1960 — Jan 19, US Navy P4M Mercator plane crash, Karanfil Mt. ~Adana, Turkey –all 16

–16 Baugher. US Navy…Marine Corps BuNos Third Series (120341 to 126256). 11-5-2011.
–16 Frederick News-Post, MD. “58 are Killed in Crashes on Turkish Slopes.” 1-21-1960, p. 1.
–16 Las Vegas Daily Optic, NV. “Plane Carried Confidential Notes.” 1-28-1960, p. 8.
–16 News-Palladium, Benton Harbor, MI. “Navy Pilot’s Family is Holding Up.” 1-22-1960, 12.
–16 The Bee, Danville VA. “Airliner Crashes: Navy Plane Disappears; 58 Dead…” 1-20-1960, 1

Narrative Information

Baugher: “124365 converted to P4M-1Q. Crashed during mission from Incirlik, Turkey 1/16/1960. 16 crewmembers killed.” (Baugher. US Navy…Marine Corps BuNos Third Series (120341 to 126256). 11-5-2011.)


Jan 20: “Ankara, Turkey (AP) – Two planes crashed in Turkey a few hours apart Tuesday [19th] and all the 58 persons aboard them were believed killed. Wreckage of a U.S. Navy plane that disappeared with 16 persons on a daylight flight from Rota, Spain, to the U.S. air base at Adana, Turkey, was sighted today on Karanfil (Pink) Mountain, 15 miles north of Adana. Turkish sources said there was no sign of life.” (The Bee, Danville VA. “Airliner Crashes: Navy Plane Disappears; 58 Dead…” 1-20-1960, 1.)

Jan 21: “Ankara, Turkey (AP) – Two plane crashes, about five hours and 250 miles apart, appeared Wednesday night to have claimed 58 lives on Turkish slopes. Wreckage of a U. N. [U.S.] Navy plane that vanished Tuesday with 16 aboard on a flight from Naples, Italy, to Adana, Turkey, was sighted on snow-capped Karanfil Dag—Pink Mountain—15 miles northwest of Adana. Air search crews saw no signs of life. A 40-man American ground team toiled upward from Adana to check the debris.

“The Navy plane, a twin-engine Martin P4M Mercator of Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron No. 2, dropped out of sight after making radio contact with Adana’s strategic air base near the Mediterranean while the craft was 50 miles from a landing there….” (Frederick News-Post, MD. “58 are Killed in Crashes on Turkish Slopes.” 1-21-1960, p. 1.)

Jan 22: “….The huge 40-ton P4M plane crashed into a 9,500-foot mountain… Lt. Commander Moore [pilot] would have completed 20 years in service in March and was planning to retire.” (News-Palladium, Benton Harbor, MI. “Navy Pilot’s Family is Holding Up.” 1-22-1960, p. 12.)

Jan 28: “Nicosia, Cyprus (UPI) – A United States Navy plane which crashed Jan. 19 in Turkey killing all 16 men aboard was carrying “highly confidential” documents from Washington, reports reaching Nicosia from Turkey said today. A Royal Air Force spokesman when asked about the documents said. “We can’t say anything.”

“The Mercator plane crashed in the Taurus Mountains on a flight from Naples to Adana. Turkey. Today 19 members of the crack RAF mountain rescue team which scaled snow-swept Mt. Karanfil to reach the plane returned to Nicosia.” (Las Vegas Daily Optic, NV. “Plane Carried Confidential Notes.” 1-28-1960, p. 8.)


Baugher, Joseph F. US Navy and US Marine Corps BuNos Third Series (120341 to 126256). Nov 5, 2011 revision. Accessed at: http://www.joebaugher.com/navy_serials/thirdseries13.html

Frederick News-Post, MD. “58 are Killed in Crashes on Turkish Slopes.” 1-21-1960, p. 1. Accessed at: http://newspaperarchive.com/

Las Vegas Daily Optic, East Las Vegas, NM. “Plane Carried Confidential Notes.” 1-28-1960, p. 8. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=85930010

News-Palladium, Benton Harbor, MI. “Navy Pilot’s Family is Holding Up.” 1-22-1960, p. 12. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=74115483

The Bee, Danville, VA. “Airliner Crashes: Navy Plane Disappears: 58 Dead or Missing.” 1-20-1960, p. 1. At: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=100304845