2013 — Tuberculosis, ICD-10 Code A16-A19, especially CA (133) and TX (61) — 555

–555  CDC Wonder. Compressed Mortality File, 1999-2016. ICD-10[1] code A16-A-19.


(Average death rate 0.2)


Arizona             15      0.2

California       133      0.3 death rate (Yellow highlighting denotes above average death rate.)

Florida                          33      0.2

Georgia             14      0.1

Illinois              19      0.1

Maryland          10      0.2

Michigan          11      0.1

New York         29      0.1

North Carolina  13      0.1

Ohio                  13      0.1

Pennsylvania    12      0.1

Texas                61      0.2

Virginia            13      0.2

Washington      18      0.3


Blanchard note: States and DC not listed indicates that death toll was under ten. In that case, the number is not accessible via CDC Wonder. Puerto Rico is not included by CDC.


Breakout by Age Groups


Age Group      Deaths             Population      Crude Death Rate Per 100,000 Population


<1                   1                    3,941,783                  0.0

1-4                   2                  15,926,305                  0.0

15-19                   1                  21,158-964                  0.0

20-24                  7                  22,795,438                  0.0

25-34                 16                  42,844,587                  0.0

35-44                 29                  40,452,690                  0.1

45-54                 51                  43,767,532                  0.1

55-64                 98                  39,316,431                  0.2

65-74               119                  25,216,766                  0.5

75-84               114                  13,446,519                  0.8

85+             117                    6,040,789                  1.9


Total               555                316,128,839                  0.2




Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Compressed Mortality File 1999-2016. CDC Wonder Online Database, released June 2017. ICD-10 Codes A16-A19, Tuberculosis (2013). Accessed 10-3-2018 at: https://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/datarequest/D140;jsessionid=21489BFF48D157E71A881502EB6C2EA8



[1] ICD-10 is the 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, a medical classification list by the World Health Organization.