1960 — Sep 8, Yokota AB USAF weather recon. B-50 crash, Mt., near Ishikawa, Japan –all 11

–11 Air Weather Recon Assoc. “Gone, But Not Forgotten.” Accessed 12-23-2011.
–11 Baugher. 1946-1948 USAAF Serial Numbers. 10-15-2011 revision.
–11 European Stars and Stripes. “11 Die as AF WB50 Crashes, Burns on…Mt.” 9-10-1960, 24.
–11 Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, TX. “Area Men Die in Jap Crash…11 Lost.” 9-8-1960, p. 1.
–11 Pacific Stars and Stripes, Tokyo. “Fear 11 Dead in Crash of WB-50.” 9-9-1960, p. 24.

Narrative Information

AWRA: “WB-50 48-122 8 Sep 60 56th Weather Reconnaissance Squadron Yokota AB, Japan

Capt. John R. Willis [Clovis, NM]
1Lt Robert W. Blanton, [El Reno, OK]
1Lt William L. Hesse [Belleville, IL (European Stars and Stripes)]
1Lt Howard S. Kelly [Erie, PA (European Stars and Stripes)]
2Lt Lawrence K. Draper [Plainview, TX].
MSgt Claude M. Burgess [Gadsden, AL].
MSgt James W. Fields, Jr. [Yokota AB (European Stars and Stripes)]
TSgt Vernon W. Powell [Montgomery City, MO].
A1C Edward L. Armstead [Daphne, AL].
A3C Alfred Campbell, Jr. [Detroit, MI].
A3C Barney Jablonski [Milwaukee, WI].”

(Air Weather Recon Assoc. “Gone, But Not Forgotten.” Accessed 12-23-2011.)

Baugher: “Boeing B-50D-105-BO Superfortress….122 converted to WB-50D weather recon aircraft. Crashed with 56th WRS 1 hour after takeoff from Yokota AB, Japan Sep 8, 1960. 11 killed.” (Baugher. 1946-1948 USAAF Serial Numbers. 10-15-2011 rev.)


Sep 8, Lubbock Avalanche: “Tokyo — A U. S. Air Force weather reconnaissance plane carrying 11 crewmen crashed into the side of a mountain 100 miles north of Tokyo early today. The bodies of 10 of the airmen were recovered by an Air Force rescue team. The 11th was not found.

“The plane, a WB50 “typhoon chaser” assigned to the 56th Weather Reconnaissance Squadron Yokota Air Base, took off from Yokota on the outskirts of Tokyo early this morning on a weather mission. About an hour later, the aircraft plowed into the side of a mountain six miles east of Ishikawa.

“The Air Force released a list of those aboard the plane. They were reported only as ‘missing,’ despite accounts from the scene which said all 11 were killed.” (Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, TX. “Area Men Die in Jap Crash…11 Lost.” 9-8-1960, 1.)

Sep 9, Pacific Stars and Stripes: “Tokyo (S&S)–A U.S. Air Force WB-50 weather reconnaissance plane with 11 crewmen aboard crashed and burned early Thursday near Ishikawa, 160 miles north-west of here. Ishikawa police, who fear all persons aboard were killed, recovered nine bodies from the wreckage several hours after the aircraft plunged into a 1,500-foot mountain around 2:55 a.m.

“The Air Force said the plane, assigned to the 56th Weather Recon. Sq. at Yokota AB, 39 miles west of Tokyo, took off at 1:55 a.m. on a routine mission….

“A telephone report from Ishikawa police said the plane burned after the crash. ‘We (police) have found nine bodies so far, The search is still continuing.’

“The Air Force dispatched an FC-54 rescue plane from the 36th Rescue Sq. with several paramedics aboard and two H-19 helicopters of the 6102nd Operations Sq. to the scene early Thursday. A ground rescue team with several trucks was also reported heading from Miho gunnery range, 45 miles southwest of Ishikawa. A late report from the crash scene said rescue operations were being hampered by rain and a 400-foot ceiling. The Air Force said they were unable to drop paramedics near the wreckage early Thursday. They were waiting for the weather to clear.

“A board of officers is investigating the crash.

“The Boeing WB-50 is powered by four 3,500 horsepower engines and has a speed of more than 400 m.p.h. Its range is 2,000 miles and it has a ceiling of 35,000 feet.” (Pacific Stars and Stripes, Tokyo. “Fear 11 Dead in Crash of WB-50.” 9-9-1960, p. 24.)

Sep 10, European Stars and Stripes: “Ishikawa, Japan (AP) – A U.S. Air, Force WB50 weather plane crashed and burned on a mountainside near here, killing all 11 aboard. An Air Force rescue team reported that the bodies of the victims, members of the 56th Reconnaissance Sq at Yokota Air Base, had been recovered….” (European Stars and Stripes. “11 Die as AF WB50 Crashes, Burns on…Mt.” 9-10-1960, p. 24.)


Air Weather Recon Association. “Gone, But Not Forgotten.” Accessed 12-23-2011 at: http://www.awra.us/gallery-may05.html

Baugher, Joseph F. 1946-1948 USAAF Serial Numbers. Oct 15, 2011 revision. Accessed 1-3-2012 at: http://www.joebaugher.com/usaf_serials/1946.html

European Stars and Stripes, Darmstadt, Germany. “11 Die as AF WB50 Crashes, Burns on Japanese Mountain,” 9-10-1960, 24. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=133730170

Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, TX. “Area Men Die in Jap Crash…11 Lost.” 9-8-1960, p. 1. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=107277042

Pacific Stars and Stripes, Tokyo, Japan. “Fear 11 Dead in Crash of WB-50.” 9-9-1960, p. 24. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=141698839