1953 — Dec 11, USAF Consolidated B-36 CF flies into Mt. Franklin near El Paso, TX–all 9

— 9 Baugher. 1944 USAAF Serial Numbers (44-83886 to 44-92098). 10-15-2011 rev.
— 9 UP. “Giant B-36 Hits Mountain Killing Nine…Aboard.” Galveston Daily News, TX. 12-12-53.

Narrative Information

Baugher: “Consolidated B-36B-15-CF Peacemaker….92071 (7th BW, 492nd BS) crashed into Franklin Mountains near El Paso, TX Dec 11, 1953 due to pilot disorientation and disregarding of GCA warnings. All 9 crew killed.”


Dec 11, UP: “Zero Visibility Causes Crash. Super-bomber Burns ‘Almost to Powder.’

“El Paso, Tex., Dec. 11 – UP – A giant B-36 global bomber on ground control approach in zero-visibility crashed against a mountain north of El Paso late Friday and blew up with nine men aboard. The plane slammed into a sheer wall of rock in strong wind and snow flurries.

“A newsman who reached the scene of the crash 200 feet from the top of snow-covered Mount Franklin said the 10-engined atomic superbomber ‘burned almost to powder.’

“The Air Force said a ground searching party found no survivors from among the crew of the B-36. It crashed on rugged terrain in high box canyon that is impassable to motor vehicles. The 6,000-foot mountain was covered near its top with more than three inches of snow.

“The B-36 was from Carswell Air Force Base, Fort Worth, and was being ferried to Briggs Air Force Base at El Paso for transfer to a B-36 wing at the latter field….

“Hundreds of El Paso residents reported seeing the giant place circling the city under an overcast. It was scheduled to land at Briggs at 2:35 p.m., mst. The Briggs control tower lost radio contact with it at 2:30 p.m. Witnesses said the plane headed toward Mount Franklin, five or six miles north of El Paso and disappeared in an overcast. They saw a blinding flash and heard a thunderous explosion from the side of the mountain. One woman reported that the explosion shook her whole house….

“Since the plane was first flown in 1949 and up to Friday’s crash there has been 11 fatal crashes, which killed a total of 116 men. The B-36 has never been in combat.

“Fort Worth, Dec. 11 (AP) – Carswell AFB spokesmen released these names tonight as among crew members aboard the B-36 which crashed today at El Paso. The spokesmen cautioned that these men were aboard the plane but have not been identified as being dead:

Lt. Col. Herman Gerick, 35, commander…
Maj. Douglas P. Miner, 34, navigator…
Airman 2 C, Frank Silvestri, 24, gunner.
First Lt. Cary B. Bent Jr., 34, engineer….”

*United Press. “Giant B-36 Hits Mountain Killing Nine Men Aboard.” Galveston Daily News, TX. 12-12-1953, pp. 1-2.)


Baugher. 1944 USAAF Serial Numbers (44-83886 to 44-92098). 10-15-2011 revision. Accessed 12-31-2011 at: http://www.joebaugher.com/usaf_serials/1944_6.html

United Press. “Giant B-36 Hits Mountain Killing Nine Men Aboard.” Galveston Daily News, TX. 12-12-1953, pp. 1-2. Accessed 5-12-2023 at: https://newspaperarchive.com/galveston-daily-news-dec-12-1953-p-1/