1957 — Jan 14-17, Winter Snowstorms/Cold, especially Upper Midwest, Northeast –37-65

–37-65 Blanchard tally. (Where we could not locate specifics on deaths generally reported for a State by a wire service, we did not include those reported deaths in the low end of our tally. Thus, the low end of the range represents specific individual deaths. The high end registers reported deaths for each State noted.) –63 Altoona Mirror, PA. “Temperature Rise Brings Fresh Snow.” 1-18-1957, pp. 1, 8. –63 UP. “Little Relief in Sight From Worst Cold Wave.” Logansport Pharos-Tribune, IN. 1-18-1957, 1. –51 Daily Herald, Provo, UT. “Bitter Cold Blamed for 51 Deaths.” 1-17-1957, 1. –49 Daily Herald, Jasper, IN. “Mercury to Rise Slightly Tonight.” 1-16-1957, p. 12. –29 UP. “Worst Cold Wave Kills 29 in East.” Anderson Herald-Bulletin, IN. 1-16-1957, p. 2. –16 UP. “50 Below Zero Hits Upper New York State.” Daily Register, Harrisburg, IL. 1-15-1957, 1. Summary of State breakouts below District of Columbia (0 – 1) Illinois (1 – 9) Indiana (8-12) Iowa ( 4) Maine (0 – 2) Massachusetts (0 – 4) Michigan (2 – 4) Mississippi ( 1) New York (6 – 8) North Carolina (4 – 6) Pennsylvania ( 8) Virginia ( 3) West Virginia (0 – 3) Totals 37-65 Breakout of Winter Weather Related Deaths by State (and locality where noted): District of Columbia (0-1) –1 State. Daily Herald, Provo, UT. “Bitter Cold Blamed for 51 Deaths.” 1-17-1957, p. 1. –0? Blanchard – could locate no specific death in newspaper archives search. Illinois (1-9) –9 State. Altoona Mirror, PA. “Temperature Rise Brings Fresh Snow.” 1-18-1957, pp. 1, 8. –6 State. Daily Herald, Provo, UT. “Bitter Cold Blamed for 51 Deaths.” 1-17-1957, p.1. –1 Lasalle. Stroke while pushing car from snow bank; Chief of Police Walter F. Nijak, 53. Indiana (8-12) –12 State. Altoona Mirror, PA. “Temperature Rise Brings Fresh Snow.” 1-18-1957, pp. 1, 8. — 9 State. Daily Herald, Provo, UT. “Bitter Cold Blamed for 51 Deaths.” 1-17-1957, 1. — 8 Blanchard tally of specifically noted winter weather related deaths. — 1 Elwood area, Jan 16. Car skidded on icy County Rd. 775, into train; Mrs. Thelma Barnes. — 1 Indianapolis, Jan 17. Workman loosening frozen coal, killed by avalanche of coal. — 1 Michigan City. Traffic crash blamed on icy highway; Joseph Burl Jr. of Benton Harbor. — 4 Muncie area, Jan 19. Cars collide on road where snow had only been cleared from center. — 1 Richmond, Jan 17. Heart attack shoveling snow from sidewalk; Howard Tiemeyer, 53. Iowa ( 4) –4 Blanchard tally based on locality and cause of death breakouts below. –3 AP. “New Cold Wave Sweeping Across Iowa.” Muscatine Journal, IA. 1-15-1957, p. 1. –1 Des Moines, Jan 14. Heart attack while shoveling snow at home; Joseph Owens, 65. –1 Hampton, Jan 15. Heart attack while sweeping snow at home; Clifford C. Easten. –1 LaPorte City, 14th. Exposure? Frozen body of Mrs. H. S. Merryfield, 45, found frozen in shed. –1 Millersburg, Jan 14. Heart attack and exposure to the cold; Mrs. Margaret Chapman, 53. Maine (0-2) –2 State. Altoona Mirror, PA. “Temperature Rise Brings Fresh Snow.” 1-18-1957, pp. 1, 8. –0 Blanchard. Could find no specific deaths other than 5 from oil burners or stoves. Massachusetts (0-4) –4 State. Altoona Mirror, PA. “Temperature Rise Brings Fresh Snow.” 1-18-1957, pp. 1, 8. –0? Blanchard – not able to locate references to specific fatalities. Michigan (2-4) –4 State. Altoona Mirror, PA. “Temperature Rise Brings Fresh Snow.” 1-18-1957, pp. 1, 8. –3 State. Daily Herald, Provo, UT. “Bitter Cold Blamed for 51 Deaths.” 1-17-1957, 1. –2 Blanchard tally – Otsego death noted as another snow-related heart attack. –1 Otsego, Jan 17. Heart attack trying to push snow-stuck car out of driveway. Mississippi ( 1) –1 State. Daily Herald, Provo, UT. “Bitter Cold Blamed for 51 Deaths.” 1-17-1957, 1. –1 Coldwater area, Jan 15. Transport truck skids on icy bridge into another truck. New England ( 2) (Not using in tally – no specifics.) — 2 Daily Herald, Provo, UT. “Bitter Cold Blamed for 51 Deaths.” 1-17-1957, 1. New York (6-8) — 8 State. Daily Herald, Provo, UT. “Bitter Cold Blamed for 51 Deaths.” 1-17-1957, p. 1. —<6 North-central. “At least six deaths in the area were attributed to the cold wave…” -- 3 State. Cold and exposure deaths Jan 14-15. -- 1 Buffalo., Jan 14 or 15. Heart attack shoveling snow; Alfred Blum, 54. -- 1 Fulton, Jan 15. Exposure or Carbon monoxide poisoning. North Carolina (4-6) --6 State. Altoona Mirror, PA. “Temperature Rise Brings Fresh Snow.” 1-18-1957, pp. 1, 8. --4 Blanchard tally of specifically noted deaths. --1 Asheville, Jan 15. Car skids on West Asheville bridge, plunging into French Broad River. --1 Saluda area, Jan 15. Truck skids on icy Hwy. 176 plunging off road; John Wayne Garren, 22. --2 Zebulon area, Wake Co., Jan 15. Crash; car skidded on icy rural road; Jesse Driver, 40, Henry Smith, 34. Pennsylvania ( 8) -- 8 Blanchard tally based on locality and/or cause of death breakouts noted below. -- 7 State. Altoona Mirror, PA. “Temperature Rise Brings Fresh Snow.” 1-18-1957, pp. 1, 8. Breakout of Pennsylvania winter weather related fatalities by locality and/or cause of death: -- 1 Arnold, CO2. Altoona Mirror, PA. “Temperature Rise Brings Fresh Snow.” 1-18-1957, 8. -- 1 Curtin township, Jan 15. Heart attack shoveling snow at home; Fred R. Dolan, 46. -- 1 Duquesne, Jan 16. Heart attack after shoveling snow from sidewalk; John Wancas, 62. -- 1 New Alexandria. CO2; mechanic. Altoona Mirror, PA. “Temperature…Fresh Snow.” 1-18-1957, 8. -- 1 Smithdale, auto slides. Altoona Mirror, PA. “Temperature…Fresh Snow.” 1-18-1957, 8. -- 3 Locales not noted, Jan 14-15. Weather-caused accidents. Virginia (3) --3 State. Daily Herald, Provo, UT. “Bitter Cold Blamed for 51 Deaths.” 1-17-1957, p.1. --3 Winchester, Jan 14. Car skidded out of control on ice-covered highway into farm truck. West Virginia (0-3) --3 State. Daily Herald, Provo, UT. “Bitter Cold Blamed for 51 Deaths.” 1-17-1957, p.1. --0? Blanchard – May have been 3 deaths but we could not locate specifics on any deaths. Newspapers Jan 15, UP on NY: “No relief was in sight today from a frigid cold wave that has gripped most of the nation, causing at least 16 deaths. While the East continued to shiver through zero to sub-zero weather a new invasion of Arctic air blew into the Northern Plains, whipping up fresh snow storms. Temperatures plunged to as low as 50 degrees below zero Monday [Jan 14] in upper New York state. At New York City, the mercury dipped to 3 degrees above zero at 4 a.m. today, making it the coldest day since Feb 3, 1955 when a reading of zero was recorded. Temperatures moderated overnight in the North and Central Plains, the Mississippi Valley and the Great Lakes, but still hovered near the zero mark. The coldest overnight readings, however, were reported in upper New York and in New England. Monday, Mountain View, N.Y., had 50 below; Massena, N.Y., 45 below; Albany 24 below and Syracuse 17 below. A reading of 20 below was reported at Burlington, Vt. New York Monday had a low of 7.8, the coldest since Dec 31, 1955. “Three deaths due to cold and exposure occurred in New York state, two in New England and one in Iowa….” (United Press. “50 Below Zero Hits Upper New York State. No Relief Seen As New Arctic Air Hits Plains Areas.” The Daily Register, Harrisburg, IL. 1-15-1957, p. 1.) Jan 16, UP: “By United Press. An unrelenting cold wave became the worst in history in parts of the East Tuesday. Only a few parts of Siberia registered lower temperatures and Alaska looked like a summer resort in comparison. The temperature went to 55 below at Booneville, N.Y. – the lowest reading on record in New York state. Other cold records ere a dime a dozen throughout the shivering Northeast. When the cold wave was at its worst, a gas main break shut off hot water heaters, furnaces and kitchen stoves to nearly 15,000 homes and buildings in the upstate Oswego, N.Y., area. Thousands of persons were left shivering in temperatures as low as 24 degrees below zero and Gov. Averell Harriman declared an emergency in the frost-bitten region. “There was no relief in sight from the bitter cold stretching from the Rockies to the Atlantic Ocean. Even worse wintry blasts were building up – snow driving from the mid-Mississippi Valley into the Ohio Valley, rain, sleet and snow through the Carolinas and Georgia; and new snows and bitter cold in the West. “The United Press counted at least 29 deaths blamed on the cold wave since it took command of most of the nation Monday [Jan 14].” (United Press. “Worst Cold Wave Kills 29 in East.” Anderson Herald-Bulletin, IN. 1-16-1957, p. 2.) Jan 16, UP: “By United Press. Illinois shivered under biting cold today with sub-zero temperatures in many areas of the state. There was still no promise of relief from the cold spell which has gripped Illinois for a week….The Chicago Weather Bureau said one of the lowest Illinois readings in the 12-hour period ending at 6:30 a.m. today was a frigid 10 below at Moline. Other lows in the same period were 9 below at Rockford, 5 below at Peoria and Rantoul, 4 below at Quincy, zero at Springfield, 2 above at Vandalia and 5 above at Belleville….Highs today were expected to range from 8 to 20 degrees in Illinois. Tonight forecasters said the mercury would drop to zero to 10 below in the north, and zero to 10 above in the south. “Driving was treacherous in some areas. The State Highway Division said most state routes were clear but there were scattered patches of packed snow in the northern half of Illinois….” (United Press. “10 Below at Moline.” Illinoian Star, Beardstown. 1-16-1957, p. 1.) Jan 17, UP: “United Press. Winter’s bitterest weather maintained its devastating siege across the eastern half of the nation today, claiming an ever mounting toll of lives. In the East, residents from New England to the mid-Atlantic states dug out from the worst snowstorm of the winter. The storm Wednesday, borne on icy winds, dumped up to 8 inches of snow in Virginia and a foot or more in sections of New England. “A below zero cold wave gripped the nation’s midlands overnight, but weathermen promised a brief “warmup” was on its way from, of all places, Canada. Forecasters said cold air drained from Canada is being replaced with warmer Pacific air that will boost temperatures from below zero into the 20s to the Midwest. However, they warned a fresh onslaught of cold air is expected to invade the area by Friday. Heavy Death Toll “A United Press count showed at least 51 deaths blamed on the weather since the start of the cold wave Monday [Jan 14]. There were nine in Indiana, eight to New York, six in Illinois, three each in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina and Michigan, two in New England, two in Iowa and one each in Mississippi and the District of Columbia. “The snow storm snarled transportation in the populous East and authorities warned motorists that driving conditions remained “very miserable” today. Schools were closed in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., and in Duchess County, N. Y., an estimated 20,000 commuters were delayed in getting to work In New York City….” (Daily Herald, Provo, UT. “Bitter Cold Blamed for 51 Deaths.” 1-17-1957, pp. 1 and 6.) Jan 18: “United Press. One of the nation’s worst cold waves showed no signs of relenting today. Instead, icy winds brought fresh snow to scattered sections of the country and gusts up to 55 miles per hour sent dust clouds swirling in the plains. Buffalo, N.Y., was buried by a 7-inch snowfall during a two and one-half hour period Thursday night, boosting the total accumulation there to 14 inches…. “The toll of lives and property damage in accidents directly attributed to the weather mounted steadily. A United Press count since the frigid weather embraced most of the nation Monday showed at least 63 weather-caused deaths. There were 12 in Indiana, nine in Illinois, eight in New York, six each in North Carolina and Pennsylvania, four each in Michigan and Massachusetts, three each in West Virginia and Virginia, two in both Iowa and Maine, two elsewhere in New England, and one each in Mississippi and the District of Columbia. “Four children ranging in age from 8 months to 13 years were killed Thursday night when a fire destroyed their five room home at Wareham, Mass. Their mother and another child escaped the flames. “Two infant boys burned to death when a flash fire destroyed their home at Phippsburg, Me., Thursday night. “At Indianapolis, a workman loosening frozen coal Thursday was killed when he was buried under an avalanche of tons of fuel in a 50-foot storage bin…. “Ice closed the Detroit River for the second straight day, and for the first time in many years, residents of Walpole and Russell Islands in St. Clair River could walk across the ice to the mainland. “Five persons in Chicago were injured when an ‘L’ train skidded on icy rails and rammed into a terminal bumper. “The cold air blasts penetrated as far south as northern Florida and below freezing temperatures were recorded in the Middle Gulf Coast region….”(Logansport Pharos-Tribune, IN. “Little Relief in Sight from Worst Cold Wave.” 1-18-1957, p.1.) Jan 18, Altoona Mirror, PA: “A 13-degree hike in temperature tin's morning brought fresh snow und temporary relief from a frigid air mass which has gripped the area for the past several days. The snow, starting shortly before 7 o’clock, helped push the thermometer at the railroad test department from a low of 2 above to a high of 15 at 9 a.m. The sun melted snow on many of the city’s streets. The ‘warm spell’ also was reflected in readings taken at area Pennsylvania Electric company stations. Saxton had 17 above at 7 a.m. Other readings, all above zero, were…Lewistown, 3; Warrior Ridge, 7; Williamsburg, 10; Collinsville (Altoona), 10; Summit, (Cresson) 7; Spangler, 8; and Nanty Glo, 9…. “Pennsylvania had at least seven weather-caused deaths since the arrival of the Arctic weather last week-end. The three latest occurred Thursday [Jan 17] in Westmoreland county. “Nicholas G. Ceechini [unclear], 35, of New Alexandria was killed by carbon monoxide at his service station while working on autos stalled by the cold wave. “George Stuck, 12, of Arnold was found dead in his carbon monoxide filled garage. The hood of his car was up and the garage door was closed. “Eugene E. Swope, 24, Smithdale, Allegheny county, was killed when an auto in which he was riding skidded into a utility pole near West Newton and upset. He was Westmoreland county’s first traffic fatality of 1957. “The Allegheny river, frozen from Pittsburgh 200 miles north to Olean, N.Y., remained closed to all navigation. “Two of the coldest spots in the state early today were Ridgeway, which recorded its sixth straight day of sub-zero temperatures, and Philipsburg. It was 22 below at Ridgway and 16 below at Philipsburg. It was 6 below at Brookville, 1 above at Blairsville and zero at Altoona.” (Altoona Mirror, PA. “Temperature Rise Brings Fresh Snow.” 1-18-1957, pp. 1, 8.) Sources Altoona Mirror, PA. “Heart Attack Fatal to Centre County Man, 46.” 1-16-1957, p. 24. Accessed 3-10-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/altoona-mirror-jan-16-1957-p-24/ Altoona Mirror, PA. “Temperature Rise Brings Fresh Snow.” 1-18-1957, pp. 1, 8. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=74009396 Anderson Daily Bulletin, IN. “Mercury Near Zero Four Days.” 1-17-1957, p. 1. Accessed 3-9-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/anderson-herald-bulletin-jan-17-1957-p-1/ Associated Press. “Chief of Police Dies.” The Daily Gazette, Sterling-Rock Falls, IL. 1-16-1957, p. 10. Accessed 3-9-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/sterling-daily-gazette-jan-16-1957-p-19/ Associated Press. “Five Perish in Three Maine Fires.” Biddeford Journal, ME. 1-18-1957, p. 2. Accessed 3-9-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/biddeford-daily-journal-jan-18-1957-p-2/ Associated Press. “Four N.C. Traffic Deaths Blamed on Ice.” Daily Times-News, Burlington, NC. 1-16-1957, p. 1. Accessed 3-10-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/burlington-daily-times-news-jan-16-1957-p-2/ Associated Press. “New Cold Wave Sweeping Across Iowa.” Muscatine Journal, IA. 1-15-1957, p. 1. Accessed 3-9-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/muscatine-journal-and-news-tribune-jan-15-1957-p-1/ Daily Herald, Provo, UT. “Bitter Cold Blamed for 51 Deaths.” 1-17-1957, p. 1. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=121881406 Globe-Gazette, Mason City, IA. “Clifford Easten Dies; Funeral Held at Hampton.” 1-17-1957, p. 32. Accessed 3-9-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/mason-city-globe-gazette-jan-17-1957-p-31/ Holland Evening Sentinel, MI. “Temperature Hit Zero in Holland During the Night.” 1-17-1957, p. 1. Accessed 3-9-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/holland-evening-sentinel-jan-17-1957-p-1/ INS (Independent News Service). “Cold Wave Eases Its Grip on State.” Dubois County Daily Herald, Jasper, IN. 1-18-1957, p. 1. Accessed 3-9-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/jasper-herald-jan-17-1957-p-12/ Lebanon Daily News, PA. “Penna. Cold Wave Enters 6th Day; Snow Predicted.” 1-17-1957, p. 2. Accessed 3-10-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/lebanon-daily-news-jan-17-1957-p-2/ Logansport Pharos-Tribune, IN. “Little Relief in Sight From Worst Cold Wave.” 1-18-1957, p.1. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com United Press. “10 Below at Moline.” Illinoian Star, Beardstown. 1-16-1957, p. 1. Accessed 3-9-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/beardstown-illinoian-star-jan-16-1957-p-1/ United Press. “50 Below in Upper Part of New York State.” Illinoian-Star, Beardstown, IL. 1-15-1957, p. 1. Accessed 3-8-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/beardstown-illinoian-star-jan-15-1957-p-1/ United Press. “50 Below Zero Hits Upper New York State. No Relief Seen As New Arctic Air Hits Plains Areas.” The Daily Register, Harrisburg, IL. 1-15-1957, p. 1. United Press. “15,000 Homes Heatless in Oswego, N.Y., Logansport Pharos-Tribune, IN. 1-16-1957, p. 11. Accessed 3-9-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/logansport-pharos-tribune-jan-16-1957-p-11/ United Press. “Four Are Killed in Headon Crash.” Terre Haute Tribune, IN. 1-19-1957, p. 9. Accessed 3-9-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/terre-haute-tribune-jan-19-1957-p-9/ United Press. “Freezing Drizzle Poses Hazard on State Highways.” Delta Democrat-Times, Greenville, MS. 1-15-1957, p. 2. Accessed 3-9-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/greenville-delta-democrat-times-jan-15-1957-p-2/ United Press. “Northern N.Y. is Staggered by Bitterest Cold.” Dunkirk Evening Observer, NY. 1-15-1957, p. 1. Accessed 3-9-2023: https://newspaperarchive.com/dunkirk-evening-observer-jan-15-1957-p-1/ United Press. “Oswego Without Heat. Gas Lines Break Near Syracuse.” Middletown Daily Record, 1-16-1957, p. 1. Accessed 3-9-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/middletown-daily-record-jan-16-1957-p-1/ United Press. “Worst Cold Wave Kills 29 in East.” Anderson Herald-Bulletin, IN. 1-16-1957, p. 2. Accessed 3-9-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/anderson-herald-bulletin-jan-16-1957-p-4/