1953 — Feb 2, USAF B-29 Superfortress takeoff crash, Wheelus Air Base, Tripoli, Libya–15

— 15 Baugher. 1944 USAAF Serial Numbers (44-001 to 44-30910). 10-15-2011 rev.
— 15 Oakland Tribune, CA. “15 Cremated in Crash of B-29.” 2-2-1953, p. 2.

Narrative Information

Baugher: “Martin-Omaha B-29-35-MO Superfortress….27261 (352nd BW, 301st BS) crashed on takeoff from Wheelus AB, Tripoli, Libya Feb 2, 1953. All 15 onboard killed.” (Baugher. 1944 USAAF Serial Numbers (44-001 to 44-30910). 10-15-2011 rev.)


Feb 2, UP: “Tripoli, Libya, Feb 2 – (UP) A U.S. Air Force- B-29 ‘Superfortress’ crashed on the takeoff at Wheelus Field today and all aboard burned to death in its flaming wreckage.” (Oakland Tribune, CA. “15 Cremated in Crash of B-29.” 2-2-1953, p. 2.)


Baugher, Joseph F. 1944 USAAF Serial Numbers (44-001 to 44-30910). Oct 15, 2011 revision. Accessed 12-21-2011 at: http://www.joebaugher.com/usaf_serials/1944_1.html

Oakland Tribune, CA. “15 Cremated in Crash of B-29 [Tripoli, Libya].” 2-2-1953, p. 2. Accessed at: http://www.newspaperarchive.com/FullPagePdfViewer.aspx?img=43315917