1959 — March 11-13, Snowstorm/blizzard, NY, New England, esp. NY (22), ME (11) — 46

–46 Weather Bureau. Storm Data, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1959 (Blanchard tally from document).
— 5 Connecticut
–11 Maine
— 5 Massachusetts
— 3 New Hampshire

Connecticut ( 5)
— 5 March 12, snow. Weather Bureau. Storm Data, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1959, p. 14.

Maine (11)
–11 March 12-15, Snow, Wind, Glaze. Weather Bureau. Storm Data, 1/3, March 1959, p. 16.
— 2 Blue Hill Bay. Exposure; lobster boat fishermen Ronald Sprague, 29 and Fred Fernald, 37.
— 7 Easton, March 13. House fire; fire trucks unable to respond timely due to 4-foot drifts.
— 1 Old Orchard Beach. Heart attack while shoveling snow; Harold Irving Wiley, 69.

Massachusetts ( 5)
–5 March 12-13, snowstorm. Weather Bureau. Storm Data, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1959, p. 16.
–1 Gardner, March 12. Heart attack trying to free car from snowbank; Thomas A. Fitzgerald, 64.

New Hampshire ( 3)
–3 March 12-13, snowstorm. Weather Bureau. Storm Data, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1959, p. 17.

New York (22)
–22 March 11-12, snowstorm. Weather Bureau. Storm Data, Vol., No. 3, March 1959, p. 17.
— 1 Fishkill. Exposure; took dog on walk in woods in snow, became lost; Ruth Elizabeth Blohme, 40.
— 1 Morrisville. Car and snowplow collided in blowing, drifting snow; Julian J. Kmiecik, 64.
— 1 Potsdam. Two-car crash in blowing, drifting snow; Sarah L. Inman, 21.
— 2 Schenectady, 12th. Heart attacks after shoveling snow; Robert DeWeese, 44; Angelo DeSorbo, 69.
— 1 Stamford, 13th. Deep snow prevents Dr.’s car from reaching boy needing emer. help.
— 1 Syracuse. Heart attack pushing car stuck in snow; Herman E. Wells, 59.
— 7 Locales not noted. Vehicular deaths related to snowstorm. (Nine noted, but 2 had locales.)

Narrative Information


Weather Bureau Storm Data on Connecticut: “Entire State…12 [March]…5 [killed]…Snow, electrical, wind

“Heaviest snowfall of winter yielded depths of 7 inches in coastal areas to 8 to 14 inches inland and marked 71st anniversary of the famous blizzard of 1888 in this section. Storm forced closing of schools in all areas and greatly curtailed industry and business as all kinds of transportation were paralyzed. Many auto accidents but serious injuries few. Vigorous electrical activity with hail occurred around midday, mostly in central sections; lighting bolt knocked man off snow plow at Simsbury with minor injuries, also bolt downed power lines at Middletown. Other widely scattered power failures due to breakage from snow or wind. Fatalities from monoxide poisoning when snow clogged auto exhaust and overexertion. Strong winds along shore caused high tides to flood some roads and other property. (Weather Bureau. Storm Data, V1, N3, March 1959, p. 14.)


Weather Bureau Storm Data on Maine: “Entire State…12-15 [March]…11 [killed]…Snow, Wind, Glaze

“Blizzard or near blizzard conditions as 10 to 20 inches of snow fell on the 12th and early on the 13th, continuing as blowing snow in high wind on the 15th. Air and vehicular traffic halted or hampered. Many schools closed. Many auto accidents with one injury reported. Deaths from exertion, boat lost at sea, and a fire blamed on the storm. Thunder and lightning during snowstorm in afternoon of 12th in southwestern Maine. Some freezing rain reported at Bangor and Machias.” (Weather Bureau. Storm Data, V1, N3, March 1959, p. 16.)


Weather Bureau Storm Data on Massachusetts: “Entire State…12-13 [March]…5 [killed]… Snow, Wind

“Near blizzard conditions as heavy snow and high winds on the 12th and wind and blowing snow continued on the 13th. Air and vehicular traffic halted or severely hampered as 5 inches of snow fell over Cape Cod area and 10 to 20 inches over most of Massachusetts. Scores of auto accidents. Deaths and injuries from exertion, auto accidents and falls. Widespread closing of schools, offices, factories, etc. Wind of 70 m.p.h. with gusts to 100 m.p.h. reported at Provincetown where some chimneys, roofs, and boats were damaged. Thunder and lightning occurred during the snowstorm on the afternoon of the 12th.” (Weather Bureau. Storm Data, V1, N3, March 1959, p. 16.)

New Hampshire

Weather Bureau Storm Data on New Hampshire: “Entire state…12-15 [March]…5 [killed] …Snow, Wind

“Blizzard and near blizzard conditions as 10 to 20 inches of snow fell mostly on the 12th but continued to blow and drift in high wind on the 15th. Air and vehicular traffic halted or hampered. Widespread closing of schools, offices, factories, etc. Many auto accidents reported. Deaths from exertion and auto accidents. Wind reported at 75 m.p.h. in gusts at Salem. Thunder and lightning during snowstorm on afternoon of the 12th in southern portion.” (Storm Data, 1/3, Mar 1959, p.17.)

New York

Weather Bureau Storm Data on New York: “Statewide…12-12…20-30 hrs. …22 [killed]… Heavy snowstorm – severe blowing and drifting snow.

“Heavy snowstorm followed by high winds and near blizzard conditions in upstate sections. Snow depths ranged up to 20 inches in mountain and Great Lakes counties and 8 to 12 inches over most of the State. Severe drifting up to 10 feet with highway traffic near paralysis.” (Weather Bureau. Storm Data, V1, N3, March 1959, p. 17.)


Associated Press. “5 Children, 2 Adults Perish in Easton, Me. House Blaze.” Fitchburg Sentinel, MA. 3-13-1959, 1. Accessed 12-19-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/fitchburg-sentinel-mar-13-1959-p-1/

Associated Press. “Bodies of Lobstermen Recovered.” Biddeford-Saco Journal, ME. 3-16-1959, p. 1. Accessed 12-19-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/biddeford-saco-journal-mar-16-1959-p-1/

Associated Press. “Highway Accidents Claim 10 Victims.” Wellsville Daily Reporter, NY. 3-16-1959, p. 8. Accessed 12-20-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/wellsville-daily-reporter-mar-16-1959-p-8/

Associated Press. “Roads Dangerous as Drifts Reach 6 to 10 Feet.” Norwich Sun, NY. 3-14-1959, p. 1. Accessed 12-19-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/norwich-sun-mar-14-1959-p-1/

Associated Press. “Snow Shoveling Fatal to Two.” Norwich Sun, NY. 3-13-1959, p. 1. Accessed 12-19-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/norwich-sun-mar-13-1959-p-1/

Biddeford-Saco Journal, ME. “Beach Man Victim of Storm; Area Digs Out.” 3-13-1959, p. 1. Accessed 12-19-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/biddeford-saco-journal-mar-13-1959-p-1/

Fitchburg Sentinel, MA. “Shoveler Suffers Heart Attack, Dies.” 3-13-1959, p. 1. Accessed 12-19-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/fitchburg-sentinel-mar-13-1959-p-1/

Oneonta Star, NY. “Storm Tragedy. Boy Dies as Snow Stalls Mercy Trip.” 3-14-1959, p. 3. Accessed 12-19-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/oneonta-star-mar-14-1959-p-3/

Post-Standard, Syracuse, NY. 9-Inch Snow Cripples Traffic. Man Suffers Fatal Attack Pushing Auto.” 3-13-1959, p. 1. Accessed 12-19-2022 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/syracuse-post-standard-mar-13-1959-p-1/

Weather Bureau. Storm Data, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1959. Accessed 12-19-2022 at: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/IPS/sd/sd.html?_finish=0.6135283252175862