1960 — Nov 8, Synvar Corp. resin products plant dust explosion & fire, Wilmington, DE–5

–5 Assoc. Press. “Five Killed In Resin Plant Explosion.” Gettysburg Times, PA. 11-9-1960, p.7.
–5 NFPA. “Large Loss of Life Fires of 1960.” Quarterly of the NFPA, V. 54, N. 3, Jan 61, 264.

Narrative Information

NFPA: “Synvar Corporation, Wilmington, Del., Nov. 8, 11:45 A.M., 5 Killed

“When an employee operated a switch for a densifier on the first floor of the molding compound department of this synthetic resin manufacturer a light explosion occurred. This explosion raised dust from rafters, ledges, and machinery throughout the area. The first explosion served as an ignition source for the large dust cloud thus raised. The secondary explosion that followed was large enough to wreck the plant, kill 4 men, and injure 5 others critically – one of the injured subsequently died.

“Nonexplosion-proof electrical equipment and dust accumulation on structural members and elsewhere violated the ‘Code for the Prevention of Dust Explosions in the Plastics Industry,’ NFPA No. 654.” (NFPA. “Large Loss of Life Fires of 1960.” Quarterly of the NFPA, 54/3, Jan 61, 264.)


Nov 9, AP: “Wilmington, Del. (AP) – Fire officials today began a probe into the cause of an explosion in a resin-products plant which killed five persons and injured seven. Shortly after the explosion yesterday at the Synvar Corp. Tuesday, four dead employes were pulled from the debris. They7 were identified as Alfred Nelson, 34; George Williams, 24; Emory W. Rose, 26, and James Gist, 35, all of Wilmington. Tuesday night the body of an unidentified man was found in the rubble.

“The explosion set fire to the two-story brick building. Four of the injured were employes who suffered serious burns. Three residents of the area suffered shock or were hit by flying objects….” (Associated Press. “Five Killed In Resin Plant Explosion.” Gettysburg Times, PA. 11-9-1960, p.7.)


Associated Press. “Five Killed In Resin Plant Explosion.” Gettysburg Times, PA. 11-9-1960, p. 7. Accessed 11-14-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/gettysburg-times-nov-09-1960-p-7/

National Fire Protection Association. “Large Loss of Life Fires of 1960.” Quarterly of the National Fire Protection Association, Vol. 54, No. 3, Jan 1961, pp. 233-268.