1962 — Measles, death rate 0.2 per 100K, esp. AK/4.5, AZ/0.9, TX/0.6, LA/0.5, TN/0.5– 408

–408 CDC, MMWR, 13/554, 9-30-1965, p. 5 (Table 3.A).
–408 USPHS. Vital Statistics of the US 1962: Vol. II, Part A. Section 1, Table 1-12, p. 1-18.

Death Rate, p. 1-22. US average measles death rate 0.2 per 100,000 population
–12 Alabama 0.4
–11 Alaska 4.5
–13 Arizona 0.9
— 2 Arkansas 0.1
–16 California 0.1
— 6 Colorado 0.3 — 0 Delaware — 0 District of Columbia
— 6 Connecticut 0.2
–11 Florida 0.2
–15 Georgia 0.4
— 1 Hawaii 0.1
— 2 Idaho 0.3
–18 Illinois 0.2
— 8 Indiana 0.2
–10 Iowa 0.4
— 1 Kansas 0.0
— 6 Kentucky 0.2
–16 Louisiana 0.5
— 4 Maine 0.4
— 4 Maryland 0.1
— 5 Massachusetts 0.1
— 8 Michigan 0.1
–11 Minnesota 0.3
–11 Mississippi 0.5
— 6 Missouri 0.1 — 0 Montana
— 3 Nebraska 0.2
— 1 Nevada 0.3 — 0 New Hampshire
— 9 New Jersey 0.1
— 9 New Mexico 0.9
–35 New York 0.2
— 9 North Carolina 0.2
— 2 North Dakota 0.3
–14 Ohio 0.1
— 3 Oklahoma 0.1
— 2 Oregon 0.1
— 9 Pennsylvania 0.1
— 1 Rhode Island 0.1
— 5 South Carolina 0.2
— 6 South Dakota 0.8
–17 Tennessee 0.5
–59 Texas 0.6
— 1 Utah 0.1 — 0 Vermont
–10 Virginia 0.2
— 4 Washington 0.1
— 3 West Virginia 0.2 — 2 Wisconsin 0.0 — 0 Wyoming


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Table 3. (A) Deaths From Specified Notifiable Diseases: United States, 1954-1963.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Vol. 13, No. 54, 9-30-1965, p. 5. Accessed 9-14-2016 at: https://books.google.com/books?id=VPvPAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=true

Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Vital Statistics of The United States 1962, Volume II – Mortality, Part A. Washington, DC: U.S. GPO, 1964. Accessed 10-6-2022 at: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsus/VSUS_1962_2A.pdf