1992 — Nov 21-23, Tornado Outbreak, GA/6 KY/1 MS/15 NC/2 SC/1 TN/1 — 26

— 26  NWS WFO, Jackson, MS. November 21-22, 1992 Tornado Outbreak. “Summary…”

— 26  Blanchard tally of State breakouts below.

— 26  Nov 21-22. NCDC. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Search Results for all U.S. States.

— 10  Nov 21. NCDC. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Search Results, all U.S. States.

— 14  Nov 22. NCDC. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Search Results, all U.S. States.

—   2  Nov 23. NCDC. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Search Results, all U.S. States.

— 25  Nov 21-23. Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes Update 1992-1995. 1997, p. 1341.


Georgia                      (  6)

— 6  Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes Update 1992-1995. 1997, p. 1343.

— 6  NCDC, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Search Results for all Georgia, Nov 22.

— 1  Greene County, Nov 22, 16:07 EST, F4. Female. NCDC Storm Events Database, Greene.

— 1  Lumpkin County, Yahoola Valley resort/ranch, Nov 22, 13:10 EST, F3. Female worker.[1]

— 3  Putnam County, Lake Oconee, Nov 22, 15:45 EST, F4. House and trailer swept into lake.[2]

— 1  Putnam County, near U.S. Hwy. 441. Mobile home; young man.[3]


Kentucky                   (  1)

— 1  Carroll County, Easterday, Nov 22, 16:52-17:50 EST, F4. Female, 62.[4]


Mississippi                  (15)

— 15  Grazulis. Significant Tornadoes Update 1992-1995. 1997, p. 1342. [See breakouts below.]

— 15  NWS WFO, Jackson, MS. Ten Year Anniversary of the Brandon Tornado. 2002.

— 15  NWS WFO, Jackson, MS. November 21-22, 1992 Tornado Outbreak. “Summary of…”

—  1  Choctaw County.

—  1  Kemper Co. F2 just west of Wahalak, Nov 22, 02:15-02:55. Wood frame home.[5]

—  1  Leake County.

–10  Rankin County, Nov 21, 23:27-Nov 22, 02:01 CST.[6]

—  2  Webster Co. Clarkson, Nov 22, 02:14, small wood frame home (both occupants).[7]

— 14  NCDC. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Search Results for all U.S. States and Areas.

— 12  Grazulis. Significant Tornadoes Update 1992-1995. 1997, p. 1342.

–1  Choctaw County, Weir, Nov 21. F3-F4.[8]

–1  Leake Co., west of Carthage, Pine Tree Community,[9] Nov 21, F4. Mobile home.

–4  Rankin County, Brandon, Nov 21. Mobile homes. Females, 67, 73.[10]

–4  Rankin Co., Brandon, Easthaven subdivision, Nov 21. F4.[11] Males, 7, 10, 7, father.[12]

–2  Rankin County, Florence, edge of, Nov 21. Mobile homes. F3-F4.[13]

—   2  Webster-Chickasaw, Nov 22, 02:14, F1. Grazulis. Significant Tornadoes Update… p.1342.

—   1  Kemper –Noxubee (Wahalak). Nov 22, 02:15, F2. Grazulis. Significant…Update… p.1342.

— 12  NWS.  Twenty-four Deadliest Tornadoes in Mississippi 1950-2005.  Jackson, MS WFO.


North Carolina          (  2)

— 2  Orange Co., near Hillsborough, Nov 23, 02:20, F3. Males, 2 and 53. Grazulis, p. 1344.[14]


South Carolina          (  1)

— 1  Saluda Co., Nov 22. Home destroyed near intersection of Hwy 395 and Secondary Rd 56.[15]


Tennessee                   (  1)

— 1  Hardeman Co., Bolivar to Toone, F1, Nov 22, 03:50. Mobile home tipped over; boy, 11.[16]


Narrative Information




NWS WFO, Jackson, MS: “November 21, 2002 marks the ten year anniversary of the violent F4 tornado that struck the Florence and Brandon areas in 1992. This was a night where 15 tornadoes occurred across Mississippi which caused 15 fatalities and 269 injuries. In Rankin county alone there were 10 fatalities and 98 injuries and millions of dollars in property damage. (NWS WFO, Jackson, MS. Ten Year Anniversary of the Brandon Tornado. 2002.)


Grazulis, Nov 21: “Two people were killed in one of several mobile homes destroyed at the edge of Florence. Four people died as 30 mobile homes were destroyed at Brandon. Four others died when the tornado leveled a large well-built brick home…in the Easthaven subdivision; one body was found in a tree a quarter-mile from the foundation. In Rankin County, 10 people were killed, 98 injured, 60 homes were destroyed and 500 were damaged….One death occurred in a mobile home west of Carthage. Twelve people were injured in Attala County. In Choctaw County, 101 homes were damaged or destroyed. One person was killed and 12 injured at Weir.”  (Grazulis. Significant Tornadoes Update 1992-1995. 1997, p. 1342.)




Associated Press. “Cub Scout brothers buried; tornado killed them, buddy.” Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire, WI, 11-25-1992, p. 5C. Accessed 4-7-2016 at: http://newspaperarchive.com/us/wisconsin/eau-claire/eau-claire-leader-telegram/1992/11-25/page-21?tag


Associated Press. “Deadly tornado barrage spreads to N. Carolina.” Daily Herald, Arlington Heights, IL, 11-24-1992, p. 1. Accessed 4-7-2016 at: http://newspaperarchive.com/us/illinois/arlington-heights/daily-herald-suburban-chicago/1992/11-24/page-143?tag


Burlington Times-News, NC. “Obituaries.” 11-25-1992, D2. Accessed 4-7-2016 at: http://newspaperarchive.com/us/north-carolina/burlington/burlington-times-news/1992/11-25/page-20?tag


Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes Update 1992-1995. St. Johnsbury, VE: The Tornado Project of Environmental Films, January 1997, 128 pages.


Laurel Leader-Call, MS. “Funerals,” 11-25-1992, 2A. Accessed 4-7-2016 at: http://newspaperarchive.com/us/mississippi/laurel/laurel-leader-call/1992/11-25/page-2?tag


National Climatic Data Center, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Georgia, Greene County, F4, 11-22-1992, 16:07 EST. Accessed 4-7-2016 at: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/stormevents/eventdetails.jsp?id=10010606


National Climatic Data Center, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Georgia, Lumpkin County, F3, 11-22-1992, 12:10 EST. Accessed 4-7-2016 at: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/stormevents/eventdetails.jsp?id=10009523


National Climatic Data Center, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Georgia, Putnam County, 11-22-1992, 15:45 EST, F4. Accessed 4-7-2016 at: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/stormevents/eventdetails.jsp?id=10010604


National Climatic Data Center, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Kentucky, Carroll County, 11-22-1992, 15:52 EST, F4. Accessed 4-7-2016 at: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/stormevents/eventdetails.jsp?id=10031845


National Climatic Data Center, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Tornado. F2, Mississippi, Kemper County, 11-22-1992, 02:15 CST. Accessed 4-7-2016 at: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/stormevents/eventdetails.jsp?id=10062536


National Climatic Data Center, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Mississippi, Leake County, 11-22-1992, 00:29 CST Accessed 4-7-2016 at: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/stormevents/eventdetails.jsp?id=10062527


National Climatic Data Center, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Mississippi, Rankin County, 11-21-1992, 23:35, F4. Accessed 4-7-2016 at: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/stormevents/eventdetails.jsp?id=10062523


National Climatic Data Center, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Tornado. F1, Mississippi, Webster County, 11-22-1992, 02:14 CST. Accessed 4-7-2016 at: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/stormevents/eventdetails.jsp?id=10062535


National Climatic Data Center, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Search Results for all U.S. States and Areas, 11-21-1992. Accessed 4-7-2016 at: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/stormevents/listevents.jsp?eventType=%28C%29+Tornado&beginDate_mm=11&beginDate_dd=21&beginDate_yyyy=1992&endDate_mm=11&endDate_dd=21&endDate_yyyy=1992&hailfilter=0.00&tornfilter=0&windfilter=000&sort=DT&submitbutton=Search&statefips=-999%2CALL


National Climatic Data Center, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Search Results for all U.S. States and Areas, 11-22-1992. Accessed 4-7-2016 at: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/stormevents/listevents.jsp?eventType=%28C%29+Tornado&beginDate_mm=11&beginDate_dd=22&beginDate_yyyy=1992&endDate_mm=11&endDate_dd=22&endDate_yyyy=1992&hailfilter=0.00&tornfilter=0&windfilter=000&sort=DT&submitbutton=Search&statefips=-999%2CALL


National Climatic Data Center, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Search Results for all U.S. States and Areas, 11-23-1992. Accessed 4-7-2016 at: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/stormevents/listevents.jsp?eventType=%28C%29+Tornado&beginDate_mm=11&beginDate_dd=23&beginDate_yyyy=1992&endDate_mm=11&endDate_dd=23&endDate_yyyy=1992&hailfilter=0.00&tornfilter=0&windfilter=000&sort=DT&submitbutton=Search&statefips=-999%2CALL


National Climatic Data Center, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Tornado. South Carolina, Saluda County, 11-22-1992, 17:55 CST, F3. Accessed 4-7-2016 at: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/stormevents/eventdetails.jsp?id=10109884


National Climatic Data Center, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Tennessee, Hardeman, 11-22-1992, 03:50 CST, F1. Accessed 4-7-2016 at: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/stormevents/eventdetails.jsp?id=10120394


National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office, Jackson, MS. November 21-22, 1992 Tornado Outbreak. “Summary of the National Outbreak.” Flowood, MS: NWS WFO, Jackson, MS, NOAA. 11-19-2012 modification. Accessed 4-7-2016: http://www.srh.noaa.gov/jan/?n=1992_11_21_22_tor


National Weather Service Forecast Office, Jackson, MS. Ten Year Anniversary of the Brandon Tornado. NWS Weather 2002. At: http://www.srh.noaa.gov/jan/events/brandon2002.html


National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office, Jackson, MS. Twenty-four Deadliest Tornadoes in Mississippi 1950-2005. Jackson, MS:  NWS WFO, NOAA, January 18, 2006 update. Accessed at: http://www.srh.noaa.gov/jan/TorStats/24DeadliestTors.php



[1] Grazulis. Significant Tornadoes Update 1992-1995, p. 1343. Grazulis notes that the victim and another employee were carried 65 yards. She “died of massive head injuries.” Also: NCDC, NOAA. Storm Events Database.

[2] NCDC, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Georgia, Putnam County, 11-22-1992, 15:45 EST, F4.

[3] NCDC, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Georgia, Putnam County, 11-22-1992, 15:45 EST, F4.

[4] NCDC. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Kentucky, Carroll County, 11-22-1992, 15:52 EST, F4; Grazulis.

[5] NCDC, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Mississippi, Kemper County, 11-22-1992, 02:15 CST, F2.,

[6] Times are from: NCDC. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Mississippi, Rankin County, 11-21-1992, 23:35, F4.

[7] NCDC, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Mississippi, Webster County, 11-22-1992, 02:14 CST, F1.

[8] Also: NCDC. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Mississippi, Leake County, 11-22-1992, 00:29 CST. (1 death)

[9] NCDC, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Mississippi, Leake County, 11-22-1992, 00:29 CST. (1 death)

[10] Two of the victims were identified as (1) Mrs. Flora Parker, 73, who died of injures “suffered during Saturday’s tornado at Duncan Trailer Park in Brandon” and (2) “Miss Sarah Lou West, 67…from injuries suffered during Saturday’s tornado at Duncan Trailer Park in Brandon.” (Laurel Leader-Call, MS. “Funerals,” 11-25-1992, 2A.)

[11] Grazulis notes that the deaths were all in one “large well-built brick home.” See, also: NCDC, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Mississippi, Leake County, 11-22-1992, 00:29 CST. (4 deaths)

[12] Ages of victims are from: Associated Press. “Cub Scout brothers buried; tornado killed them, buddy.” Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire, WI, 11-25-1992, p. 5C. Writes: “Lee Warrington, 10, and his 7-year-old brother, Chaz, died Sunday when a tornado razed the home of a fellow Scout with whom they were staying overnight. Also killed was 7-year-old Justin Smith and his father, Terry.” Also notes “No tornado warning was issued, and authorities blamed antiquated weather radar.” [This may be inaccurate.]

[13] Also; NCDC. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Mississippi, Leake County, 11-22-1992, 00:29 CST. (2 deaths). An AP article identifies one of the victims as Donna Overstreet and noted her son, 8, survived. (Associated Press. “Deadly tornado barrage spreads to N. Carolina.” Daily Herald, Arlington Heights, IL, 11-24-1992, p. 1.)

[14] The 53-year-old male seems to be a reference to Joshua A. Hall who “died…November 23, 1992 at his home [Hillsborough] from injuries suffered in a tornado.” Burlington, NC, Times-News. “Obituaries.” 11-25-1992, D2.

[15] NCDC. Storm Events Database. Tornado. SC, Saluda County, 11-22-1992, 17:55 CST, F3; Grazulis, p. 1344.

[16] Grazulis, Thomas P. Significant Tornadoes Update 1992-1995, p. 1343. Also: NCDC, NOAA. Storm Events Database. Tornado. Tennessee, Hardeman, 11-22-1992, 03:50 CST, F1.