce assistance programs for

businesses and homeowners in areas damaged during the riots.
Despite mounting criticism, LAPD Chief Gates defends his conduct in

planning and coping with the disturbance, particularly in its early stages.
Federal law enforcement experts sent to [LA] are sent home, as are many police officers and sheriff’s deputies from elsewhere in the Southland.
Aided by…tips from residents, police continue to recover stolen merchandise.
Homicide detectives from the LAPD’s Rampart Division launch an investigation into the shooting death of a motorist killed Sunday after he allegedly tried to run down a Guard member.
THE TOLL (From 3 p.m. Wednesday through 11 p.m. Monday)
Deaths: At least 58; Injuries: 2,383 (228 critical); Arrests: 12,111; Fires: 7,000.
Estimated damages: $717 million; 3,100 businesses affected by rioting or looting.

In the months ahead, some deaths will be found not to be riot-related and the death toll will be adjusted to 54. The damage estimate will be adjusted to nearly $1 billion.”


(Los Angeles Times. “Charting the Hours of Chaos,” April 29, 2002.)


So CA Public Radio 89.3: “On April 29th, 1992, Los Angeles erupted in riots. Sparked by anger after four white police officers were acquitted for the beating of black motorist Rodney King, thousands wreaked havoc on the city for six days. Widespread looting, arson, assault and murder left 53 people dead, thousands injured and over $1 billion in property damage.” (Southern California Public Radio 89.3 KPCC.  “19th Anniversary of the L.A. Riots.” 4-28-2011)




CNN. “Los Angeles Riots Fast Facts.” 4-8-2016. Accessed 4-11-2016 at: http://www.cnn.com/2013/09/18/us/los-angeles-riots-fast-facts/


Cole, Michael D. The L.A. Riots: Rage in the City of Angels. Springfield, NJ: Enslow Publishers, Inc. 1999.


Crogan, Jim. “The L.A. 53.”  LA Weekly, 5-2-2002. Accessed 4-11-2016 at:  http://www.laweekly.com/2002-05-02/news/the-l-a-53/


Drabek, Thomas E. The Human Side of Disaster. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2010.


History.com. This Day in History, Apr 29. “General Interest. 1992. Riots erupt in Los Angeles.” Accessed 4-11-2016 at: http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/riots-erupt-in-los-angeles


Los Angeles Times. “Charting the Hours of Chaos,” 4-29-2002. Accessed 4-11-2016 at:  http://www.lafire.com/famous_fires/MajorIncident-index.htm


Los Angeles Times staff. “Deaths during the L.A. riots.” Los Angeles Times, 4-25-2012. Accessed 4-11-2016 at: http://spreadsheets.latimes.com/la-riots-deaths/


Los Angeles Times. “Los Angeles riots: Remember the 63 people who died.” 4-26-2012. Accessed 4-11-2016 at: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2012/04/los-angeles-riots-remember-the-63-people-who-died-.html


New York Times. “After the Riots; Of 58 Riot Deaths, 50 Have Been Ruled Homicides.” 5-17-1992. Accessed 4-11-2016 at: http://www.nytimes.com/1992/05/17/us/after-the-riots-of-58-riot-deaths-50-have-been-ruled-homicides.html


Oliver, Pamela. “Deaths in the 1992 LA Riot.” Professor, Dept. of Sociology, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Accessed 4-11-2016 at: http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/~oliver/soc220/Lectures220/AfricanAmericans/LA%20Riot%201992%20Deaths.htm


Southern California Public Radio 89.3 KPCC. “19th Anniversary of the L.A. Riots.” 4-28-2011. Accessed 5-18-2011 at: http://www.scpr.org/programs/airtalk/2011/04/28/la-riots/?utm_campaign=Argyle+Social-2011-04&utm_content=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.scpr.org%2Fprograms%2Fairtalk%2F2011%2F04%2F28%2Fla-riots%2F&utm_medium=Argyle+Social&utm_source=facebook


[1] Worded a bit differently than previous day’s post: “More than 60 people lost their lives amid the looting and fires during the Los Angeles riots that ravaged the city over five days starting April 29, 1992. Ten were shot to death by law enforcement officials. Forty-four people died in other homicides or incidents tied to the rioting….The exact number of people who died in the riots is  open to debate, but The Times confirmed 63 victims.” The interactive map noted in the April 25 LA Times report is included. One of the “Other” deaths included in the 63 is a 56-year-old male who lived alone in a cottage on Winslow Drive, who “fell asleep with a cigarette and his bed caught fire.” According to the LA Times note “The coroner’s office concluded that he died of a drug and alcohol overdose and that his cigarette may have started the fire.” Most of the “Other” category appear to us to be similarly non-riot related deaths. Thus, we choose to use the figure of 54 definitive riot-related fatalities.

[2] “More than 60 people lost their lives amid the looting and fires that ravaged the city over five days starting April 29, 1992. Ten were shot to death by law enforcement officials. An additional 44 people died in other homicides or incidents tied to the rioting.” An interactive map is provided. One can click on icons on the map to bring up short descriptions of the deaths of the identified victims. These are color-coded for riot-related homicide, riot-related death, officer-involved homicide, and “other.” The “others” are marked in gray, and we counted nine. From the brief descriptions these, mostly shooting deaths, do appear to be non-riot related. If treated as non-riot related there would be 54 riot-related deaths.

[3] Writes that “The Los Angeles Country Coroner’s Office lists 58 people as having died because of the riots and says 50 were homicide victims….There is disagreement between the Coroner’s Office and law-enforcement agencies about the riot death toll. Three car theft suspects…who were killed in a crash while being chased by the Beverly Hills police on April 30, are listed by the Coroner’s Office as riot victims, but the Police Department considers the deaths unrelated to the rioting….”

[4] While we show a range of estimates, by following the footnotes it becomes evident that the higher numbers include violent deaths that other sources do not include as a riot-related violent deaths. We have not attempted to list all the sources we have consulted that have noted 53 or 54 deaths; though these appear to represent the majority.

[5] Professor Pamela Oliver, Dept. of Sociology, University of Wisconsin, has summarized the 53 deaths detailed by Crogan in a table which correlates race by causes of death – such as shot by police or National Guard. A URL link can be found in “Sources.”

[6] A URL link to the article and its notes on the victims is provided in “Sources” below.