2012 — Dec 25-27, Winter Storm, AL/AR/IN/KY/LA/OH/OK/NY/PA/TX/VA –16-17

2012 — Dec 25-27, Winter Storm, AL, AR, IN, KY, LA, OH, OK, NY, PA, TX, VA –16-17

— 17 Kissel, K. (AP). “…Christmas Day’s Deadly Winter Storm.” Huffington Post, 11-28-2012
— 16 Ramer, Holly. “Storm blasts northward, trapping planes as it blows…” AP, 12-27-2012.
— 16 Blanchard tally based on State and locality breakouts below.

Alabama (1)
— 1 Georgiana, tree-fall on home, 81-year-old man. Ramer. “Storm blasts…” AP, 12-27-2012.

Arkansas (2)
— 2 Head-on car/SUV collision, sleet-slickened road.

Indiana (2)
— 2 Evansville. Vehicle/scooter collide. KWTX. “Death Toll…Winter Storm…” 12-27-2012

Kentucky (1)
–2 Car crashes.
–1 BBC News US & Canada. “Winter snow storm hits New England as ’16 die’…” 12-27-2012

Louisiana (1)
— 1 Rayville. Tree fall on home. Chappell/Memmott (NPR). “Weather…” 12-26-2012.

Ohio (1)
— 1 Cincinnati vic., Dec 26, girl, 18, loses control of car, swerves into oncoming snow plow.

Oklahoma (2)
— 2 Vehicle events. AP. “Large, Powerful Winter Storm Heads East…6 Deaths.” 12-26-2012
— 1 Fairview. Vehicle accident, female.
— 1 I-44 head-on vehicle collision, Dec 25, WI woman killed.

New York (1)
–1 BBC News US & Canada. “Winter snow storm hits New England as ’16 die’…” 12-27-2012

Pennsylvania (1)
— 1 Allentown vic., Dec 26. Man checking on disabled vehicle hit by another vehicle.

Texas (1)
— 1 Houston vic. Tree fall on vehicle. Chappell/Memmott (NPR). “Weather…” 12-26-2012.

Virginia (2)
— 2 Separate vehicle crashes. AP. “Winter Storm Blamed for 16 Deaths.” 10tv.com, 12-27-2012.


Ramer: “A muted version of a winter storm that has killed more than a dozen people across the eastern half of the country plodded across the Northeast on Thursday, trapping airliners in snow or mud and frustrating travelers still trying to return home after Christmas.

“The storm, which was blamed for at least 16 deaths farther south and west, brought plenty of wind, rain and snow to the Northeast when it blew in Wednesday night. Lights generally remained on and cars mostly stayed on the road, unlike many harder-hit places including Arkansas, where 200,000 homes and businesses lost power….

“In Georgiana, Ala., an 81-year-old man died Wednesday, a day after a tree fell on his home, emergency officials said.

“Deaths from wind-toppled trees also were reported in Texas and Louisiana, but car crashes caused most of the fatalities. Two people were killed in Kentucky crashes, a New York man was killed after his pickup truck skidded on an icy road in northwest Pennsylvania, and an Ohio teenager died after losing control of her car and smashing into an oncoming snowplow.

“In Arkansas, where two people died in a head-on collision, some of those who lost electricity could be without it for as long as a week because of snapped poles and wires after ice and 10 inches of snow coated power lines, said the state’s largest utility, Entergy Arkansas….” (Ramer. “Storm blasts northward, trapping planes as it blows toward Canada…” AP, 12-27-2012.)


Associated Press. “Winter Storm Blamed for 16 Deaths, 1 in Ohio.” 10tv.com, 12-27-2012. At: http://www.10tv.com/content/stories/2012/12/27/national-winter-storm-deaths.html

BBC News. “Winter snow storm hits New England as ‘16 die’ in US.” 12-28-2012. Accessed 6-4-2015 at: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:jbKVCfJ7gPIJ:www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-20852774+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

Chappell, Bill and Mark Memmott. “Weather Outside is Frightful; Tornadoes, Snow, Rain Lash Much of Nation.” NPR, 12-26-2012. Accessed 12-27-2012 at: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2012/12/26/168060561/weather-outside-is-frightful-tornadoes-snow-rain-lash-much-of-nation

Kissel, Kelly P. (AP). “Arkansas Power Outages Continue After Christmas Day’s Deadly Winter Storm.” Huffington Post, 11-28-2012. Accessed 12-28-2012 at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/28/arkansas-power-outage-blizzard_n_2373809.html

KWTX.com, Waco, TX. “Update: Death Toll in Wake of Winter Storm Rises to 9.” 12-27-2012. Accessed 12-27-2012 at: http://www.kwtx.com/weather/headlines/184918651.html

Ramer, Holly. “Storm blasts northward, trapping planes as it blows toward Canada; 200K in dark in Arkansas.” Associated Press, 12-27-2012. Accessed 12-27-2012 at: http://www.newser.com/article/da3ednj02/storm-blasts-northward-trapping-planes-as-it-blows-toward-canada-200k-in-dark-in-arkansas.html