2004 — Aug 13-14, Hurricane Charley, FL, SC, NC, VA, esp. SW & Central FL –34-40


—  4  Cuba. Pasch, et al. Tropical Cyclone Report, Hurricane Charley… 9-15-2011 rev., p. 4.

—  1  Jamaica. Pasch, et al. Tropical Cyclone Report, Hurricane Charley… 9-15-2011 rev., p. 4.


United States              (34-40)

–34-40  Blanchard tally of aggregated State and County breakouts below.[1]

—     35  Direct and indirect. Pasch. Tropical Cyclone Report…Charley… 9-15-2011 rev., 3-4.[2]

—     34  Blanchard tally of individualized State and locality breakouts below.

—     27  Burt and Stroud. Extreme Weather: A Guide & Record Book. 2004, p. 205.

—     25  Indirect. Pasch. Tropical Cyclone Report, Hurricane Charley… 9-15-2011 rev., pp. 3-4.

—     15  NCDC, NOAA. Storm Data Query Results, Florida, Hurricane/High Wind.

—     10  NWS. The Hurricane History of Central and Eastern Virginia. Wakefield, VA WFO.

—     10  Direct. Pasch, et al. Tropical Cyclone Report…Charley… 9-15-2011 rev., 3.[3]


Florida                        (33-38)

–33-38  Blanchard tally from County breakouts of individual victims.[4]

—      37  McKinney. “Direct and indirect mortality in Florida…the 2004…” 2011, p. 535.[5]

—      37[6] Ragan. “Mortality Surveillance: 2004…2005 [FL] Hurricane…Deaths.” 2008, 150.[7]

—      33  Ackerman/Markley. “Officials Admit Better Plans…” Houston Chronicle, 9-30-2005.

—      33  McKinney. Human Mortality in [FL]…2004 Hurricane Season. PowerPt., 10-13-2008.

–9 Direct        –24 Indirect

—      33  NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths…2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004.

—      33  Pasch, et al. Tropical Cyclone Report, Hurricane Charley… 9-15-2011 rev., pp. 3-4.

—      33  Wright. Chapter 22. Disasters and Heroic Rescues of Florida. 2006, p. 188.

—      31[8] CDC (Jones). “Preliminary Medical Examiner Reports…Charley…” 2004, 835.[9]

—      25  AP. “Florida deaths blamed on Hurricane Charley.” Miami Herald, 8-20-2004.


By Florida County    (33-38)

—  1  Brevard Co., Aug 23.[10] Electrocution, attempting to restore power to home, man, 44.[11]

–10  Charlotte Co. Long. “Hurricane Charley…” News Herald, Panama City, 8-15-2004, 1.[12]

—  2  Charlotte County, Aug 13. Husband/wife, 83/82, mobile home destroyed by hurricane.[13]

—  1  Charlotte Co., Aug 13. Wind; flying debris (glass) cuts man’s leg, 76, bleeds to death.[14]

—  1  Charlotte County, Aug 13. Wind; flying debris hits man, 51.[15]

—  1  Charlotte County, Sep 1. Fall from roof; roofer, male, 57, taken to Lee Co. hospital, died.[16]

—  1  Charlotte County, Sep 3. Drowning; boy, 6, in pool where hurricane had destroyed fence.[17]

—  1  Collier Co., Aug 17. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbated by stress woman, 87.[18]

—  ?  Collier County, Aug 20 (Aug 18 injury). Head injuries, unidentified person.[19]

—  1  Collier County, Aug 24. Trauma to head; man, 75, outside, storm cleanup.[20]

—  1  Collier County, Sep 4 (Sep 1 injury). Fall from ladder; clearing debris, man, 49.[21]

—  1  DeSoto County, Aug 13. Wind flips storage container/tool shed; trauma, man, 53, inside.[22]

—  1  Hardee County, Aug 16. Probable heart attack; after cleaning up storm damage, man, 60.[23]

—  1  Hardee Co., Aug 27. Crushing; girl, 4, caught between trailer and truck hauling debris.[24]

—  1  Highlands Co., Aug 17. Heart Attack, during clean-up with chain saw in heat, man, 55.[25]

—  1  Lee Co., North Fort Myers, Aug 13. High wind and tree fall; man, 25, outside home.[26]

—  1  Lee County, Aug 14. CO poisoning; generator in shed attached to house, man, 56.[27]

—  1  Lee County, Aug 15. Hypertension and heart disease exacerbated by heat, man, 74.[28]

—  1  Lee County, Aug 19. Fire; from candles, no power; propane ignites, CO poison, man, 68.[29]

—  1  Lee Co., Aug 24. Fall from house or tree; removing downed storm branches, man, 58.[30]

—  1  Orange Co., Aug 13. Vehicular; collision at intersection with traffic light out, man, 48.[31]

—  1  Orange Co., Aug 13. Vehicle. Strong wind blows truck into vehicle killing girl, 8.[32]

—  1  Orange Co., Aug 18. Fall from tree; cutting branches during storm clean-up, man, 37.[33]

—  1  Osceola Co., Aug 15. Vehicular. Motorist hits tree blown down on rural road, man, 32.[34]

—  1? Osceola Co., Aug 16. Vehicular, “person was killed in a car accident…August 16th.”[35]

—  1  Polk County, Aug 13. Fall in hotel room where Fort Myers man, 86, evacuated.[36]

—  1  Polk Co., Aug 13. Vehicular; man, 61, drowns, drove off flooded highway into a lake.[37]

—  1  Polk County, Aug 13. Power out, oxygen pump stops, man, 61, goes out to his car, dies.[38]

—  1  Polk County, Aug 14. Heart attack; man, 66, tried to ride out storm in his van.[39]

—  1  Polk Co., Aug 15. Carbon monoxide poison; home with inside gas generator, man, 50.[40]

—  1  Polk Co., Aug 15. Carbon monoxide poison; home, inside gas generator, man, 30 or 33.[41]

—  1  Sarasota Co., Aug 13. Vehicular; severe weather causes woman, 56, to drive off the road.[42]

—  1  Sarasota Co., Aug 19. Suicide; head gunshot, man, 83, despondent, lost Punta Gorda home.[43]

—  3? Sarasota Co., I-75, Sep 25. Mother, 36, son, 14, crash victim hit by truck, darkened road.[44]

—  1  Volusia Co., Daytona Beach, Aug 14. Electrocution; Female, ~30 steps on power line.[45]

—  1  Volusia Co., Edgewater, Aug 14. Tree limb fall; man, 44, hit while cutting limbs.[46]


Rhode Island             (       1)

— 1  East Matunuck State Beach, South Kingstown, Aug 14. Drowning; man, 52, rip current.[47]


South Carolina          (     1?)

— 1? Indirect. Pasch, et al. Tropical Cyclone Report, Hurricane Charley… 9-15-2011 rev., 4.[48]


Cause of Death (Total = 34-40)


Direct                          (     10):


Drowning:                              (  2)

–1  FL, Polk Co., Aug 13. Vehicular; man, 61, drowns, drove off flooded highway into a lake.[49]

–1  RI, East Matunuck State Beach, South Kingstown, Aug 14. Drowning; man, 52, rip current.


Wind:                                     (  8)

–2  FL, Charlotte County, Aug 13. Husband/wife, 83/82, mobile home destroyed by hurricane.

–1  FL, Charlotte County, Aug 13. Wind; flying debris (glass) cuts man’s leg, 77, bleeds to death.

–1  FL, Charlotte County, Aug 13. Wind; flying debris hits man, 51.

–1  FL, DeSoto County, Aug 13. Wind flips storage container/tool shed; trauma, man, 53, inside.

–1  FL, Lee Co., North Fort Myers, Aug 13. High wind, tree fall; man, 25, outside home.

–1  FL, Orange Co., Aug 13. Strong wind;  blows tractor-trailer onto vehicle killing girl, 8.

–1  FL, Sarasota Co., Aug 13. Severe weather; causes woman, 56, to drive off the road.


Indirect                       (24-30):


Carbon monoxide poisoning:           (  3)

–1  FL, Lee County, Aug 14. Carbon monoxide; generator in shed attached to house, man, 56.

–1  FL, Polk Co., Aug 15. Carbon monoxide; home with inside gas generator, man, 30.

–1  FL, Polk Co., Aug 15. Carbon monoxide; home with inside gas generator, man, 50.


Drowning:                                          (  1)

–1  FL, Charlotte Co., Sep 3. Drowning; boy, 6, in pool where hurricane had destroyed fence.


Electrocution:                                    (  2)

–1  FL, Brevard Co., Aug 23.[50] Electrocution, attempting to restore power to home, man, 44.

–1  FL, Volusia County, Aug 14. Electrocution; woman, ~30 steps onto submerged power line.


Falls, inside:                                       (  1)

–1  FL, Polk County, Aug 13. Fall in hotel room where Fort Myers man, 86, evacuated.


Falls, outside:                                     (  4)

–1  FL, Charlotte Co., Sep 1. Fall from roof; roofer, male, 57, taken to Lee Co. hospital, died.

–1  FL, Collier County, Sep 4 (Sep 1 injury). Fall from ladder; clearing debris, man, 49.

–1  FL, Lee Co., Aug 24. Fall from house or tree; removing downed storm branches, man, 58.

–1  FL, Orange Co., Aug 18. Fall from tree; cutting branches during storm clean-up, man, 37.


Fire and/or Suffocation:                   (  1)

–1  FL, Lee County, Aug 19. Fire; from candles, no power; propane ignites, CO poison, man, 68


Natural (Health-Related) Causes:   (  6)

–1  FL, Collier Co., Aug 17. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbated by stress woman, 87.

–1  FL, Hardee County, Aug 16. Probable heart attack; cleaning up storm damage, man, 60.

–1  FL, Highlands Co., Aug 17. Heart Attack, during clean-up with chain saw in heat, man, 55.

–1  FL, Lee County, Aug 15. Hypertension and heart disease exacerbated by heat, man, 74.

–1  FL, Polk County, Aug 13. Power out, oxygen pump stops, man, 61, goes out to his car, dies.

–1  FL, Polk County, Aug 14. Heart attack; man, 66, tried to ride out storm in his van.


Suicide:                                               (  1)

–1  FL, Sarasota Co., Aug. 19. Suicide; gunshot, man, 83, despondent, lost Punta Gorda home.


Trauma (fall?):                                  (1-2)

–1? FL, Collier County, Aug 20 (Aug 18 injury). Head injuries, unidentified person.[51]

–1   FL, Collier County, Aug 24. Trauma to head; man, 75, outside, storm cleanup.


Tree/Tree Limb Falls:                      (  1)

–1  FL,  Volusia Co., Aug 14. Tree limb fall; during cleanup, man, 44, hit while cutting limbs.


Vehicular:                                          (3-7)

–4  FL, State. CDC (Jones, et al.). “Preliminary Med. Examiner Rpts…Charley…” 2004, 836.[52]

–1  FL, Hardee Co., Aug 27. Crushing; girl, 4, caught between trailer and truck hauling debris.

–1  FL, Orange Co., Aug 13. Vehicular; collision at intersection with traffic light out, man, 48.

–1  FL, Osceola Co., Aug 15. Vehicular. Motorist hits tree blown down on rural road, man, 32.

–1? FL, Osceola Co., Aug 16. Vehicular, “person was killed in a car accident…August 16th.”[53]

–3? FL, Sarasota Co., I-75, Sep 25. Mother, 36, son, 14, crash victim hit by van, darkened road.


Unstated:                                            (  1?)

–1? SC. Indirect. Pasch, et al. Tropical Cyclone Report, Hurricane Charley… 9-15-2011 rev., 4.


Date of Deaths (Aug 13-Sep 25 = 34-40)

Aug 13:           (12)[54]

–1  FL, Polk Co., Aug 13. Vehicular; man, 61, drowns, drove off flooded highway into a lake.

–2  FL, Charlotte County, Aug 13. Husband/wife, 83/82, mobile home destroyed by hurricane.

–1  FL, Charlotte County, Aug 13. Wind; flying debris hits man, late 70’s.

–1  FL, Charlotte County, Aug 13. Wind; flying debris hits man, 51.

–1  FL, DeSoto County, Aug 13. Wind damages tool shed killing man, 53, inside.

–1  FL, Lee County, Aug 13. High Wind; tree fall onto structure, man, 25.

–1  FL, Orange Co., Aug 13. Strong wind;  blows moving van into vehicle killing girl, 8.

–1  FL, Orange Co., Aug 13. Vehicular; collision at intersection with traffic light out, man, 48.

–1  FL, Polk County, Aug 13. Fall in hotel room where Fort Myers man, 86, evacuated.

–1  FL, Polk County, Aug 13. Power out, oxygen pump stops, man, 61, goes out to his car, dies.

–1  FL, Sarasota Co., Aug 13. Severe weather; causes woman, 56, to drive off the road.


Aug 14:           (  5)

–1  RI, East Matunuck State Beach, South Kingstown, Aug 14. Drowning; man, 52, rip current.

–1  FL, Lee County, Aug 14. Carbon monoxide; generator in shed attached to house, man, 56.

–1  FL, Polk County, Aug 14. Heart attack; man, 66, tried to ride out storm in his van.

–1  FL, Volusia County, Aug 14. Electrocution; Female, ~30 steps onto submerged power line.

–1  FL, Volusia Co., Aug 14. Tree limb fall; during cleanup, man, 44, hit while cutting limbs.


Aug 15:           (  4)[55]

–1  FL, Lee County, Aug 15. Hypertension and heart disease exacerbated by heat, man, 74.

–1  FL, Osceola Co., Aug 15. Vehicular. Motorist hits tree blown down on rural road, man, 32.

–1  FL, Polk Co., Aug 15. Carbon monoxide; home with inside gas generator, man, 30.

–1  FL, Polk Co., Aug 15. Carbon monoxide; home with inside gas generator, man, 50.


Aug 16:           (  2)

–1  FL, Hardee County, Aug 16. Probable heart attack; cleaning up storm damage, man, 60.

–1? FL, Osceola Co., Aug 16. Vehicular, “person was killed in a car accident…August 16th.”[56]


Aug 17:           (  2)

–1  FL, Collier Co., Aug 17. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbated by stress woman, 87.

–1  FL, Highlands Co., Aug 17. Heart Attack, during clean-up with chain saw in heat, man, 55.


Aug 18:           (  1)

–1  FL, Orange Co., Aug 18. Fall from tree; cutting branches during storm clean-up, man, 37.


Aug 19:           (  2)

–1  FL, Lee County, Aug 19. Fire; from candles, no power; propane ignites, man, 68.

–1  FL, Sarasota Co., Aug. 19. Suicide; gunshot, man, 83, despondent, lost Punta Gorda home.


Aug 20:           (1?)

–1? FL, Collier County, Aug 20 (Aug 18 injury). Head injuries, unidentified person.[57]


Aug 23:           (  1)

–1  FL, Brevard Co., Aug 23.[58] Electrocution, attempting to restore power to home, man, 44.


Aug 24:           (  2)

–1  FL, Collier County, Aug 24. Trauma to head; man, 75, outside, storm cleanup.

–1  FL, Lee Co., Aug 24. Fall from house or tree; removing downed storm branches, man, 58.


Aug 27:           (  1)

–1  FL, Hardee Co., Aug 27. Crushing; girl, 4, caught between trailer and truck hauling debris.


Sep 1:              (  1)

–1  FL, Charlotte Co., Sep 1. Fall from roof; roofer, male, 57, taken to Lee Co. hospital, died.


Sep 3:              (  1)

–1  FL, Charlotte Co., Sep 3. Drowning; boy, 6, in pool where hurricane had destroyed fence.


Sep 4:              (  1)

–1  FL, Collier County, Sep 4 (Sep 1 injury). Fall from ladder; clearing debris, man, 49.


Sep 25:            ( 3?)

–3?  FL, Sarasota Co., I-75, Sep 25. Mother, 36, son, 14, crash victim hit by van, darkened road.


No Date:         ( 1?)

–1? SC. Indirect. Pasch, et al. Tropical Cyclone Report, Hurricane Charley… 9-15-2011 rev., 4.


Age of Deceased (34-40)

Up to 9:          (    3)

–1  FL, Charlotte County, Sep 3. Drowning; boy, 6, pool where hurricane had destroyed fence.

–1  FL, Hardee Co., Aug 27. Crushing; girl, 4, caught between trailer and truck hauling debris.

–1  FL, Orange County, Aug 13. Strong wind;  blows moving van into vehicle killing girl, 8.


10-19:              (    1?)

–1?  FL, Sarasota Co., I-75, Sep 25. Boy, 14, standing roadside, hit by tractor trailer, darkened hwy.


20-29:              (    1)

–1  FL, Lee County, Aug 13. High Wind; tree fall onto structure, man, 25.


30-39:              ( 4-5)

–1  FL, Orange Co., Aug 18. Fall from tree; cutting branches during storm clean-up, man, 37.

–1  FL, Osceola Co., Aug 15. Vehicular. Motorist hits tree blown down on rural road, man, 32.

–1  FL, Polk County, Aug 15. Carbon monoxide; home with inside gas generator, man, 30.

–1?FL, Sarasota Co., I-75, Sep 25. Woman, 36, standing roadside, hit by tractor trailer, darkened hwy.

–1  FL, Volusia County, Aug 14. Electrocution; Female, ~30 steps onto submerged power line.


40-49:              (    4)

–1  FL, Brevard Co., Aug 23.[59] Electrocution, attempting to restore power to home, man, 44.

–1  FL, Collier County, Sep 4 (Sep 1 injury). Fall from ladder; clearing debris, man, 49.

–1  FL, Orange Co., Aug 13. Vehicular; collision at intersection with traffic light out, man, 48.

–1  FL, Volusia Co., Aug 14. Tree limb fall; during cleanup, man, 44, hit while cutting limbs.


50-59:              (    9)

–1  FL, Charlotte County, Aug 13. Wind; flying debris hits man, 51

–1  FL, Charlotte Co., Sep 1. Fall from roof; roofer, male, 57, taken to Lee Co. hospital, died.

–1  FL, DeSoto County, Aug 13. Wind damages tool shed killing man, 53, inside.

–1  FL, Highlands Co., Aug 17. Heart Attack, during clean-up with chain saw in heat, man, 55.

–1  FL, Lee County, Aug 14. Carbon monoxide; generator in shed attached to house, man, 56.

–1  FL, Lee Co., Aug 24. Fall from house or tree; removing downed storm branches, man, 58.

–1  FL, Polk County, Aug 15. Carbon monoxide; home with inside gas generator, man, 50.

–1  FL, Sarasota County, Aug 13. Severe weather; causes woman, 56, to drive off the road.

–1  RI, East Matunuck State Beach, South Kingstown, Aug 14. Drowning; man, 52, rip current.


60-69:              (    5)

–1  FL, Hardee County, Aug 16. Probable heart attack; cleaning up storm damage, man, 60.

–1  FL, Lee County, Aug 19. Fire; from candles, no power; propane ignites, man, 68.

–1  FL, Polk Co., Aug 13. Vehicular; man, 61, drowns, drove off flooded highway into a lake.

–1  FL, Polk County, Aug 13. Power out, oxygen pump stops, man, 61, goes out to his car, dies.

–1  FL, Polk County, Aug 14. Heart attack; man, 66, tried to ride out storm in his van.


70-79:              (    3)

–1  FL, Charlotte County, Aug 13. Wind; flying debris hits man, late 70’s.

–1  FL, Collier County, Aug 24. Trauma to head; man, 75, outside, storm cleanup.

–1  FL, Lee County, Aug 15. Hypertension and heart disease exacerbated by heat, man, 74.


80-89:              (    5)

–2  FL, Charlotte County, Aug 13. Husband/wife, 83/82, mobile home destroyed by hurricane.

–1  FL, Collier Co., Aug 17. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbated by stress woman, 87.

–1  FL, Polk County, Aug 13. Fall in hotel room where Fort Myers man, 86, evacuated.

–1  FL, Sarasota Co., Aug. 19. Suicide; gunshot, man, 83, despondent, lost Punta Gorda home.


Not noted:      (0-4)

–1? FL, Collier County, Aug 20 (Aug 18 injury). Head injuries, unidentified person.[60]

–1? FL, Osceola Co., Aug 16. Vehicular, “person was killed in a car accident…August 16th.”[61]

–1?FL, Sarasota Co., I-75, Sep 25. Motorcyclist on roadside, hit by tractor trailer, darkened hwy.

–1? SC  Indirect. Pasch, et al. Tropical Cyclone Report…Charley… 9-15-2011 rev., p. 4.[62]



Male               (30)

Female            (  7)

Not noted        (  1)


NWS: “2004 August 14 CHARLEY made a second landfall near Cape Romain, SC as a weakening Category 1, after devastating portions of central and southwest Florida. Charley brought locally heavy rainfall and strong winds to much of southeast Virginia, especially near the coast. A wind gust to 72 mph was recorded at the Chesapeake Light buoy. In the U.S., 10 deaths and $14 billion in damage resulted from Charley.” (NWS, NCDC, NOAA)


Ackerman and Markley: “…in Hurricane Charley, Florida suffered 33 deaths, 12 of those involving senior citizens, none of whom was evacuating or staying in nursing homes, said Kathryn Hyer, a professor of Aging Studies at the University of South Florida.” (Ackerman, Todd, and Melanie Markley. “Officials Admit Better Plans Needed for the Elderly, Frail.” Houston Chronicle, 9-30-2005.)




Ackerman, Todd, and Melanie Markley. “Officials Admit Better Plans Needed for the Elderly, Frail.” Houston Chronicle, 9-30-2005. Accessed 2-12-2014 at: http://globalag.igc.org/armedconflict/countryreports/americas/plans.htm


Associated Press. “Deaths from Hurricane Charley,” St. Petersburg Times, 8-16-2004. Accessed 3-10-2014 at: http://www.sptimes.com/2004/08/16/Weather/Deaths_from_Hurricane.shtml


Associated Press. “Florida deaths blamed on Hurricane Charley.” Miami Herald, 8-20-2004. Accessed 3-10-2014 at: http://www.pressure-clean.com/charley%20deaths.htm


Associated Press. “Mother, son are killed helping crash victim.” St. Petersburg Times, FL, 9-29-2004. Accessed at: http://www.sptimes.com/2004/09/29/State/Mother__son_are_kille.shtml


Breed, Allen (AP). “Hurricane Charley victims filing for unemployment.” Aiken Standard, SC, 8-18-2004, 10A. At: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=103883039&sterm


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (K. T. Jones, et al., reporters). “Preliminary Medical Examiner Reports of Mortality Associated with Hurricane Charley – Florida, 2004,” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), Vol. 53, No. 36, 9-17-2004, pp. 835-837. Accessed 3-5-2014 at: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/PDF/wk/mm5336.pdf


Grimaldi, Paul E. “Hurricane may have contributed to swimmer’s drowning at East Matunuck. Saturday’s death of a Connecticut vacationer came amid heavy waves.” Providence Journal, RI, 8-16-2004. Accessed 3-11-2014 at: http://archive.is/Mb8eW


Johnson, Pamela J. “Hurricane Charley Killed 10 From Central Florida,” Orlando Sentinel, 8-22-2004. At: http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2004-08-22/news/0408220014_1_camille-pictures-of-animals-eyes


Jones, K. T., et al. “Preliminary Medical Examiner Reports of Mortality Associated with Hurricane Charley – Florida, 2004.” MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly), CDC, Vol. 53, No. 36, 9-17-2004, pp. 835-837. At: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5336a1.htm


Long, Mark, and Allen G. Breed. “Hurricane Charley ‘Our worst fears,’ Charley’s death toll reaches 15 in Florida.” News Herald, Panama City. 8-15-2004, p. 1. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/fullpagepdfviewer?img=182085107&sterm


McKinney, Nathan, Chris Houser, Klaus Meyer-Arendt. “Direct and indirect mortality in Florida during the 2004 hurricane season.” International Journal of Biometeorology, Vol. 55, 2011, pp. 533-546. Accessed 2-23-2014 at: http://www.academia.edu/421697/Direct_and_Indirect_Mortality_In_Florida_During_the_2004_Hurricane_Season


National Weather Service. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004. Email attachment sent to Wayne Blanchard by Edward Rappaport, Deputy Director, National Hurricane Center, 3-7-2014.


National Weather Service, Charleston, SC. “Post Tropical Cyclone Report…Hurricane Charley.” 8-16-2004, 7:30 PM. At: http://www.weather.gov/media/chs/events/PSHCHS_08162004.pdf


National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office, Melbourne, FL. Hurricane Charley, August 13, 2004. “Post Tropical Cyclone Report…Hurricane Charley…Corrected.” 8-20-2004. Accessed 3-10-2014 at: http://www.srh.noaa.gov/mlb/?n=charley


Palm Beach Post, FL. Mean Season: Florida’s Hurricanes of 2004. Roanoke, VA, R. R. Donnelley and Longstreet Press, 2004. Google preview accessed at:



Pasch, Richard J., Daniel P. Brown, Eric S. Blake. Tropical Cyclone Report, Hurricane Charley, 9-14 August 2004. Miami, FL: National Hurricane Center, 10-18-2004, revised 9-15-2011. Accessed 2-23-2014 at: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/pdf/TCR-AL032004_Charley.pdf


Ragan, Patricia (FL Epidemic Intelligence Service, Bureau of Epidemiology, and the Office of Vital Statistics, FL Dept. of Health), Joann Schulte (Career Field Epidemiology Officer, CDC, Atlanta), Stephen J. Nelson (FL Medical Examiners Commission, Dept. of Law Enforcement, Tallahassee), and Ken T. Jones (FL Epidemic Intelligence Service, Bureau of Epidemiology, and the Office of Vital Statistics, FL Dept. of Health). “Mortality Surveillance: 2004 to 2005 Florida Hurricane-Related Deaths.” American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 29, No. 2, June 2008, pp. 148-153.


Wright, Lynne E. Disasters and Heroic Rescues of Florida. “Chapter 22. An Unforgettable Hurricane Season. Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne, 2004.” Guilford, CT: Insiders’ Guide, an imprint of the Globe Pequot Press, 2006. (pp. 185-196)








[1] Low range of 34 (33 in FL and 1 in RI) is of deaths that are “identified” by some combination of place, date, cause, gender and age. High range of 40 includes four deaths in FL reported by Ragan which were not identified and beyond those which we have been able to establish. The high range also includes one SC death noted by Pasch in his NWS Tropical Cyclone Report, which we have not been able to identify. See FL BWB tally footnote.

[2] We have not been able to substantiate one of the deaths in this report – the one in SC.

[3] Nine in Florida and 1 in Rhode Island.

[4] Thirty-three of the listings below appear to be reliable. Five are not: (1) the Aug 20 death in Collier Co. from an Aug 18 incident (for which we have too little information and but one source); (2) an Aug 16 Osceola Co. car accident which, even though noted by the NWS Weather Forecast Office in Melbourne, FL, might be a mistakenly dated reference to an event on Aug 15; and (3) the three Sep 25 deaths on I-75 in Sarasota County when a tractor trailer hit three people on the side of the road where night lighting lost during the hurricane, had not been restored.

[5] “It was estimated that the storm was responsible for 37 deaths in Florida.” On page 536, Table 1 notes 37 deaths for Florida for Hurricane Charley under the heading “Official death count” but with no citation.

[6] Left voice msg. for Ken T. Jones, a co-author, in that Ragan is no

[7] “As part of the surveillance conducted by the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) in the aftermath of hurricanes, hurricane-related deaths are monitored. Although there is no universally accepted definition, hurricane-related deaths have been defined as those attributed to the effects of a hurricane, both direct and indirect…The framework used for hurricane-related deaths classification in this study was that developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for assessing disaster-attributed mortality….Data collection and analysis for this review were conducted by the MEC [FL Medical Examiners Commission]and the FDOH [FL Dept. of Health] Bureau of Epidemiology….Data from the medical examiners, death certificates and Master File were merged into a single Excel spreadsheet and imported into SPSS version 13 (SPSS, Chicago, IL) for analysis…” (pp. 148-149)

[8] Does not include 4-year-old girl crushed between debris-removing truck and trailer Aug 27 in Hardee County. CDC reports that the youngest death was that of a 6-year-old (p. 835).

[9] Under Florida law, all deaths related to hurricanes are reportable to MEs. A directly related death was defined as death caused by the environmental force of the hurricane. An indirectly related death was a death occurring under circumstances caused by the hurricane. Natural causes of death were considered storm related if physical stress during or after the storm resulted in exacerbation of preexisting medical conditions and death. As of September 1, a total of 31 deaths had been reported…(77%) were male.”

[10] Incident occurred at man’s home in Brevard County. Was taken to Orange County Trauma Center where he died.

[11] NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004.

[12] We have only been able to identify six Charlotte County deaths, and two of those happened after story appeared.

[13] NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths…” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004; Pasch, et al. Tropical Cyclone Report…Charley… 9-15-2011 rev., p. 3. AP notes both Gordon and Joanne Hawkins were 82 and lived in Punta Gorda. (AP. “Deaths from Hurricane Charley,” St. Petersburg Times, 8-16-2004.) Later report has Mr. Hawkins as 83 and notes the couple refused to evacuate. (AP. “Florida deaths blamed on…Charley.” Miami Herald, 8-20-2004.)

[14] Burton Macleod was cut by glass at his Punta Gorda apartment. (AP. “Florida deaths blamed on…Charley.” Miami Herald, 8-20-2004); NWS. “Hurricane Charley…Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004.

[15] NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004.

[16] NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004.

[17] NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004.

[18] NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004. Notes woman was in poor health and on oxygen which she lost for awhile and died of “Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and hypertension exacerbated by stress from storm.”

[19] Tentative; based on one report: AP. “Florida deaths blamed on Hurricane Charley.” Miami Herald, 8-20-2004.

[20] NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004.

[21] NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004.

[22] Larry Turner. AP. “Florida deaths…Charley.” Miami Herald, 8-20-2004; NWS. “Hurricane Charley…Related Deaths…” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004; Pasch, et al. Tropical Cyclone Report…Charley… 9-15-2011 rev., p. 4.

[23] Dean Cullins. Associated Press. “Florida deaths blamed on Hurricane Charley.” Miami Herald, 8-20-2004. NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004. Notes victim “had a history of heart disease” and that cause of death was “Stress-related heart attack.”

[24] NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004.

[25] NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004.

[26] AP report has it that “Danny Williams, 25, of North Fort Myers, stepped outside his house to smoke a cigarette and died when a banyan tree fell on him” (citing county officials).  Associated Press. “Deaths from Hurricane Charley,” St. Petersburg Times, 8-16-2004. NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004; Pasch, et al. Tropical Cyclone Report, Hurricane Charley… 9-15-2011 rev., p. 4.

[27] Howard Jones was found on Aug 14. Associated Press. “Florida deaths blamed on Hurricane Charley.” Miami Herald, 8-20-2004. NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004.

[28] NWS. “Hurricane Charley…Related Deaths…” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004. Notes “Man had medical history of hypertension and heart disease. Was found dead in his small trailer in extreme heat and no power.”

[29] NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004. Notes cause of death “Probable Carbon monoxide poisoning and/or burns.”

[30] NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004.

[31] NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004. AP notes this was in Orlando and victim was Jorge Hernandez. AP. “Deaths from Hurricane Charley,” St. Petersburg Times, 8-16-2004.

[32] Camille Celina Vilar of St. Cloud. (AP. “Florida deaths blamed on…Charley.” Miami Herald, 8-20-2004). NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths…” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004; Pasch. Tropical Cyclone Report… Charley… 9-15-2011 rev., p. 4. Happened on highway 528, eastern Orange Co., at about 4:15 PM according to: NWS WFO, Melbourne, FL. Hurricane Charley, August 13, 2004. “Post Tropical Cyclone Report…Hurricane Charley…Corrected.” 8-20-2004. Press report has age as 8 and location as Beeline Expressway, 20 miles east of Orlando (citing FL Hwy. Patrol spokesperson). Associated Press. “Deaths from Hurricane Charley,” St. Petersburg Times, 8-16-2004. According to Pamela Johnson report, “Camille was riding in a car with her father, Rick Vilar, her half-brother and friends on the Bee Line Expressway in east Orange County when a tractor-trailer lost control in the winds and rolled atop the vehicle.” Her father “had been trying to get the group to Sebastian before the hurricane struck…” (Pamela J. Johnson. “Hurricane Charley Killed 10 From Central Florida,” Orlando Sentinel, 8-22-2004.)

[33] NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004.

[34] NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004. Press report has it that this early Sunday morning [Aug 15] took place in Kissimmee when Jose Cruz, whom they have as 33, of St. Cloud, drove his car into two fallen trees in the road (citing FL Highway Patrol spokesperson). Associated Press. “Deaths from Hurricane Charley,” St. Petersburg Times, 8-16-2004.

[35] NWS WFO, Melbourne, FL. “Post Tropical Cyclone Report…Hurricane Charley…Corrected.” 8-20-2004. This may, however, be an incorrectly dated reference to the Aug 15 vehicle crash into downed trees, killing Jose Cruz. Also noted, though, in: Associated Press. “Florida deaths blamed on Hurricane Charley.” Miami Herald, 8-20-2004, which writes that there had been but one reported death in Osceola County.

[36] NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004.

[37] NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004. Pasch, et al. Tropical Cyclone Report, Hurricane Charley… 9-15-2011 rev., p. 4. Identified as Jerry David Padgett of Lake Wales in: Associated Press. “Deaths from Hurricane Charley,” St. Petersburg Times, 8-16-2004. Identified as Jerry Padgett Jr. in: Associated Press. “Florida deaths blamed on Hurricane Charley.” Miami Herald, 8-20-2004.

[38] NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004. This appears to be a reference to Jerry Kane, of Lake Wales [?], who was reported to have died at his home of congestive heart failure. Associated Press. “Deaths from Hurricane Charley,” St. Petersburg Times, 8-16-2004. Later AP report has home as in Dundee and notes that “Jerry Allen Kane…was found dead in his car Aug 14. He went to his car for air conditioning but did not have his oxygen tank with him.” AP. “Florida deaths…Charley.” Miami Herald, 8-20-2004.

[39] A press report has it that “Anthony Turk, 66, of Haines City [Polk County] died of a heart attack Friday [Aug 13] night during the storm.” Associated Press. “Deaths from Hurricane Charley,” St. Petersburg Times, 8-16-2004. (Cites Polk County Sheriff’s spokesperson.) A later AP account states Mr. Turk was 65, not 66, and lived in Haines City. AP. “Florida deaths blamed on Hurricane Charley.” Miami Herald, 8-20-2004. Also: NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004. Notes victim had a history of heart problems and that death was due to “Heart failure due to excessive stress from storm.”

[40] Robert Banks of Winter Haven. (AP. “Florida deaths blamed on Hurricane Charley.” Miami Herald, 8-20-2004). NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004.

[41] Michael Thompson, aged 33, stepson of Robert Banks. AP. “Florida deaths blamed on Hurricane Charley.” Miami Herald, 8-20-2004.  NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004.

[42] Pasch, et al. Tropical Cyclone Report…Charley… 9-15-2011 rev., pp. 3-4. AP report notes “Karen Ryan, 56, of Nokomis, died in a car accident when she lost control of her car driving south on Interstate 75 in Venice, FHP [FL Hwy Patrol] said.” AP. “Deaths…Charley,” St. Petersburg Times, 8-16-2004. Later AP report: “Her car skidded off the shoulder and struck a tree.” AP. “Florida deaths blamed on Hurricane Charley.” Miami Herald, 8-20-2004.

[43] NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004.

[44] “North Port – A woman was killed with one of her sons when they got out of their vehicle to help a motorcyclist after a freeway crash…Marsha Gambill, 36, and her older son, Brian Gambill, 14, died Saturday night on Interstate 75 in southwest Florida when a van ran into them and motorcyclist Brian Dess in the darkened median. Dess also died….[FL Hwy] Patrol said…that lighting on that stretch of interstate was knocked out by Hurricane Charley.” (AP. “Mother, son are killed helping crash victim.” St. Petersburg Times, FL, 9-29-2004.) Highlight in that some might not consider these to be Charley-related indirect deaths due to remoteness in time and circumstances. Another press report, however, quotes a FL Hwy Patrolman to the effect that the event happened so fast that it might have occurred  anyway, even with working Interstate lighting.

[45] Line was “submerged” (NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths…” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004); NWS WFO, Melbourne, FL. “Post Tropical Cyclone Report…Hurricane Charley…Corrected.” 8-20-2004; AP. “Deaths from…Charley,” St. Petersburg Times, 8-16-2004. Later report notes the power line was “at the base of a utility pole on South Martin Luther King Boulevard.” AP. “Florida deaths blamed on…Charley.” Miami Herald, 8-20-2004.

[46] AP. “Florida deaths blamed on Hurricane Charley.” Miami Herald, 8-20-2004 (writes that “Patrick Haley, 44, of Palm Coast, was killed Aug. 14 when a large section of a tree fell on him while he was helping relatives clean up in the Florida Shores neighborhood of Edgewater.” See, also, NWS. “Hurricane Charley Storm Related Deaths in August 2004” (Spreadsheet). 9-13-2004; AP. “Deaths from Hurricane Charley,” St. Petersburg Times, 8-16-2004.

[47] Victim was Peter David, vacationer from Burlington, CT. (Paul E. Grimaldi. “Hurricane may have contributed to swimmer’s drowning at East Matunuck. Saturday’s death of a Connecticut vacationer came amid heavy waves.” Providence Journal, RI, 8-16-2004.) Listed as direct death in: Pasch, et al. (NWS). 2011 revision, p. 4.

[48] Have looked at the Charleston, SC NWS “Post Tropical Cyclone Report…Hurricane Charley.” 8-16-2004, 7:30 PM, and no mention of any deaths is made. Have also searched Aiken Standard, SC for several weeks afterwards without finding any mention of a S.C. Charley-related fatality. Communicated with Ed Rappaport, Deputy Director of the National Hurricane Center in March 2014, who communicated with Pasch, who indicated he no longer has the individualized data used to build the casualties section of his report, and does not recall this case.

[49] Labeled as a “direct” death in Pasch.

[50] Incident occurred at man’s home in Brevard County. Was taken to Orange County Trauma Center where he died.

[51] Tentative; based on one report: AP. “Florida deaths blamed on Hurricane Charley.” Miami Herald, 8-20-2004.

[52] We are fairly certain the CDC report does not include the crushing of a girl between a trailer and a truck in its report that “Four trauma deaths resulted from motor-vehicle crashes…” If so, we must be missing one or two (if the Aug 16 Osceola accident is not correct). It is possible that the Aug 13 Sarasota County direct death is counted.

[53] NWS WFO, Melbourne, FL. “Post Tropical Cyclone Report…Hurricane Charley…Corrected.” 8-20-2004. This could be, though, a reference to the Aug 15 incident.

[54] Same number that CDC (TK Jones, et al) reports.

[55] CDC (TK Jones, et al., also report eight deaths for FL for Aug 14-15.

[56] NWS WFO, Melbourne, FL. “Post Tropical Cyclone Report…Hurricane Charley…Corrected.” 8-20-2004.

[57] Tentative; based on one report: AP. “Florida deaths blamed on Hurricane Charley.” Miami Herald, 8-20-2004.

[58] Incident occurred at man’s home in Brevard County. Was taken to Orange County Trauma Center where he died.

[59] Incident occurred at man’s home in Brevard County. Was taken to Orange County Trauma Center where he died.

[60] Tentative; based on one report: AP. “Florida deaths blamed on Hurricane Charley.” Miami Herald, 8-20-2004.

[61] NWS WFO, Melbourne, FL. “Post Tropical Cyclone Report…Hurricane Charley…Corrected.” 8-20-2004.

[62] Have looked at the Charleston, SC NWS “Post Tropical Cyclone Report…Hurricane Charley.” 8-16-2004, 7:30 PM, and no mention of any deaths is made. Have also searched Aiken Standard, SC for several weeks afterwards without finding any mention of a S.C. Charley-related fatality. Communicated with Ed Rappaport, Deputy Director of the National Hurricane Center in March 2014, who communicated with Pasch, who indicated he no longer has the individualized data used to build the casualties section of his report, and does not recall this case.