1999 — May 1, Spectators killed by debris from VisionAire 500 Race crash, Concord, NC–3

— 3  New York Times. “Auto Racing; 3 Spectators Killed at Track,” May 2, 1999.

— 3  St. Petersburg Times. “Major Incidents of Fan Deaths,” June 11, 2005.


Narrative Information


NYT: “Concord, N.C., May 1–Three spectators were killed and at least nine were injured when they were struck by debris that flew into the stands after a three-car crash in the VisionAire 500 Indy Racing League event tonight.


“Spectators sitting in the area where the crash occurred said a tire and suspension parts flew into the stands and struck the spectators. In addition to those killed, an undetermined number were injured, apparently not critically, when they were hit at Lowe’s Motor Speedway. ”In respect to them,” H. A. Wheeler, the speedway president, said of those killed, ”we are calling off the event tonight. Please include them in your prayers.”


“John Paul Jr. and Stan Wattles slammed hard into the fourth-turn retaining wall on Lap 61 of the 208-lap event and went spinning down the front stretch, hooking up with the car of Scott Harrington.


“The authorities cleared the section of the stands where the carnage occurred and the race was red-flagged while emergency workers tended to the injured. While medical personnel worked, track security employees surrounded them and held up white sheets.


“Within minutes of the crash, the three drivers were examined at the infield care center and released, and about 15 minutes later, Wheeler went on the public-address system to tell fans the race was being canceled.” (NYT. “Auto Racing; 3 Spectators Killed at Track,” May 2, 1999.)


St. Petersburg Times: “May 1, 1999: Three fans are killed, eight injured at the IRL VisionAire 500 at Concord, N.C. John Paul Jr. and Stan Wattles hit the wall in Turn 4 and spin down the frontstretch. Scott Harrington’s car is collected and debris from the crash flies into the stands.” (St. Petersburg Times. “Major Incidents of Fan Deaths,” June 11, 2005.




New York Times. “Auto Racing; 3 Spectators Killed at Track,” 5-2-1999. Accessed at: http://www.nytimes.com/1999/05/02/sports/auto-racing-3-spectators-killed-at-track.html?pagewanted=1


St. Petersburg Times, FL. “Major Incidents of Fan Deaths.” 6-11-2005. Accessed at: http://www.sptimes.com/2005/06/11/Sports/Major_incidents_of_fa.shtml