1997 — Influenza, ICD-9 code 487.0; US death rate 0.264 per 100K; esp. KS (0.986) — 720

–720 CDC Wonder. Compressed Mortality File 1979-1998. ICD-9 code 487.0 influenza).

Arizona 11 0.232 US population base: 272,776.678.
California 111 0.341 (Yellow highlight denotes higher than average death rate.)
Connecticut 11 0.328
Florida 18 0.118
Georgia 12 0.156
Idaho 12 0.977
Illinois 21 0.172
Indiana 25 0.420
Iowa 15 0.519
Kansas 26 0.986
Maine 12 0.956
Michigan 14 0.143
Minnesota 32 0.672
Missouri 22 0.401
New York 40 0.214
North Carolina 11 0.144
Ohio 50 0.443
Oregon 20 0.605
Pennsylvania 25 0.204
Tennessee 13 0.236
Texas 27 0.137
Virginia 19 0.278
Washington 32 0.564
West Virginia 14 0.769
Wisconsin 20 0.379

Blanchard note: States and DC not shown indicate that the “total” function was “disabled” because there were fewer than 10 deaths. Puerto Rico is not included in CDC Wonder.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Compressed Mortality File 1999-2016 on CDC Wonder Online Database, released June 2017. ICD-9 code 487.0, Influenza, 1997. Accessed 11-8-2018 at: https://wonder.cdc.gov