1958 — April 5, Home Fire, Porter Township, near Jersey Shore & Williamsport, PA– 10

— 10 Lock Haven Express, PA. “Coal Gas Cause of ‘Shore Fire.” 4-8-1958, p. 1.
— 10 Titusville Herald, PA. “Jersey Shore Home Blaze Fatal to Ten.” 4-7-1958, p. 1.
— 10 Tyrone Daily Herald, PA. “Fire Snuffs Ten Lives, Jersey Shore.” 4-5-1958, p. 1.
Narrative Information

April 5, International News Service: “Jersey Shore, Pa. (INS) – Ten persons, including a grandmother, father and 8 children, perished early today when their two-story frame home in nearby Porter Twp. Was leveled by fire. The mother, Mrs. Torrance Flook, was the sole survivor. ‘When we got there the place was a mass of flames,’ said Assistant Jersey Shore Fire Chief Charles C. Harer. He explained that firemen had to string hose for nearly half a mile to reach a water supply. ‘The fire was so advanced by the time we got there, all we could do is cool it down so we could search for bodies,’ he said.

“The bodies of all 10 victims have been recovered, according to Harer. The dead were identified as: Mrs. John Blair, 53, the grandmother; Torrance Flook, 40, the father; and Harry, 16; Bonnie, 12; Terry, 10; Susan, 9; Kenneth, 7; Ruth, five; Dick, four, and Billy, one.

“State Police Sgt. Carl Anderson, of the State Fire Marshal’s office was called to investigate. Jersey Shore firemen said the cause of the blaze was undetermined.

“The blaze was discovered by neighbors who turned in the alarm. Herman Seichrist, who lives next door, said he put a ladder up to a second-story window where he saw Flook standing with several children clutched in his arms. Despite the flames, Seichrist said, he managed to reach Flook. He grabbed hold of his wrist and tried to pull him and the children toward the ladder. But the hold was broken. He said the father either stumbled or part of the floor gave way. Seichrist said he abandoned the rescue attempt when a dresser crashed down, blocking the way to the window.” (Tyrone Daily Herald, PA. “Fire Snuffs Ten Lives, Jersey Shore.” 4-5-1958, 1.)

April 7, Associated Press: “Jersey Shore, Pa. (AP) – Eight children, their father and their grandmother were burned to death when fire swept through their two-story pine timber home early Saturday. Only the children’s mother, Mrs. Torrance Flook, escaped the inferno. She ran from the blazing home with, her hair and night clothes on fire. Mrs. Flook blamed an exploding coal heater for the fire. She said she had been called by her mother to investigate smoke on the home’s lower floor. ‘When I opened the door at the bottom of the stairs there was an explosion and fire shot all over,’ Mrs. Flook said. She said she didn’t remember running from the home or anything until neighbors began to beat out the fire in her hair and clothes.

“The fire trapped the family shortly after it began about 2:40 a. m. As the flames rushed through the dwelling, Flook, 34-year-old truck driver, and some of his children appeared at an upper window, in an effort to escape. But they were cut off as a neighbor reached them with a ladder.” (Titusville Herald, PA. “Jersey Shore Home Blaze Fatal to Ten.” 4-7-1958, p. 1.)

April 8: “Jersey Shore — State Police fire marshal Sgt. Raymond G. Anderson said suddenly ignited coal gas fumes caused the ten-death tragedy here Saturday morning when a home was destroyed by fire….Sgt. Anderson said investigation showed a stove in the living room of the home did not explode, as reported earlier. He said the fire in the stove had been smouldering for hours and produced gas fumes. Mrs. Blair, sleeping in the same room, awakened and opened the door to the stairs leading to the second floor. The sergeant said the open door allowed enough oxygen into the living room to ignite the fumes. He said this caused the ‘muffled explosion’ heard by neighbors.” (Lock Haven Express, PA. “Coal Gas Cause of ‘Shore Fire.” 4-8-1958, p. 1.)


Lock Haven Express, PA. “Coal Gas Cause of ‘Shore Fire.” 4-8-1958, p. 1. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=156252067

Titusville Herald, PA. “Jersey Shore Home Blaze Fatal to Ten.” 4-7-1958, p. 1. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=104250005

Tyrone Daily Herald, PA. “Fire Snuffs Ten Lives, Jersey Shore.” 4-5-1958, pp. 1 & 3. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=135425585