1960 – Dec 7-10, Snow and Ice Storms, NM (5), OK (3), TX (9) — 17

–17 Blanchard tally from State breakouts below.
–13 Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, TX. “13 Killed as Storm Continues…” 12-10-1960, p. 1.

New Mexico (5)
–5 UPI. “Record Snowfall Results in Deaths of Five Persons.” Albuquerque Journal. 12-10-1960, p.1.
–4 Assoc. Press. “Winter Hits Most of U.S. With Force.” Berkshire Eagle, MA. 12-10-1960, p1.
–0 Direct; “several” indirect. Weather Bureau. Storm Data, Vol. 2, No. 12, Dec 1960, p. 131.
Breakout of New Mexico snowstorm related fatalities by locality:
–1 Cannon AFB, Curry County. Heart attack shoveling snow; T-Sgt. Virgil R. Potts, 46.
–1 Farmington area. Carbon monoxide poisoning; running car to stay warm; Alvin Gross.
–1 Gallup area. Car skids on icy pavement and goes off a cliff; John R. West.
–1 Questa. Exposure (direct); “Senovial Rael, 71, was found dead of exposure in a shack.”
–1 Roswell area, US-285. Car skids into opposite lane, collides with truck; Stephen Shorten, 60.

Oklahoma (3)
–3 Greenfield area. Private plane crashes “during a sleet storm…”

Texas (9)
–9 Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, TX. “13 Killed as Storm Continues…” 12-10-1960, p. 1.
–7 Assoc. Press. “Winter Hits Most of U.S. With Force.” Berkshire Eagle, MA. 12-10-1960, p1.
–0 Weather Bureau. Storm Data, Vol. 2, No. 12, Dec 1960, p. 132.
Breakout of Texas snow and ice storm related fatalities by locality, where noted.
–2 Hobbs. “Two youngsters burned to death…;” relationship to storm not explained.
–1 Houston. Traffic collision; Mrs. Mary Louise Keltner, 24.
–1 Lamesa. Vehicular; Genario Flores-Fores.
–1 Lubbock. Asphyxiation, 8-year-old girl.
–1 Midland. Apparent carbon monoxide poisoning in room; “open gas heater…” Harry Cawley.
–1 Odessa; “Stanley Bates, 19, lost control of his car on ice-coated overpass and was killed.”
–2 San Antonio. Car skids; Leslie Lee Watson, 42, and Ysidro Guerrero, 33.

Narrative Information

New Mexico

Weather Bureau Storm Data on NM: “Entire State…6-10 [Dec]…0 [killed]…Heavy snow and glaze.

“Almost continuous snow from the 6th through the 9th. Many communities in the southern part of the State had the heaviest 24-hour snowfall of record. Freezing rain in southeastern counties on the 7th and 8th caused widespread damage. Power and telephone lines were down isolating many small communities. Rural areas depending on electrical power for farm operations were especially hard hit. All highways were closed at times and many schools were closed for several days. A TV tower near Roswell collapsed from ice, injuring one person. Several deaths and injuries were attributed indirectly to the storm.” (Storm Data, Vol. 2, No. 12, Dec 1960, p. 131.)

Dec 7: “With New Mexico going through its first serious winter storm, and the possibility of one death already being attributed to bad road conditions, State Police moved to keep accidents to a minimum. Chief Penn Winston said 23 of his officers spent most of last night manning roadblocks the length of Highway 66 from Tucumcari to Gallup, trying to hold motorists at Tucumcari, Santa Rosa, Grants and Gallup….” (The New Mexican, Santa Fe, NM. “First Winter Storm Ices State Highways.” 12-7-1960, p. 1.)

Dec 9: “One of the most general winter storms in New Mexico history today left thousands of dollars in damage in its wake as buildings and structures collapsed under the weight of snow and ice. Schools closed because of the storm and traffic throughout the state was at a virtual standstill. Damage reported included the buckling of a giant television tower near Roswell, collapse of a bowling alley roof at Socorro and collapse of a big bean elevator at Mountainair.

“At least one death was blamed on the storm. Senovial Rael, 71, was found dead of exposure in a shack at Questa, in Taos County.

“The National Guard stood alerted to assist with the aftermath of the storm. The Highway Department asked officials in neighboring states to steer traffic away from New Mexico until roads can be cleared and traffic movement put back on a normal basis.

“As much as 24 inches of snow was reported in mountain areas of southern New Mexico. Socorro, in the middle Rio Grande Valley, had 17 inches of snow from a storm oldtimers called the worst since 1931….The heavies snow report at mid-morning was 24 inches on U.S. 70 between Roswell and Ruidoso. Roswell had about 12 inches of snow….About 1,500 motorists were stranded in Santa Rosa overnight….” (Associated Press. “Structures Fall Under Big Snows.” Albuquerque Tribune, NM. 8-9-1960, p. 1.)

Associated Press. “Structures Fall Under Big Snows.” Albuquerque Tribune, NM. 8-9-1960, p. 1. Accessed 11-13-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/albuquerque-tribune-dec-09-1960-p-1/

Associated Press. “Winter Hits Most of U.S. With Force.” Berkshire Eagle, MA. 12-10-1960, p. 1. Accessed 11-10-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/berkshire-eagle-dec-10-1960-p-1/

Clovis News Journal, NM. “Cannon Man Dies Shoveling Snow.” 12-9-1960, p. 1. Accessed 11-13-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/clovis-news-journal-dec-09-1960-p-1/

Daily Times, Farmington, NM. “Oil Worker Dies Seeking Warmth.” 12-9-1960, p. 1. Accessed 11-13-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/farmington-daily-times-dec-09-1960-p-1/

Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, TX. “13 Killed as Storm Continues to Batter Three-State Section.” 12-10-1960, p1. Accessed 11-13-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/avalanche-journal-dec-10-1960-p-1/

Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, TX. “Crippling Ice Storm Takes Toll. Seven Deaths Added in Two-Day Siege.” 12-8-1960, p. 1. Accessed 11-13-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/avalanche-journal-dec-08-1960-p-1/

The New Mexican, Santa Fe, NM. “First Winter Storm Ices State Highways.” 12-7-1960, p. 1. Accessed 11-13-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/santa-fe-new-mexican-dec-07-1960-p-32/

United Press International. “Record Snowfall Results in Deaths of Five Persons.” Albuquerque Journal, NM. 12-10-1960, p.1. Accessed 11-13-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/albuquerque-journal-dec-10-1960-p-1/

United Press International. “Storm Staggers State of Texas. Clovis News-Journal NM. 12-8-1960, p.12. Accessed 11-13-2022: https://newspaperarchive.com/clovis-news-journal-dec-08-1960-p-12/

Weather Bureau. Storm Data, Vol. 2, No. 12, December 1960. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Commerce. 1961. Accessed 11-9-2022 at: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/IPS/sd/sd.html?_finish=0.20393793522113945