2001 — Sep 11, 9/11 Terrorist Attacks, WTC (NY), Pentagon, Shanksville, PA –3,064

—   3,064  Blanchard tally of deaths in NY (2,830), Pentagon (189) and Shanksville, PA (45).

— <3,000  National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon…[U.S.]. 9/11 Commission Report

—   2,996  (2,977 victims and 19 hijackers. Wikipedia. “Casualties of the September 11 Attacks.”

—   2,977  Glazier. “Lost lives remembered during 9/11 ceremony.” Online Rocket, 9-12-2008.

—   2,976  Insurance Information Institute.  “The Ten Most Catastrophic Multiple-Death…”[1]

—   2,973  CBS News. “War Casualties Pass 9/11 Death Toll,” Sep 22, 2006.[2]

—   2,750  Planecrashinfo.com. “2001. Accident Details. NYC, United Air 175, Sep 11, 2001”

—   2,666  (NY WTC)  NFPA. “The 20 Deadliest Fires and Explosions in US History.”

—   2,606  New York. Wikipedia. “Casualties of the September 11 Attacks.” 5-26-2015 update.

—   2,605  New York. Wikipedia. “Casualties of the September 11 Attacks.” 7-15-2010.

—      266  Victims on the four planes. Blanchard compilation of 9-11 Research website numbers.

—      246  Victims on the four planes. Wikipedia. “Casualties of the September 11 Attacks.”




New York:                 (2,830)

— 2,830  FEMA 403. WTC occupants (2,270), 157 in the aircraft, & 403 emergency responders.

— 2,819  Cloud, John. “11 Lives. The Survivor. A Miracle’s Cost.” Time, 9-1-2002.

— 2,774  World Trade Center, American 11, United 175 (Blanchard compilation).

— 2,602   WTC and on-ground, not counting plane fatalities. (Wikipedia.  “Casualties of …”)

— 1,431   North Tower, WTC & American 11 (1,366 + 92)

— 1,366   North Tower, WTC. Wikipedia.  “Casualties of the September 11 Attacks.”

—    665   South Tower & United 175 (600 + 65)

—  ~600   South Tower. Wikipedia.  “Casualties of the September 11 Attacks.”

—      92   American Airlines Flight 11, WTC No. Tower (81 passengers and 11 crew).[3]

—      65   United Airlines Flight 175, WTC South Tower (56 passengers, 9 crew).[4]


Virginia (Pentagon)  (   189)

–189  American Airlines/Pentagon Attack, Arlington VA

–189  Delatte. Beyond Failure: Forensic Case Studies for Civil Engineers. 2009.

–125  Pentagon.

—  64  On board aircraft.

—      125  Pentagon. Wikipedia. “Casualties of the September 11 Attacks.” 5-26-2015 update.

—        64  American Airlines Flight 77, Pentagon (59 passengers and 6 crew).[5]


Pennsylvania:            (     45)

—        45   United Airlines Flight 93 Crash, Shanksville, PA (38 passengers 7 crew).[6]


Narrative Information


Delatte: “On the morning of September 11, 2001, two hijacked commercial jet­liners were deliberately flown into the WTC towers. The first plane, American Airlines Flight 11… crashed into the north face of the north tower (WTC 1) at 8:46 A.M. The second plane, United Airlines Flight 175… crashed into the south face of the south tower (WTC 2) at 9:03 A.M. (FEMA 2002, p. 1-4)


“The north tower was hit by a jetliner traveling at approximately 756 km/h (470 mi/h) between floors 94 and 98. The impact caused a huge fireball, spreading jet fuel and igniting fires over several floors. The north tower burned until it collapsed at 10:29 A.M., or 1 hour and 43 minutes after the impact (FEMA 2002, p. 1-4).


“The south tower was hit by a jetliner traveling at approximately 950 km/h (590 mi/h) between floors 78 and 84. Thus, the impact on WTC-2 was faster and lower in the structure than that on WTC-1. The south tower also caught fire and collapsed first, at 9:59 A.M., or 56 min after impact. It was estimated that the complex held about 58,000 people at the time of the collapse, and almost everyone below the impact areas was able to escape. The total loss of life was 2,830, including 2,270 building occu­pants, 157 in the aircraft, and 403 emergency responders (FEMA 2002, p. 1-4).


“The collapse of the two structures also severely damaged other nearby buildings, as well as underground services and utilities. One nearby building, the 47-story WTC-7, caught fire and collapsed after burning for seven hours (FEMA 2002, p. 1-8).” (Delatte, Norbert J. Delatte Jr. Beyond Failure: Forensic Case Studies for Civil Engineers. ASCE Press, 2008.)




9-11 Research. “Flight 11. The First Jet Commandeered on September 11th.” 9-18-2011 modification. Accessed 6-1-2015 at: http://911research.wtc7.net/planes/attack/flight11.html


9-11 Research. “Flight 77. The Third Jet Commandeered n September 11th.” 9-8-2011 modification. Accessed 6-1-2015 at: http://911research.wtc7.net/planes/attack/flight77.html


9-11 Research. “Flight 93. The Fourth Jet Commandeered on September 11th.” 9-8-2011 modification. Accessed 6-1-2015 at: http://911research.wtc7.net/planes/attack/flight93.html


9-11 Research. “Flight 175. The Second Jet Commandeered on September 11th.” 9-8-2011 modification. Accessed 6-1-2015 at: http://911research.wtc7.net/planes/attack/flight175.html


CBS News. “War Casualties Pass 9/11 Death Toll.” 9-22-2006. Accessed at:  http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/09/22/terror/main2035427.shtml


Delatte, Norbert J. Delatte Jr. Beyond Failure: Forensic Case Studies for Civil Engineers. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers Press, 2008.


Federal Emergency Management Agency. World Trade Center Building Performance Study: Data Collection, Preliminary Observations, and Recommendations (FEMA Report No. 403). Washington, DC: FEMA, 2002. Accessed 11-6-2015: http://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/3544


Glazier, Liz. “Lost lives remembered during 9/11 ceremony.” The Rocket, Slippery Rock University, PA, 9-12-2008; updated 5-31-2011. Accessed 6-1-2015 at: http://archive.is/aRHi


Insurance Information Institute. “The Ten Most Catastrophic Multiple-Death Fires in U.S. History.” Cites National Fire Protection Association. Accessed 9-28-2008 at:  http://www.iii.org/media/facts/statsbyissue/fire/?table_sort_735794=5


National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. The 9/11 Commission Report (Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States; Authorized Edition). New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2004. Accessed at: http://www.9-11commission.gov/report/911Report.pdf


National Fire Protection Association. Deadliest Large-Loss Fires. “The 20 Deadliest Fires and Explosions in US History.” Quincy, MA: NFPA, Fire Analysis and Research Div., March 2008. http://www.nfpa.org/itemDetail.asp?categoryID=954&itemID=23340&URL=Research/Fire%20statistics/Deadliest/large-loss%20fires


Planecrashinfo.com. “2001. Accident Details. NYC, United Air 175, Sep 11, 2001.” Accessed at:  http://www.planecrashinfo.com/2001/2001-42.htm


Cloud, John. “11 Lives. The Survivor. A Miracle’s Cost.” Time, 9-1-2002. Accessed 11-6-2015 at: http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1003216,00.html


Wikipedia. “Casualties of the September 11 Attacks.” Accessed 7-15-2010 and 5-26-2015 update, 6-1-2015 at:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_September_11_attacks








[1] III notes 2,666 deaths for the NY, NY WTC terrorist attack and footnotes “Revised to 2,976 by government officials.”

[2] This was, according to Wikipedia, the original number of victims “confirmed to have died during the initial attacks. However, in 2007, the New York City medical examiner’s office began to add people who died of illnesses caused by exposure to dust from the site or went missing in the years after the attacks to the official death toll.”

[3] 9-11 Research. “Flight 11. The First Jet Commandeered on September 11th.” 9-18-2011 modification.

[4] 9-11 Research. “Flight 175. The Second Jet Commandeered on September 11th.” 9-8-2011 modification.

[5] 9-11 Research. “Flight 77. The Third Jet Commandeered n September 11th.” 9-8-2011 modification.

[6] 9-11 Research. “Flight 93. The Fourth Jet Commandeered on September 11th.” 9-8-2011 modification.